so, um, what's the Livermore area like?

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by beth, Oct 7, 2004.

  1. beth

    beth Guest

    hey all, it's me! that Tex-ass beeyotch.

    a little over 3 months ago, i accepted a really good job at a really
    good company (name withheld) with its corporate headquarters in Austin.
    to make a long story short, i'm being transferred to their CA location
    early 2005. i'll be in the area for training and house hunting probably
    in November. (AFAIK)

    just wanted to let y'all know that beffie's coming back to Cali unless
    something changes.

    anyone want anything from TX (cough motard cough) when i make the move?


    beffie *at* austin dot meepmeep dot com and you better know what meepmeep is
    beth, Oct 7, 2004
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  2. I'd LOVE a motard, I'm just not allowed to BUY a motard. :)
    Nicholas Weaver, Oct 7, 2004
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  3. Great news... the house next door to the Busy Little Shop is up for
    sale... $325.000... free moozic 24 7... he he he...

    Larry L
    94 RC45 #2
    Have a wheelie NICE day...
    Lean & Mean it in every corner of your life...
    If it wasn't for us the fast lane would rust...
    V4'S are music to the seat of my pants...
    1952 De Havilland Chipmunk...
    Yank and bank your brains loose...
    Larry xlax Lovisone, Oct 7, 2004
  4. beth

    Jim S Guest

    I'd like some pictures of GW landing at DFW airport, in a private
    jet...maybe dated around January 20th 2005 or so.

    The name says it all.
    They have More Liver, less Gall.

    Jim Stinnett
    YZF R!
    Jim S, Oct 7, 2004
  5. beth

    muddycat Guest


    Its nice there, hot but nice. Housing is cheaper[1] than the bay area.

    [1] for varying values of cheaper.
    muddycat, Oct 7, 2004
  6. beth

    beth Guest

    you are allowed to bring over out-of-state registered vehicles of the
    like IF you are moving to CA... it's a one-shot deal.

    it's a shame i don't have the $$$ to build a CRF (or similar) based
    'tard by the time i move out there.

    beth, Oct 7, 2004
  7. beth

    Phil Scott Guest

    Livermore is in light hilly country... not bad riding. and
    half an hours drive to SF and 45 minutes to the coast and
    thats real nice riding.

    Livermore is hot in the summer, but the humidity is low, so
    its not bad.

    The best deal on housing in the area is in Tracy... look it up
    on the map.... converted farm land, in the sacramento river in the summer. about a 35 minute commute as a
    guess to Livermore.

    you can buy a delta river house boat reasonable depending on
    what you get and catch catfish all day and cook em up at

    The livermore area is mostly grass land.. not any forests...
    the forests are on the coast.. 50 miles to the west..and the
    sierra nevada mountains 100 miles or so to the
    between is the great sacramento valley. its flat and straight
    as a rule.

    housing prices in livermore area are at least double Austin
    prices, closer to SF the prices are 8 to 10x
    higher... in tracy... maybe 2x higher... Houseboat living is
    pretty nice and there is a lot of it in the delta... $20,000
    for a rough deal...70k for an older but decent water home type
    (looks like a house)... $200 k for a very nice one...$500k for
    a huge 3 story house boat built to world class standards a
    fine home on water.

    If you get one look for one built onto a cement barge....a
    berth in the delta is about 200 dollars a month... on pontoons
    is OK too but you loose the basement feature you get with a
    barge..and they blow around a little...but the price will be
    20k lower...not bad... they cant sink.

    You can search googles news tab for 'houseboats, delta,
    sacramento, tracy' and see pics and prices etc.

    Phil Scott
    Phil Scott, Oct 7, 2004
  8. beth

    Rich Guest

    Welcome back. It's now called "Collie-Fornia".

    Rich, Urban Biker
    Rich, Oct 7, 2004
  9. beth

    notbob Guest

    Livermore (Tri-Valley) is 10 deg F hotter than the East Bay proper and 10
    deg F cooler than the Central Valley. The 2-bedrm box next door that I
    thought was a rip-off at $186K 3 yrs ago just went for $415K. I hope your
    company pays well.

    notbob, Oct 7, 2004
  10. Phil Scott () said, in part:
    I'll agree on the nice riding part, but if you can get from
    Livermore to San Francisco in half an hour, you must be riding
    a HELICOPTER. As to getting to the coast, I live in Sunnyvale,
    which is about an hour closer to the coast than Livermore, and
    it takes me nearly 45 minutes to get to Santa Cruz from here --
    and that's on the fairly rare occasions when there's no traffic
    on 17.

    Anyway, Beth, it is hot in Livermore, but you could do much
    worse. It's one of the less-expensive and less-crowded parts
    of the Bay Area. I like it out there myself.

    Tip: When house-hunting here, remember that buying a house is
    like buying an expensive stock. It may cost a lot, but you're
    buying an asset that is not consumed and will most likely
    appreciate. The primary difference between the Bay Area and
    most other areas is that the market has pretty much always
    been strong (do to supply and demand) and the "stocks" here
    all require a high initial investment.

