Shoei TXR replacement?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by T i m, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. T i m

    T i m Guest

    Hi All,

    As I'm getting out on the bike again, getting some pre test miles in
    with daughter on her 125 scooter, me on the CB Two Fifty and I think I
    need to replace the trusty / comfy Shoei TXR (61).

    Daughter has just bought a 'Box' helmet but the largest size (XL) is
    too small for my bonce.

    I tried the only two XXLs on in my local shop today .. a flip front
    thing that was reasonably comfortable but claustrophobic and a
    traditional vfm (60 quid to me) ff that was ok but I prefer summat in
    plain white and finished slightly better. [1]

    So, is there a current size-shape replacement for the TXR please?
    Talking to the guy in the shop he suggested the TXR's were known to
    come up big and were often the only solution for some at the time.

    I really don't want to spend more than 100 quid if I can help it. I'm
    not convinced a £500 helmet is much safer than a £50 one for basic
    road use, we will see if the new SHARP tests agree soon.

    Obviously I want something comfortable, ff, preferably quiet (I
    already suffer with Tinnitus and use plugs), I don't really want to go
    back to DD if I can help it but that wouldn't be a deal breaker and
    would like it in plain white or silver if poss.

    Any particular helmet come to mind please (new <g>)?

    All the best ..

    T i m

    [1] It had quite a clever multi-position cam-lever_operated buckle

    p.s. She's got her theory test tomorrow.
    T i m, Jun 3, 2008
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