So mobiles can cause explsions on the forecourt...........

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by mark, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. mark

    mark Guest

    mark, Apr 25, 2010
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  2. mark

    Simon Guest

    A NSFW/unpleasant warning would have been good.

    Gotta laugh at the "Injury Lawyers 4U" google adwords on the video
    clip though...
    Simon, Apr 26, 2010
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  3. Can't see any evidence of a phone.
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 26, 2010
  4. mark

    platypus Guest

  5. mark

    platypus Guest

    Probably static sparks off his chavtastic polyester sportswear.
    platypus, Apr 26, 2010
  6. I don't think you are far wrong.
    I don't see him connecting the earthing wire. Which is usually connected
    on the side where the fuel connection area is and would be laid down
    next to the connection hose.
    Mick Whittingham, Apr 26, 2010
  7. mark

    spike1 Guest

    "Brainiac: science abuse" did the old mobile phones cause petrol station
    explosions thing years ago. They left open petrol cans in a caravan (of
    course) and filled the caravan with mobiles. Then phoned them up so they
    all rang simultaneously... nothing happened.

    So, they got someone in a chavtastic shellsuit to walk around a bit on an
    insulated mat, he touched a wire that led to the caravan... BOOOOOOOOOM.
    spike1, Apr 26, 2010
  8. It is theoretically possible but the chances of it actually happening
    are almost nil .
    steve robinson, Apr 26, 2010
  9. mark

    CT Guest

    CT, Apr 26, 2010
  10. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, DC
    Which neatly explains why he as working in a petrol station.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Apr 26, 2010
  11. mark

    'Hog Guest


    I was just in an Asda petrol station (1) this morning and the woman on the
    tannoy refused to energize the pump for some codger because he had a mobile
    phone glued to his ear. Rather than ending the call he put the nozzle back
    in the pump and got into his car to continue the call. The station was busy
    and sitting behind was a Fiesta containing two blokes. Driver leaned on the
    horn and passenger started shouting out of the window. Codger carried on his
    call, apparently oblivious to both the girl in the booth asking him politely
    (over the tannoy) to end the call (or drive off) and the two blokes behind
    getting excited. The passenger door of the Fiesta opened and a cross between
    Tallbloke and SD unfurled himself (2), strode over to Codger, yanked the
    door open, grabbed the phone and lobbed it overarm m i l e s across
    the car park.

    I had to depart at this point, having overcome the stitch in my side to fill
    the tank and not wanting to delay the several cars queuing behind me, so I
    don't know how the Opera ended.

    (1) look, it was the only station within easy reach and the tank was
    completely empty, ok
    (2) how many Elephants can you fit in a Fiesta.........
    'Hog, Apr 27, 2010
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