Signs of Relentless Optimism

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by BT Humble, Mar 4, 2007.

  1. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    Yesterday I added the first truckload of wood to the Unaugural
    bonfire. Clearly I'm hoping that the current rainy weather will
    continue for at least the next couple of months. I was wondering if I
    was at the right property, it's been a bloody long time since
    Funkytown looked so green! ;-)

    The 5th Unaugural will be on May 5, whatever the weather may be. Mark
    your calendars!

    BT Humble, Mar 4, 2007
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  2. BT Humble

    Boxer Guest

    Can you give me the location on that one.

    Boxer, Mar 4, 2007
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  3. In on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 23:17:10 GMT
    Up the gravel road, in the dark, hope to God you can see some kind of
    light cos there are no names, signs, or numbers, and don't trust
    Pisshead for the distance.

    Zebee Johnstone, Mar 4, 2007
  4. BT Humble

    Boxer Guest

    OK got it now!

    Boxer, Mar 5, 2007
  5. BT Humble

    Dale Porter Guest

    William and I will be there. :)
    Dale Porter, Mar 5, 2007
  6. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    Near Tarago, 50km SE of Goulburn. Might be a bit far for a day-trip.

    BT Humble, Mar 5, 2007
  7. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    Actually, now that I've looked at an actual map I've noticed that
    Tarago is pretty much due South of Goulburn.

    Funkytown is approximately under the "g" of "Tarago" on this map:

    BT Humble, Mar 5, 2007
  8. BT Humble

    bikerbetty Guest

    Well gee, that's a lot of bloody help!!!!! BT, dear..... for blokes with a
    sense of direction hardwired into their brains, that might be quite

    I, however, have absolutely no sense of direction at all, and all the
    directions you have given so far have been shite anyway!!! (down the gravel
    in the dark..... under the G in Tarago...... sheesh!)

    Will some kind soul meet me on the way?

    Do I really have to ride for miles on a gravel road??? eeeek!

    determined betty
    bikerbetty, Mar 5, 2007
  9. BT Humble

    Boxer Guest

    1800 kilometres.


    Boxer, Mar 5, 2007
  10. BT Humble

    Marty H Guest

    Marty H, Mar 5, 2007
  11. BT Humble

    bikerbetty Guest

    Thanks big - that's a start. I have no probs between my place and Tarago -
    it's the squiggly bit afterwards that scares the crap out of me!!!

    bikerbetty, Mar 5, 2007
  12. In on Mon, 5 Mar 2007 19:46:54 +1100
    Did me too :)

    Once you get on Mayfield road, you head down the gravel for some time.
    I think BT says there's a fridge of some kind as a landmark.

    The trick with gravel is to relax. The bike will feel unsteady under
    you, but the more you tense up the worse it gets. If you relax and
    let it dance a bit then it will skate about a little bit but not get
    any worse.

    There will be heaps of loose stuff either side of the tyre tracks,
    they feel worse. So sit in the left side track (so if someone comes
    the other way you don't have to go across the loose in the middle) and
    give it light throttle and concentrate on relaxing the arms. Do look
    to the middle or right side of the road though, so you don't veer left
    off the road.

    If you don't feel comfortable in the left track because it is too
    close to the ditchy bits then head at a shallow angle to the right
    track. If someone comes the other way, then slow down a bit, and look
    dead ahead. If there isn't enough room, then move gently left.

    Keep concentrating on relaxing the arms. Once you have that working
    then you will find it is pretty easy.

    Zebee Johnstone, Mar 5, 2007
  13. BT Humble

    bikerbetty Guest

    Thanks Zebee...... you going to come and coach me? Pleeeeze? I've done
    minimal bits of dirt and gravel before, but never more than about 3kms
    between Gunning and Crookwell, which scared me silly the first time! I know
    I need to get used to it (and possibly will in the next few weeks when I
    head up to Port Macquarie with a couple of mates - the Duc rider isn't keen
    on dirt, but the Beemer girl is, and I'm sort of stuck in the middle due to
    my general inexperience - and coz I have no sense of direction I'll be going
    where they go ;-)!)

    The many kms to Funkytown will be a good (I hope) experience..... but I'm
    not too sure that I want to do it all on my own...

    bikerbetty, Mar 5, 2007
  14. BT Humble

    Nev.. Guest

    Standing on the pegs and getting your bum off the seat can also help on
    gravel. It alters the weight distribution of the bike and moves it
    lower, making the bike feel more stable. I also find it distances me
    from the controls and makes it easier to steer the bike where I want it
    to go on gravel if I'm standing rather than sitting, and less prone to
    getting stuck in the wheel tracks.

    '04 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Mar 5, 2007
  15. BT Humble

    bikerbetty Guest

    <taking notes> ta Nev.....oooh, this is starting to sound like quite an

    bikerbetty, Mar 5, 2007
  16. The biggest problem is that you cant see the 'G' in the dark.

    Alan Pennykid, Mar 5, 2007
  17. BT Humble

    Hammo Guest

    Oh, Al!

    It's all about feeling!

    You don't *need* to see the g spot....

    Hammo, Mar 5, 2007
  18. BT Humble

    bikerbetty Guest

    That's great jase, thanks - will do.

    bikerbetty, Mar 5, 2007
  19. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    Iain Chalmers
    Gosh thanks Big, maybe now I should take out an ad in the paper
    telling the world how to find my house?
    With a footnote mentioning the dates and times that I won't be there?
    Only 5km this year, the council seems to have extorted quite a bit of
    money from the owners of a new subdivision to seal more of the road.

    BT Humble, Mar 6, 2007
  20. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    BT Humble, Mar 6, 2007
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