Silly in the snow

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by TOG@Toil, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. TOG@Toil

    ogden Guest

    I think he's possibly disputing the word 'only'.

    Or, at least, I hope he is. The fucking hippy.
    ogden, Jan 25, 2010
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  2. TOG@Toil

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Colin Irvine, Jan 25, 2010
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  3. TOG@Toil

    'Hog Guest

    Well I really mean in manufacturing industry
    But you can take it at a TUC level so I rest my case
    'Hog, Jan 25, 2010
  4. TOG@Toil

    'Hog Guest

    It doesn't matter. Most of those who will vote already know how they will
    'Hog, Jan 25, 2010
  5. TOG@Toil

    'Hog Guest

    That is the great mistake. It takes a partnership of State and Industry. As
    it did of old in Britain. As it does (ever less) in the USA and Japan. As it
    does now in Korea, India, China etc.

    Complete free market systems (like ours) move the industry to controlled and
    planned markets (like theirs)
    UKRM calling Champ, Champ to the white phone
    'Hog, Jan 25, 2010
  6. TOG@Toil

    'Hog Guest

    Let me put you right on something.
    A badly formed PFI contract is a liability.
    An effective PFI contract is a guarantee of quality of service to future
    consumers, set by enlightened managers and politicians today to protect the
    consumers of tomorrow from the whim of politics.

    Take road maintenance for instance, if roads were maintained under PFI all
    this recent damage would be getting repaired. Under the current Council
    system some of it will never be repaired.
    'Hog, Jan 25, 2010
  7. TOG@Toil

    'Hog Guest

    I won't be voting. I haven't been pinned down on the GB Electoral role for
    quite some time.
    'Hog, Jan 25, 2010
  8. TOG@Toil

    'Hog Guest

    No different to public sector contracts that go wrong. The key word is

    Some things however, like National rail systems (I think) and providing
    (most of) yer actual Clinical Services are too variable and too complex to
    define in a Contract and are therefor not suitable for PFI.

    Building and maintaining a road, a gas pipeline, a ferry, a hospital
    building, refuse collection or a power transmission system are OTOH within
    the bounds.
    'Hog, Jan 25, 2010
  9. TOG@Toil

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    Unite have been kicked in the teeth by BA cabin crew working to their
    own agenda.
    Andy Bonwick, Jan 25, 2010
  10. TOG@Toil

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    Don't be so fucking stupid.

    Everyone has the right to withdraw their labour and if the BA crews
    had gone about things in the right way they'd have made their point
    very effectively but instead they went off at a tangent and let BA
    stop them. If I want to strike then **** what anyone thinks because
    your lights are going out and you can shout at your blank tv screen as
    much as you like, **** all will change.
    Andy Bonwick, Jan 25, 2010
  11. TOG@Toil

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    "Is it in yet?" has to be the most effective way of bringing on tiny
    tool syndrome.
    Andy Bonwick, Jan 25, 2010
  12. There's a nice challenge.

    Say three years and I'll suggest a decent dinner at the restaurant[1] of
    the winner's choice.

    [1] Not the Fat Duck, Gavroche, Waterside Inn et al.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 25, 2010
  13. TOG@Toil

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    That's you fucked if you ever need high level security clearance then.
    Andy Bonwick, Jan 25, 2010
  14. TOG@Toil

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    He's kept British troops involved in a war they can't possibly win.
    That's enough for me to despise him.
    I'm not saying anyone else would be better, just that the man has to
    accept responsibility for the deaths of hundreds of British kids that
    shouldn't have died.

    You might be able to justify or excuse it but I can't.
    Andy Bonwick, Jan 25, 2010
  15. TOG@Toil

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    I'm really glad I don't have to suffer the next week in your company.

    I know you're a habitual troll but at times you're a total fucking
    Andy Bonwick, Jan 25, 2010
  16. TOG@Toil

    Ben Guest

    Ben, Jan 25, 2010
  17. TOG@Toil

    Fr Jack Guest

    Fr Jack, Jan 25, 2010

  18. "It is true that we had ten years of record growth when I was prime
    minister. I have, unfortunately, come to the conclusion that it was

    Tony Blair on Brown as chancellor answering questions at Yale
    University, 2008.

    Sort of from the horses mouth as it were.

    If you think it's a wind up, Google on Yale lecture transcripts etc.
    It was reported in a lot of foreign papers.
    Didn't see it in UK ones.
    Mick Whittingham, Jan 25, 2010
  19. TOG@Toil

    Stephen Guest

    You're on.

    Three years after the general election if Boris is PM I'll buy you
    dinner, if Cameron is then you buy me dinner. If someone else; then
    we're both off the hook!

    (Dinner to be in the UK...)
    Stephen, Jan 25, 2010
  20. OK. Assuming dinner is going to be somewhere near the winner, winner can
    provide crash space for the alcoholic aftermath.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 25, 2010
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