Signing on...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by WavyDavy, Jul 5, 2004.

  1. WavyDavy

    WavyDavy Guest

    So I got made redundant last week (voluntarily) and got enough wedge to keep
    me going for a while. And I have an offer of a new job starting in

    So do I need to sign on? For NI puposes or summat?

    And if so, how does one go about signing without pissing off the chavs
    and/or the ones who genuinely want a job but can't get one and/or the staff
    who work there for cock all money to get harassed and shit on by their
    bosses and the chavs?

    Its been a while and I don't want to get my signing-on etiquette all fucked



    PS. If/when I take up the job offer in September what do I do then as it'll
    be on a self-employed basis - do I sign on every time I don't get a
    contract? Even tho' I'll only need 20 week's work to earn me a shed load
    more than I did for the council in a whole year?
    WavyDavy, Jul 5, 2004
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  2. WavyDavy

    SteveH Guest

    Yes. Do it.
    You have to be seen to be actively looking for employment or they stop
    your NI contributions.

    However, I'm sure you'd find it easy to ****-up every job application
    they make you fill in ;-)

    Unfortunately, they do seem to be quite sharp on this one.

    You _may_ be able to get round this if you pay the NI contributions
    yourself. But I'm not sure what the rules are on this one.
    SteveH, Jul 5, 2004
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  3. Depends how much wedge you've got. Any more than £8,000 and it starts to
    affect how much casheroonie they'll dosh out.
    I don't know but I doubt it. I lasted 6 months before my money ran out.
    Go to the job centre and see them. Better still, get an appointment,
    then you won't be waiting with the chavs as long. They have
    "characters" that go in there and are well known. ICBW as I don't know
    you but the Job Centre staff are experienced enough to know when you're
    on the level.
    That will go in your favour. Trust me.
    Sign off.
    Whinging Courier, Jul 5, 2004
  4. WavyDavy

    Jim Procter Guest

    You get some time (12 weeks?) before they bug you, and you can convince them
    that you're doing it yourself "from the guardian". If you're on the level
    and not being a cock (not that I'm suggesting _you_ would be, but most
    people in job centres seem to be) they'll like you, and be nice.

    it'll be fine.

    Jim Procter, Jul 5, 2004
  5. WavyDavy

    wessie Guest

    WavyDavy wrote in
    There are 2 types of benefit: income based and NI contributions based.

    If you took voluntary redundancy then you will not qualify for Job Seekers
    Allowance based on your previous NI contributions for a period (it was 13
    weeks in 2002 when I was made redundant).

    You can claim for imcome based JSA immediately. However, as someone else
    said, if you have £8k in the bank you will not get any.

    However, register your claim now to get the clock ticking. Then, if
    something happens with the new job you will get your entitlement promptly
    and you will get NI credits for the period.

    For the first 12 weeks you can be very specific with the criteria for any
    job they offer i.e. you can refuse to go for an interview for any imaginary
    reason. Therefore, in your case, apart from the inconvenience of signing on
    once a fortnight you will not have any hassle. If you go beyond the 12
    weeks then you *have* to go to any interview they arrange.
    wessie, Jul 5, 2004
  6. WavyDavy

    Fr Jack Guest

    £3000, actually - benefit reduces by £1 for every £250 (or part
    £8000 = no benefit

    Phone and request a claim pack - they'll book an appointment at the
    same time.

    Guess who I work for.......
    Fr Jack, Jul 6, 2004
  7. WavyDavy

    platypus Guest

    Benefit's only £20? Jesus.

    Clear any outstanding credit card balances, overdrafts etc if you have them.
    This is the first thing to do with great lumps of wedge in any
    circumstances, and who knows, it may reduce the cash-in-hand figure to a
    point where you may be eligible for the risible pittance from The State.
    platypus, Jul 6, 2004
  8. WavyDavy

    Fr Jack Guest

    Sliding scale, then drop off...
    Yup, always do that.

    Daft purchases may be treated as deprivation of capital, though -
    leading to money being cut....or stopped.
    Fr Jack, Jul 6, 2004
  9. WavyDavy

    platypus Guest

    "I bought the R1 to look for work."
    platypus, Jul 6, 2004
  10. WavyDavy

    Muck Guest

    I've got them to buy my tyres for my bike, and a chain and sprocket
    set... Not for the Bandit though. :(
    Muck, Jul 6, 2004
  11. WavyDavy

    Fr Jack Guest

    Given the majority of folk processing claims wouldnt know an R1 from a
    John Deere combine harvester, you'd be pretty safe. Anyway - just
    describe it as a motorcycle, if the situation presents itself.
    Fr Jack, Jul 6, 2004
  12. WavyDavy

    Fr Jack Guest

    Wouldn't surprise me if they introduced it as a new project..
    Fr Jack, Jul 6, 2004
  13. WavyDavy

    petrolcan Guest

    petrolcan, Jul 6, 2004
  14. WavyDavy

    Klaatu Guest

    Klaatu, Jul 6, 2004
  15. WavyDavy

    Klaatu Guest

    Extract: Savings over £8,000 usually mean you cannot get income-based JSA. If
    you or your partner are aged 60 or over, savings over £12,000 usually mean you
    cannot get income-based JSA. If you live in a residential care home or nursing
    home, savings over £16,000 usually mean you cannot get income-based JSA.

    Savings over £3,000 usually affect how much income-based JSA you can get. If you
    or your partner are aged 60 or over, savings over £6,000 usually affect how much
    income-based JSA you can get. If you live in a residential care home or nursing
    home, savings over £10,000 usually affect how much income-based JSA you can get.
    Klaatu, Jul 6, 2004
  16. WavyDavy

    Ben Guest

    Told to sell your house and clear your debts. Trust me on this.
    Ben, Jul 6, 2004
  17. WavyDavy

    Klaatu Guest

    Heh, I see it now.
    Klaatu, Jul 6, 2004
  18. WavyDavy

    Ben Guest

    I think the funny one is with housing benefit. If you have a mortgage
    you can't claim it. You have to sell your house, then rent something,
    then claim hb which will pay your rent.

    Now your rent could be the same amount as your mortgage was...
    Ben, Jul 6, 2004
  19. WavyDavy

    sweller Guest

    Oh /no/ it isn't.

    sweller, Jul 6, 2004
  20. WavyDavy

    platypus Guest

    Wot 'e said. Bloody hard come, easy go.
    platypus, Jul 6, 2004
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