Short blurt Guzzi Breva 1100

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by glitch1, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. glitch1

    glitch1 Guest

    After the ER-6n surprise-ride this morning it was across to A1 in Ringwood,
    where trusty old Glen had promised me a Guzzi Breva 1100.
    Just after the release of the Breva 750 some time ago, I was lucky enough to
    get a tester for some hours and came away stumped. for the write up.

    I expected a bigger/ faster/more beefy version of the 750.and came away with
    mixed feelings.
    First things first:
    It's big, it's low, and it's heavy. All up ok then? Hmmm..sort of.
    Turning the key brings the "instant-disco" to life in one hit.Buck Rogers
    would've been proud of it. Lights and spinning needles galore, any colour of
    the rainbow is displayed.annoying. Even after the circus has gone to sleep
    The seat is low, everything falls to hand.
    The hydraulic clutch seems to drag at take-off in if trying to
    prevent stalling.
    The bike had a freshly-fitted MADAZ pipe, while looking good and
    ridiculously small for the size of the bike, it caused drumming inside the
    helmet within 10km. Gave the impression of being quicker than I really was.
    Which in turn showed up the real negative point (to me, as opinionated as I
    am) of the package: engine.

    The new CARC-drive seems to work as advertised; hardly any shaft-drive
    reactions are noticeable.
    Bars are wide and high, the plastic-tank is wide and high, creating a pocket
    behind it, one feels "at-home" at the tiller. The Brembo's up front are
    superb. Massive.and effective.
    The handling is sweet, chassis solid, suspension somewhat harsh at the
    rear-end (but adjustable via easily-accessed turn-knob). So far it IS the
    bigger 750.
    Easy handling, quick turn-in for a bike that size, the excess-weight is
    hardly noticed. Different at the slow stuff though.that's where the weight
    shows.and there's plenty of it. Way too much.

    Gear changes are lighter and even more positive than on the 750. Engine
    braking is impressive and perfectly usable. Unlike the rear brake, which is
    hopelessly aggressive.
    Even light tabs result in's ridiculous. Dangerous, too, as there'
    s no way of telling/ feeling where the point of "bite" is.
    At the lights the gearbox/ clutch sound like something's floating around
    loose in there. Something heavy.
    Up Mountain Hwy, the standard "test-track" and the Breva 11 shows it's
    weakest spot.unless held above 5000rpm, the big twin "dies-in-the-arse" on
    corner exits in 2. and 3. gears. No grunt, no punch when compared with my
    usual ride (V-Strom 1000cc-twin). The Madaz pipe is the only thing going,
    everything else feels flat.
    Above 5000rpm things get moving's just the sort of bike (with a
    "guessed", unmarked redline around 7500?? rpm), that should have way more
    meat down-low.

    The engine feels "gooey/ rubbery" up to that point, then frees up and spins
    up happily.
    The standard Guzzi-shakes disappear around 2000-2500rpm, standing at the
    lights still gives a free Pilates-session, mirrors moving like hit by a
    The headlight's got a "droopy nose" (like it or hate it), the single-sided
    swingarm looks cool.
    All up:
    Hmmm.. it's a Breva 750 for 2-up work.with a few things having turned sour
    between the 2.
    What should've been a natural progression from the 750 has got too
    significant shortfalls, the rear-brake is useless to me (as a
    "both-brakes-rider), the rear suspension too harsh, the bike's way too
    heavy, the Captain Starbuck dash is a nuisance.
    Tried for another 20km out the back of Monbulk, then short-cutted back to
    Ringwood, as nothing more/ different bubbled up.
    Still was a nice ride though

    It's "Thumbs down" for me on the Breva11.

    glitch1, Dec 19, 2005
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  2. In on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 21:32:07 +1000
    and there's your problem straight up.

    I bet they didn't remap the bike, or even check it was an appropriate

    The stock Breva doesn't seem to have any of the engine or power problems
    you complain about.

    Go back and ask to ride a stock one ;)

    Zebee Johnstone, Dec 19, 2005
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  3. glitch1

    glitch1 Guest

    Was wondering about that, too.
    I doubt they'll put back the stock-can for me though...
    They know I'm really waiting for a new Quota :))

    glitch1, Dec 20, 2005
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