Sidestand switch and MOT

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by ogden, Sep 1, 2010.

  1. ogden

    ogden Guest

    Is it a test item?

    Because I've just found a feature in the wiring loom that let me fix the
    problem I was having with the KTM cutting out at random.
    ogden, Sep 1, 2010
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  2. ogden

    SIRPip Guest

    That's bastard dead handy, that is. Do it.

    What is the "feature", then? Spill.
    SIRPip, Sep 1, 2010
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  3. ogden

    Simon Wilson Guest

    One of the diodes hanging inside the headlamp unit? One of those had
    dropped off the LC4 I fixed for a friend.

    Thinks - actually that just caused a starting issue. As you were.
    Simon Wilson, Sep 1, 2010
  4. ogden

    ogden Guest

    Feature may be over-egging it a bit.

    I put the bike up on a paddock stand and did some tests to see what it
    did in and out of gear, with the sidestand up and down. In gear +
    sidestand down = engine running. In gear + sidestand up = engine cuts
    out. Completely arse about tit.

    There are two bullet connectors under the tank, one male and one female,
    to hook in the two wires from the sidestand switch. Male loom connector,
    meet female loom connector. Problem solved.

    Advanced shit, for me.
    ogden, Sep 1, 2010
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