So, how the hell do I move a sofa about 5 miles? (west Manchester)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Christofire, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. Christofire

    Christofire Guest

    Situation: I've been given a sofa + armchair, but I have to collect.
    It's going to go to the gf's place, which is about 5 miles down the
    road. My SOC has no towbar, roofrack or physical size enough to move

    So far, I'll have to rent a man+van, rent a van and do it myself or
    find someone willing to help out for about half an hour (with thankyous
    in appropriate tipples, of course) to move said furniture from west-ish
    Salford to 5 miles west of that.

    1 will obviously cost, as will 2. The other problem with 2 is that I'm
    probably not old enough for most rental firms, so I'm not holding out
    much hope. So, if there's anyone able to help out wrt 3, please get in

    I've already had suggestions of "lash it to the car anyway", but as
    it's for a girlie type I can't really get it wet/dirty/drag it along
    behind the car/shoot it out of a large cannon in roughly the right
    Christofire, Sep 27, 2004
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  2. What sort of car, hatchback, saloon?

    What about bunging half in and bungeeing the lid/boot/hatch to the
    bumper via a windscreen wiper or other convenient spot?
    That's what's stopped me taking up offers of free stuff. I do appreciate
    it, really, but by the time you've hired a van and bought diesel, you
    could get one locally.
    Cut open a load of black bin liners, make some sheets out of them and
    gaffer tape them together. Will she still create if the whole caboodle
    is wrapped in that and you tell her it was done "at the factory"?
    Whinging Courier, Sep 27, 2004
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  3. I have a single bed to bring up to Manc. Andy is supposed to be
    getting his new van in the next couple of days so the plan is for me
    to borrow it. Not sure whether it'll fit a sofa but if it isnt urgent
    and will fit i'm sure we can sort something.

    (replace spam with nickname to reply)


    Triumph 955iSS / GSF600 bandit
    Adrienne M Jenn, Sep 27, 2004
  4. Christofire

    JackH Guest

    Sort of along the lines of a man with van, try asking a local courier firm
    how much they'd charge to shift it.

    If they're anything like the ones I work for, it works out cheaper, as they
    tend to just look at it more from a per mile cost, than actual physical bulk
    and hassle of loading perspective.

    JackH, Sep 27, 2004
  5. Christofire

    Dave Eades Guest


    Chris, I may be able to help, I need to give our kid a ring and see if I can
    use his van.
    when were you thinking of?
    email davegee2001 at
    Dave Eades, Sep 27, 2004
  6. Christofire

    Fr Jack Guest

    Do you reckon it would (mostly) fit in the mundaneo?

    Fr Jack
    96 Tiger.
    Fr Jack, Sep 27, 2004
  7. Christofire

    platypus Guest

    platypus, Sep 27, 2004
  8. phone local charity that sells secound hand furnatur they will pick it up
    for free then visit charity and buy it for £5 then will deliver it for free
    Chris Griffiths, Sep 27, 2004
  9. Christofire

    entwisi Guest

    I've got a rather large Saab hatchback with towbar and can borrow a
    trailer. I see you have had some other offers but let me know if I can
    entwisi, Sep 27, 2004
  10. It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
    drugs began to take hold. I remember "Chris Griffiths"



    GS 850 x2 / SE 6a
    FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19 COSOC#10
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Sep 27, 2004

  11. Bolt-on castors and tow them behind the car....
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 27, 2004
  12. Christofire

    mups Guest

    Christofire says...
    Easy peasy
    mups, Sep 27, 2004
  13. Christofire

    Mike Guest

    Point the castors in the right direction, get aforementioned girlie type
    on the sofa with a bottle of wine.


    Sofa should have moved at least five miles by the following morning.
    Mike, Sep 28, 2004
  14. Christofire

    Zymurgy Guest

    I think you're a tad outside of my catchment area somewhat ..

    Zymurgy, Sep 28, 2004
  15. Christofire

    flashgorman Guest

    Take seats out of car, give to GF to sit on.
    flashgorman, Sep 28, 2004
  16. Christofire

    Ian Atkin Guest


    There's a place in Oldham called Howarth Bros, they rent vans to anyone 21
    or over, they might be able to help you if all else fails.

    Ian Atkin, Sep 28, 2004
  17. Christofire

    Christofire Guest

    Renault 5.
    Christofire, Sep 28, 2004
  18. Christofire

    Christofire Guest

    Nice idea, but probably not - it's a three seater. Ta for the offer
    Christofire, Sep 28, 2004
  19. Christofire

    Christofire Guest

    I like you, and your opinion of me.
    Christofire, Sep 28, 2004
  20. Christofire

    Christofire Guest

    Cheers - there's a plan B if I need one.
    Christofire, Sep 28, 2004
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