[QUOTE="Paul Corfield"] Interesting view - why, out of curiosity?[/QUOTE] He is frighteningly intelligent. Not that Cameron is a thicko, but Boris is clever as well as intelligent IYSWIM. He's better on TV and the media, IMHO. He just comes over better. He has a knack of appealing to the Common Folk (copyright The Lion King) which Cameron doesn't seem to have mastered. He comes up with better sound bites. He's *instantly* identifiable, by sound or vision. Like he's a brand. Try it: Think Boris. OK, you've got him. Now Think Cameron. Erm, which side is his hair parted? I think all this matters in modern TV-led elections. I don't see him being silly enough to lead a coup. But I can easily imagine some Tory grandees saying privately that perhaps Cameron isn't up to the job after all, chaps, now who do we think could replace him?