Shims - dealers.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by DannyBoy, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. DannyBoy

    DannyBoy Guest

    This morning I went into a medium size bike shop that has been
    having/is having a refurbishment.

    As I was browsing I overheard a customer asking for a shim exhange for
    some shims.

    Some time later the parts guys was explaining to the customer that
    *all* the shims had be mislaid (in the refurbishment???). The customer
    queried this and was told a second time that their *entire* shim kit
    was missing.

    I noticed that bikes were still being wheeled in for service.

    Is this proof that bike dealers simply don't bother with the 'hidden'
    time consuming jobs???
    DannyBoy, Aug 31, 2004
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  2. DannyBoy

    Muck Guest

    The bikes may have been screw and lock nut like my Bandit and CG125, or
    just in for an oil change. My dealer never checked the valves on my
    Bandit, they went bust.
    Muck, Aug 31, 2004
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  3. DannyBoy

    Mark Olson Guest

    It could be that; it also could be that most bikes don't actually
    require re-shimming on their first service anymore, as manufacturing
    tolerances and materials have gotten better. The first valve clearance
    check on the SV is at 15 000 miles, and mine did not require any

    It could also be that the parts guy was a lying **** and was just
    trying to get the customer to **** off.
    Mark Olson, Aug 31, 2004
  4. DannyBoy

    Euain Guest

    Took a couple of shims to the local yamaha place here to get new ones /
    possibly exchange and the conversation went:

    Me: Have you got some of these but a bit thinner?
    Them: What are they? I don't think we do those. We might be able to
    order some.

    This was the regular parts guy - not some 16-year-old Saturday morning
    school kid.

    Small non-franchised dealer (Nick Robinson, between Basingstoke and
    Reading-very nice place) was able to do me a couple out of a well-used
    looking box.

    I know where I'd get my bike serviced.
    Euain, Aug 31, 2004
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