Silly in the snow

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by TOG@Toil, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. quasi-Marketeer; language mangling goes with the job.
    stephen.packer, Jan 18, 2010
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  2. TOG@Toil

    CT Guest

    I'm going back two or three years, but the Met Line was equally
    diabolical in that sense. Once I realised that the Chiltern Line was a
    far better experience, I generally stopped using The Met.

    And the only time the Chiltern Line was fucked, was because of knock-on
    effects from the Met Line.
    CT, Jan 18, 2010
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  3. TOG@Toil

    'Hog Guest

    Yeah I would plump for Italy too. They have weather, geography, food, nice
    people, an inability to conduct proper govmint and a streak of general
    anarchy a mile wide.
    'Hog, Jan 18, 2010
  4. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Paul Corfield
    Unfortunately, it seems that not even the rail industry believes in rail

    Work is due to start fairly shortly on a very impressive track flyover
    at Hitchin. It's quite a long project.

    And all of the materials are going to be delivered by lorry, causing
    chaos in the surrounding area.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Jan 19, 2010
  5. TOG@Toil

    'Hog Guest

    Cor you would think they would slip a temporary siding in
    'Hog, Jan 19, 2010
  6. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, 'Hog
    Wouldn't you?
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Jan 19, 2010
  7. Coming to this thread from a wooden cabin in the hills above Lake Pucon,
    in southern Chile.

    This is God's country. Deserts in the north, penguins and ice floes in
    the south, amazing diversity everywhere else, and a fabulous
    Mediterranean climate in the middle.

    The country's Lake District (around Pucon) has a very English climate.
    That is to say, during the day the temperatures are like you'd get in an
    Engliosh summer - maybe 24-27 C. And yes, it can change to pissing down
    in an instant. Nights are definitely cooler, although that may be the
    altitude where we are.

    The people are lovely, the prices on the silly side of cheap for just
    about everything, and the wine needs no introduction.

    Planned date for The Move is 2012, after the Olympics and Jubilee
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 19, 2010
  8. <Snip superb posting>

    I *love* it when this sort of riposte is fired straight back.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 19, 2010
  9. TOG@Toil

    ogden Guest

    Severe delays due to a failed train at Aldgate.

    Which was nice.
    ogden, Jan 19, 2010
  10. TOG@Toil

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Sounds great. If it were in England I'd be seriously tempted.
    Colin Irvine, Jan 19, 2010
  11. TOG@Toil

    'Hog Guest

    In some respects the govmint have been better than Blighty. It has always
    seemed fiscally sound for a country to be in credit and not debt. An
    investor and not a debtor. It should be a basic principal really, to
    prevent excessive expenditure on pointless social engineering amongst other

    I expect the bottom end of poor in Chile rather surpasses what we would
    think of as acceptable though.
    'Hog, Jan 19, 2010
  12. In message <>,
    Actually the 'failed' train had hit some scaffolding installed by
    contractors last night.

    Not really caused by LUL per se but I accept that it was their
    contractors that fucked up.
    Steve Fitzgerald, Jan 19, 2010
  13. Yes.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 19, 2010
  14. TOG@Toil

    CT Guest

    Will we still get an extra day off if she pops her clogs before then?
    CT, Jan 20, 2010
  15. TOG@Toil

    Ace Guest

    When we drove over from Argentina, we were immediately put in mind of
    the Black Forest and other areas not a million miles away from us
    here. And apparently there's a huge ex-Swiss population, as the great
    Bernard O'Higgins led a couple of migrant-recruitment drives over
    So have you found a place now?
    Ace, Jan 20, 2010
  16. TOG@Toil

    'Hog Guest

    Argentina is also the biggest success for the Mormons outside the USA
    'Hog, Jan 20, 2010
  17. TOG@Toil

    Ace Guest

    Ooops, it wasn't him - some other dude in the mid 19th c.
    Ace, Jan 20, 2010
  18. TOG@Toil

    ginge Guest

    I've been using the underground a bit over the past few weeks and it's
    not actually as bad as I remember, last time I was doing this kind of
    trip St Pancras was in bits, and you had to walk outside to even get
    near a tube entrance.

    Picadily and Northern line though, so a different kettle of fish.
    ginge, Jan 20, 2010
  19. TOG@Toil

    sweller Guest

    It's cheaper to **** up the local area than cause disruption to the
    passenger trains. Big penalties for NR.

    It's madness.
    sweller, Jan 20, 2010
  20. TOG@Toil

    davethedave Guest

    They actually finished the old St Pancras hotel thing?
    davethedave, Jan 20, 2010
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