    -Craig Haggart
    Sunnyvale, California
    '99 Honda CBR600 F4
    '02 Montesa Cota 315R
    DoD #2120
    Craig Haggart, SSRL Accelerator Ops Group, Oct 7, 2004
  11. Nicholas Weaver () said, in part:
    I've been hearing that line over and over since the day I moved
    here in 1978. I'm sure glad I didn't listen. :)

    -Craig Haggart
    Sunnyvale, California
    '99 Honda CBR600 F4
    '02 Montesa Cota 315R
    DoD #2120
    Craig Haggart, SSRL Accelerator Ops Group, Oct 8, 2004
  12. beth

    beth Guest

    wow. everyone's assuming that i'm going to go buy a house or something
    like that. ;) i'm going to rent a room with some other single
    professionals in their late 20s/early 30s. it's way cheaper.

    beth, Oct 8, 2004
  13. beth

    bob prohaska Guest

    What you're hearing are expressions of non-buyer's remorse. Mine's
    in the chorus, but softly :cool:
    You have lots of choices. Berkeley to Livermore is an easy hour
    commute if you ride legally. It's a beautiful two-hour trip if
    you take the backroads. Less if you're less than legal.

    The rental market in the East Bay has softened significantly.
    Garages still seem scarce, however, at least close to UCB. I'd
    expect Hayward, Oakland and Castro Valley to be better and closer
    to your job.

    Surely you know this, but here's a useful link for newcomers:

    bob prohaska
    bob prohaska, Oct 8, 2004
  14. Also, its totally a bubble. IF you consider JUST the tax ajusted
    interest and property tax, for a condo next to my apt of equivelent
    size, its $100-200/month more.

    Add HOA dues, the high probability of REALLY cheap condo construction
    needing a major HOA levy, and the risk of your entire home sinking
    into the bay in the next major quake, or flooding if the antarctic ice
    cap lets loose... and it just makes NO sense to buy housing in the bay
    area right now.
    Nicholas Weaver, Oct 8, 2004
  15. beth

    muddycat Guest

    wow. everyone's assuming that i'm going to go buy a house or something
    like that. ;) i'm going to rent a room with some other single
    professionals in their late 20s/early 30s. it's way cheaper.



    muddycat, Oct 8, 2004
  16. beth

    Phil Scott Guest



    My roomate in Honolulu was cool...I was 41 she was 22, and
    had friends..:) When I left Honollu she came back to LA
    with me. My roomate in Kady Texas was a redhead babe... she
    drank like a fish... passed out at about 1 am each night and
    was up at 5:30 to jog 5 miles...she was friends with a few big
    name indy car racers... it was a titilating experience...she
    left half of her victoria secret undies out in the landry room
    all the time.. I nearly died of high blood pressure.

    It wasnt an accident...after we had a falling out.. the undies
    suddenly got put away.

    Room mates can be a very interesting if you work it right.

    In Honollulu the Hawaian custom is for friends to sleep
    together platonic like... even room mates. When I was looking
    for a roomate in Honollu one stunning young babe showed me her
    place, and apologized for the size of the bed, queen sized but
    assured me that she didnt take up much space// she had clear
    terms... she wanted the right side of the bed.

    Phil Scott
    Phil Scott, Oct 8, 2004
  17. It's always variable/changing. But it really doesn't add up right now
    if you do the math.
    Nicholas Weaver, Oct 8, 2004
  18. Uhh, 20%+ drops in the real-estate market are not unheard of.

    Ever hear of Tokyo?
    Nicholas Weaver, Oct 8, 2004
  19. Livermore is a town in transition. It has been until recently a
    slower-paced area, know for open spaces, ranches, room for horses,
    strictly working class. Unfortunately, it's on a major artery (580) headed
    straight for SF and the South Bay, and is rapidly becoming another
    nameless faceless Starbucks/Noahs Bagels/Walmart/HomeDepot conglomeration,
    full of cheek by jowl minimansions that are packed so close together you
    can hop from roof to roof for 2 blocks. So, there are still biker bars and
    little stucco houses for rent, and minimansions selling for 750K. The
    people in the minimansions are going to court because their neighbors who
    have raised horses for 60 years have stables that smell funny.

    For a motorcyclist, it is centrally located for many of my favorite places
    to ride. There isn't really a decent dealership within 20 miles, although
    Cycle Gear and i-moto have good stores nearby.
    HardWorkingDog, Oct 10, 2004
  20. beth

    beth Guest

    it's tons hotter here in Austin. hell isn't just hot. it's freakin'
    humid. somehow, i think i'll survive in Livermore. ;) to me, 85 degrees
    and ~40% humidity, as says it's going to be tomorrow in
    Livermore is heaven. you can always escape to the mountains or the ocean
    too. can't do that here!
    i'm not looking to buy a house for now but thank you for the tips. i'll
    be renting a house with roommate(s), probably.

    beth, Oct 10, 2004
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