Snetterton Track Day

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by mups, May 19, 2004.

  1. mups

    mups Guest

    Well nobody crashed, well not any of us anyway and Porl managed to avoid
    getting run over this time. Surprisingly I wasn't the slowest which was
    a bonus, but by eck those TZ250's can't half go round corners. I can
    really see the appeal of track days now, cracking fun even on a lardy
    old sports tourer.

    And if anybody's interested in photos of me looking like I'm off to the
    mups, May 19, 2004
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  2. mups

    dwb Guest

    dwb, May 19, 2004
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  3. mups

    Porl Guest

    Why? He might be easing off the brakes into the apex like them proper racers
    Porl, May 19, 2004
  4. mups

    mups Guest

    mups, May 19, 2004
  5. mups

    Porl Guest

    I know who I'd put money on in a race between the pair of you.
    Porl, May 19, 2004
  6. mups

    Lozzo Guest

    Lozzo, May 19, 2004
  7. mups

    fluffycat Guest

    ohhh... i didn't know about the track day. i'd have come out to watch.
    fluffycat, May 20, 2004
  8. mups

    dwb Guest

    Why is everything a competition?
    dwb, May 20, 2004
  9. mups

    Porl Guest

    Surely you can answer your own question Mr "Thankfully I leant my bike
    further [1] then you..." ?
    Porl, May 20, 2004
  10. mups

    dwb Guest

    No, I can't - that's why I'm asking.
    dwb, May 20, 2004
  11. mups

    Porl Guest

    Porl, May 20, 2004
  12. mups

    dwb Guest

    You could be right.

    Thin line between competiveness and insecurity.

    Or something.

    So how did you find getting back on the track?
    dwb, May 20, 2004
  13. mups

    Porl Guest

    If you've got a sports bike then suddenly you have to look like you're using
    it properly to distance yourself from accusations of "power ranger"ness. I
    don't think Bandit and Fazer owners feel the same pressure.
    1st session : very scary; 2nd scary; 3rd quite scary; 4th, slightly less
    scary. By the end I was starting to feel a little more confident that the
    bike wasn't going to slide away as soon as I attempted to turn and having
    Mups go past me made me pull my socks up a bit. That was the only session I
    think Darsy didn't overtake me. Didn't get around to really pushing it
    because I wanted to put at least one complete track day between crashes.

    Have to say my mate Steve did very well. First track day for him on a gixxer
    thou he bought 2 weeks ago and he was carving through 75% of the novices
    like the proverbial hot knife.
    Porl, May 20, 2004
  14. mups

    Molly Guest

    I was going to say that dragging the front brake into bends can help
    scrub off speed without unduly unsettling the bike but that looks like
    Russells and I [1] wouldn't do it there.

    [1] Checks pictures taken a Russells just incase I put my foot in it. no brake, good.


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    "Nemo repente fuit turpissimus"
    Molly, May 20, 2004
  15. mups

    mups Guest

    Porl says...
    Didn't take you long to get past again mind.
    He was a bit quick wasn't he and all the more impressive with his yellow
    bib blowing in the wind as he sailed round the outside of people.
    mups, May 20, 2004
  16. mups

    mups Guest

    Molly says...
    It was. TBH I couldn't get that corner right, 1st was to low 2nd to high
    and I seemed to take a different line each time so I just sort of wobbled
    Humm I don't think I'll take up racing just yet.
    mups, May 20, 2004
  17. mups

    darsy Guest

    here are mine - these are the "best" of a crap bunch.

    I /was/ doing better at points not shown in these pics (no really),
    including one little knee-downlet on the red-and-white bit at the edge
    of the track (what is that called?) at the apex of the corner leading
    onto the back straight.

    Very enjoyable day - first track day I've done where hardly anyone
    overtook me - in fact, only the loon on the TZ250 who didn't slow down
    for corners, the guy on the ZX7R track bike, and porl's mate on his
    Gixer[1] did manage to pass me all day.

    I found it *amazingly* easy to out-brake 2-4 bikes at a time coming to
    the two corners at the end of the two straights - people brake
    *crazily* early. Especially the right-hander at the end of the front
    straight - that corner is easily negotiably with an entry speed around
    80 and an exit speed of 95 or so, but people seemed to be slowing to
    about 50 for it.

    Anyway, view and laugh.

    [1] quite simply, he's good, and the Gixer is much faster than my
    'blade in a straight line.
    darsy, May 20, 2004
  18. mups

    simonk Guest

    What's with the yellow bib thing - saw you had one on in your photos - did
    they make newbies wear them or something?
    simonk, May 20, 2004
  19. mups

    mups Guest

    simonk says...
    You don't have to but they recommend them for first timers so that
    everybody else can point and laugh and hopefully give you a bit more
    mups, May 20, 2004
  20. mups

    darsy Guest

    they offered them, not compulsory - they perform the same function as
    "P" plates on cars, effectively i.e. "I'm new at this, watch out".

    Although it was my first trackday in nearly 3 years, I was very
    impressed with the professionalism and organisation[1] of Focused
    Events - I don't knew whether they're an exception or whether the
    whole game has matured, but they definitely seemed more on the ball
    generally than the last lot I used.

    The instructors also seemed a *lot* more approachable/less prima-donna
    than the other days I've done - I'll probably use F.E. again.

    [1] even if the main guy did have a whiff of the David Brent about
    darsy, May 20, 2004
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