Sigh, back to work tomorrow.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by eric the brave, Jan 3, 2005.

  1. eric the brave

    dwb Guest

    So when the car catches fire somewhere I'll be able to say "now at home this
    wouldn't be a problem" :)

    Actually not a bad idea though - especially considering the various things
    [1] plugged in the garage plus assorted flammable other things[2].

    [1] Optimate as an example
    [2] several bottles of oil, a gallon of paraffin, paint, white spirit etc
    dwb, Jan 4, 2005
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  2. eric the brave

    dwb Guest

    Inspiration for your posting name? :)
    dwb, Jan 4, 2005
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  3. It's a crying shame. A few multivitamins would prevent all sorts of
    Whinging Courier, Jan 4, 2005
  4. eric the brave

    flash Guest

    That comes from a long and sordid history of exposing myself to farmyard
    flash, Jan 4, 2005
  5. Could be better. My two months unpaid leave started yesterday, and I've
    been in the Uni library, trying to read and trying not to look at the very
    fit totty.
    genuine_froggie, Jan 4, 2005
  6. eric the brave

    flash Guest

    Combine the two activties and type with your knob.
    flash, Jan 4, 2005
  7. <confused>
    But I do!
    genuine_froggie, Jan 4, 2005
  8. eric the brave

    flash Guest

    How true!
    flash, Jan 4, 2005
  9. eric the brave

    sweller Guest

    If you mean the small aerosol type they're shit. Get a proper one -
    minimum 1kg.

    IIRC BCF (Halon - used to be green) ones are now no longer available.
    Either dry powder (used to be blue) or AFFF (used to be beige) are
    suitable for car fires as they can be used of oil, fuel and live

    AFFF is a water based extinguisher (Aqueous Film Forming Foam) that's ok
    to use on live electrics up to about 415v. We're advised not to make a
    habit of using them on live traction equipment (750v).
    sweller, Jan 4, 2005
  10. 750V - it's very quaint in the Southern Region isn't it?
    Simon Atkinson, Jan 5, 2005
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