SMIDSY: ER-5 vs Honda Civic

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by BGN, Oct 4, 2005.

  1. BGN

    Lady Nina Guest

    Only in places. Perspective is everything.
    I felt a bit like that earlier, so went and dug out the old photos.
    It didn't work. So I tried music that had memories attached - didn't
    work. Maybe I didn't need a good cry that much after all.

    Sad films. Truly Madly Deeply or Bambi works for me.
    Lady Nina, Oct 5, 2005
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  2. Lozzo wrote


    Oh I dunno. Boots, summer gloves, yerrat, breathing out, there is loads
    of stuff.
    steve auvache, Oct 5, 2005
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  3. BGN

    DR Guest

    "Not having been there in the first place" comes to mind. BT, DT.
    DR, Oct 5, 2005
  4. BGN

    BGN Guest

    This is he problem. I haven't had a cry for over two years now. All
    of the emotions just stack up and stack up which would normally be
    released with a good old selfish cry. But I don't ever get to that
    point anymore. I'm sure I'd be better emotionally if I just had a
    good explosion of tears and/or anger.
    Animal getting killed by peep on motorcycle. Good thinking...
    BGN, Oct 5, 2005
  5. BGN

    Lady Nina Guest

    Oh and even Maggie O' Farrel books aren't working. 'After you'd gone'
    would usually be a half a box of tissues job - not so much as a
    <nods> I discovered during the worst of the shit with the ex that if I
    so much as felt my eyes watering I just clicked my fingers and it went
    away. Good skill to have I suppose, but long term I don't think this
    is a good thing.
    <nods> Even my anger is a bit wishy washy these days. Flare up and
    half an hour later I'm fine and wondering why people are cowering
    around me.
    There's the bit in Watership Down where they get squished.
    Lady Nina, Oct 5, 2005
  6. BGN

    YTC#1 Guest

    Agreed, at least make sure there is an insurance report and a police

    Remember *he* may try and claim against you !

    Unless, you have some thing to hide ?
    YTC#1, Oct 5, 2005
  7. BGN

    BGN Guest

    Somewhere else in this thread there's a post by me saying I've filed a
    report with the police and I've told my insurance company already.
    ....And the reason I filed my reports are in case this happens.
    For fucks sake, it's not like *I* was in the wrong and I'm in no mood
    to entertain accusations of it from anyone today.
    BGN, Oct 5, 2005
  8. BGN

    BGN Guest

    I think he likes you and wants you to come along to play with us on
    Saturday. I've already told him you're away this weekend though.
    Once, twice, three times a lady.
    You don't ride like one.
    BGN, Oct 5, 2005
  9. BGN

    BGN Guest

    I was unhurt, my helmet didn't touch the road, I didn't need any time
    off work, I didn't lose any sleep, I was delayed for about 10 minutes
    on my journey home. Engine bars were already chipped from when I
    threw the bike in a ditch, and the mirror was just replaced with the
    original one which already featured rust. What is worth a reasonable
    insurance claim apart from an already damaged mirror and a cigarette?

    If he wants to, he can drive around with a BGN size 13 steel-capped
    boot mark in his bonnet and a scrape the length of the front of his
    car from my footpeg. There's going to be money spent on his car by
    either himself or his insurance company so he's going to be out of
    pocket in one way or another.
    BGN, Oct 5, 2005
  10. Indeed it will.

    Glad you're OK.
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 5, 2005
  11. Worth a try, though, surely?
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 5, 2005
  12. Simian wrote
    Not necessarily good advice though is it, or bad for that matter. It
    depends dunnit, using the horn I mean. It depends on circumstances.

    Take the other day for example. There was me quite enjoying making
    progress just right going right round a wide roundabout and in
    expectation of the full on beans I was going to be giving it in half a
    second when my fun was spoilt by a blind prat in a repmobile.

    A tenth of a second later and I was into the business of saving my life.
    Which, as it happens, was entirely under the control of my right hand
    leaving me free to do something with the left. I immediately began the
    process of making the internationally recognised signal for 'I am about
    to pull a wheelie'.

    Another tenth of a second went by before I realised what I was riding
    and the utter futility of performing such a gesture especially while
    wearing Panthans.

    It then occurred to me that I could have used the horn instead and in an
    attempt to have a quick stab at it before both I and the moment passed
    and forgetting that by now my right hand had been instrumental in moving
    the bars a bit my thumb completely missed the horn button and cancelled
    the indicators instead.

    While all this was going on my exit hove into view and I had to forget
    matey and get on with the business of putting it all behind me.

    A little way up the road, while I was waiting for enough revs to make it
    worthwhile changing up another gear, it dawned on me that matey's view
    of the whole thing would have been this hooligan on a bike giving him a
    cheery wave as he cut across his bows while showing no indication.

    With hindsight I think the horn may have been more appropriate, unless
    he thought I was being sarcastic which I don't think likely.
    steve auvache, Oct 5, 2005
  13. BGN

    BGN Guest

    BGN, Oct 5, 2005
  14. BGN

    BGN Guest

    If you come along then he might bring Charley Boorman with him.
    However I'm not sure he can contract him at short notice.
    Perhaps I should say you don't ride like a girl.

    I'm going to bed.
    BGN, Oct 5, 2005
  15. BGN

    BGN Guest

    I don't recall ever hinting that that cars DON'T pull out. I do have
    a grasp of his this road thing works. I also know how a horn works,
    when to use it and what it does.
    I've no idea what you're trying to tell me. It's like me walking
    forward ten feet and you saying, "you've just walked forward ten
    BGN, Oct 5, 2005
  16. BGN

    BGN Guest

    On Wed, 5 Oct 2005 22:31:54 +0100,
    It's never stopped me before, and it's never stopped them in the past.
    BGN, Oct 5, 2005
  17. In, BGN amazed us all with this pearl of wisdom:
    You need to stop horsing around.
    Whinging Courier, Oct 6, 2005
  18. BGN

    BGN Guest

    The value of my bike hasn't reduced at all, it's the same as it was
    last week. The bike fell over when it was going just a few mph, I
    might as well have dropped it while stationary.
    I haven't had to pay anything.
    I'm not sending out that message and apologise if you're offended -
    but I've got nothing to claim for.
    I'm not going to make a claim as there is nothing I can claim for
    without making things up.
    BGN, Oct 6, 2005
  19. The point is to try and drive the muppet's premium up, in the probably
    vain hope that he'll pay more attention. I am really surprised at your
    no damage having presented a 3rd party with just shy of £900 for
    knocking a bike of the stand - had a proper garage estimate?
    Boots Blakeley, Oct 6, 2005
  20. Utter bollocks.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Oct 6, 2005
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