I hope everyone had a great holiday season. That said, how 'bout this weather? I put on my warm gear this afternoon and rode into town. It was just warm enough outside to make the ride quite pleasant. I had to make a stop at the bank and by work. The usual routine but today was a bit different. I pulled out of my bank's small parking lot, onto the side street, to pull out into traffic. As soon as I came to a halt at the stop sign, both wheels broke left, out from under me. I put my right foot down and caught the bike in time, hoisting it back up. Luckily my right foot didn't end up in the oil slick that had formed on the street, laid down by countless cars/trucks. As I pulled out from the side street and tweaked the throttle to get me into the flow of traffic, I noticed a little rear tire "wobble", that cleared quickly. That slick gunk sticks to tires too. We haven't had any decent rain, to wash the streets clean. Maybe we'll get some wet stuff soon. Ah well, it was fun anyway. :-) Y'all have a safe and happy 2007.