So how did this happen...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Hankjam, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. Hankjam

    Hankjam Guest

    Hankjam, Feb 23, 2007
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  2. Hankjam

    Monkey Guest

    Monkey, Feb 23, 2007
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  3. Hankjam

    Robbo Guest

    *Theoretically* is shouldn't. Most tipper bodies have a body not stowed or
    raised warning in the cab. They are usually a proximity switch that sounds
    when the body is even only 6" or so off the bed.
    The PTO wouldn't have engaged unless the driver forced it to or there was a
    short circuit in the handbrake interlock or if air operated they usually
    fail safe and the body stays down.

    Would love to see the resultant damage to the (not pictured) truck....or did
    he bugger off sharpish

    Robbo, Feb 23, 2007
  4. Hankjam

    YTC#1 Guest

    YTC#1, Feb 23, 2007
  5. Hankjam

    BGN Guest

    BGN, Feb 23, 2007
  6. Hankjam

    Mo Guest

    ISTR that there was a similar incident on the A20 (years ago) caused
    by a lorry carrying a JCB where the lifting arm gradually raised. It
    hit a pedestrian footbridge near the start of the A2 which i recall
    had to be demolished as a result.
    Mo, Feb 23, 2007
  7. Hankjam

    Roger Hunt Guest

    Good job it wasn't loaded (with something really horrible like fish
    entrails or Bernard Matthews turkeys).
    Roger Hunt, Feb 23, 2007
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