Just checked the valve clearances on my 800 quid ZXR750... they're all within spec; all of the exhaust are at between 0.20 and 0.23mm and the inlets are all between 0.18 and 0.23mm with one closer to 0.18 than the others which seem to be around 0.20. So maybe the exhaust are close to the limit of 0.20 but they're still within spec... Which means the cams don't have to come out and there's a fighting chance I'll get the service finished on Saturday morning. Which is nice. I'd also like to offer a little advice on cheap bike lifts; do not, under any circumstances, work on them without the locking bar in place; this does not only protect against hydraulic creep, it protects against the whole thing swaying drunkenly to one side and threatening to fall over resulting in the need to shout for assistance from teenage children who are fucking useless.