SKis and burglary

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by WorkTOG, Feb 20, 2004.

  1. WorkTOG

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Ben Blaney was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    Well, I do stick personal mail into the out tray. After sticking a
    stamp on, that is, but then again they're thoughtful enough to sell
    those in the cafeteria.
    Timo Geusch, Feb 23, 2004
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  2. WorkTOG

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I mostly don't take a lunch hour. Not because I'm a workaholic, but
    because when I get going on something, it doesn't occur to me. For me
    to take one, it usually requires someone to say: "coming out for lunch,
    Ben Blaney, Feb 23, 2004
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  3. WorkTOG

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Some postrooms (or is it the Post Office?) moan about stamped mail being
    mixed up with Franked mail. Sometimes you see entirely separate post
    boxes in the street, for example.
    Ben Blaney, Feb 23, 2004
  4. Champ said:
    <Waves> that's me that is...

    If I make something (I once wrote some payroll software that I sold for
    a bit) - if the person I'm selling to doesn't want to buy, I take it
    personally and get upset. If I try to sell something else that's less
    personal I either can't be bothered (if I don't believe in the product)
    or get cross if people aren't as enthusiastic as me.
    Simon Atkinson, Feb 23, 2004
  5. Thanks, but we'll just claim on this one. It was definitly in the "spare
    hack" territory.

    In very good nick, but just not used.
    The Older Gentleman, Feb 23, 2004
  6. WorkTOG

    deadmail Guest

    Both I think.

    Still, it all helps to keep the site services chaps employed so I think
    it's not a bad thing.
    deadmail, Feb 23, 2004
  7. *waves*

    No, you don't want that. It's shite. And the colour's wrong.
    William Grainger, Feb 23, 2004
  8. I was chatting to a neighbour recently and the subject of "And what do
    you do?" came up. "I've retired early" says I. "What do you do?
    "I'm a financial advisor for Barclays, specialising in investments" he
    says. Just before I could ask him where he got his degree in finance he
    added, "I was a builder, but did a course with them. It was nearly a
    Mick Whittingham, Feb 23, 2004
  9. WorkTOG

    Ben Guest

    My brother worked as a mortgage advisor for a large building society.

    When he was 16, straight from school.
    Ben, Feb 23, 2004
  10. WorkTOG

    Ben Guest

    I don't either, but then I work for such a small company it's
    effectively stealing from myself.
    Ben, Feb 23, 2004
  11. WorkTOG

    Lozzo Guest

    Previously on usenet, Andy Bonwick said...
    You'd better come round and pick up the 8mm spiral flute tap you left
    behind then.
    Lozzo, Feb 23, 2004
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