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Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by The Old Fogey, Nov 26, 2003.

  1. The Old Fogey

    Pip Guest

    Well, one cannot expect the children (think of them, for God's sake!)
    to be completely correct all of the time, can one?
    That's what I said. I would be careful with using Wikipedia as your
    sole source of information, mind - for obvious reasons ;-)
    In your half of the mind you are currently using, at least.
    A wether, as any fule kno, is:

    Main Entry: weth·er
    Pronunciation: 'we-[th]&r
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English, ram, from Old English; akin to Old High
    German widar ram, Latin vitulus calf, vetus old, Greek etos year
    Date: before 12th century
    - a male sheep castrated before sexual maturity
    Pip, Nov 27, 2003
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  2. The Old Fogey

    CT Guest

    It took me ages to get that reference I'll have you know.
    It was the only source where I could *almost* get the
    explanation to be vaguely near my point of view. :eek:)
    Blimey, I can't believe I've managed to get to the ripe
    old age of 39 without knowing that :eek:)
    CT, Nov 27, 2003
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  3. The Old Fogey

    Pip Guest

    LOL. Really. That tickled me a treat, that did. Honesty roolz.
    Well, there 'ee be, see. Oi 'as fower years on 'ee an' Oi ain't
    afeared to use 'em, see.

    uk.r.m. - learn something absolutely fucking useless every day.
    Pip, Nov 27, 2003
  4. CT wrote
    So "lend us fourpence for a pint of meths guv" is grammatically
    incorrect is it?
    steve auvache, Nov 27, 2003
  5. CT wrote
    Nah. A penny or One penny. Onepence and Onepee came into brief but
    popular use at around the time of decimalisation.
    steve auvache, Nov 27, 2003
  6. dwb wrote
    Near infrared Doppler radar innit mate.
    steve auvache, Nov 27, 2003
  7. The Old Fogey

    Pip Guest

    Infrablooanwhite on the GSXR, innit.
    Pip, Nov 27, 2003
  8. The Old Fogey

    Verdigris Guest

    On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 10:53:17 +0000, dwb wrote:

    It would be the mother of all high-sides, I think.
    Verdigris, Nov 27, 2003
  9. The Old Fogey

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Pip
    Indeed. As in:

    "The farmer wondered whether the wether would weather the weather".
    Nigel Eaton, Nov 28, 2003
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