Sherman, set the Wayback Machine for 1974

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by another viewer, May 24, 2005.

  1. another viewer

    Bownse Guest

    Actually, Ft. Davis has a higher elevation than Denver.
    Bownse, May 28, 2005
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  2. another viewer

    Bownse Guest

    More like West Tx, but that's just because Tx is so many different
    states all in one. Sure it's only 420 miles from Ft. Davis to Amarillo,
    but that's the width of some states (or more). Many people don't
    consider it "South" Tx until you get around San Antonio or farther.
    Brownsville's another 550 miles south east from Ft. Davis; a city that
    everyone would agree is in "south" Tx.
    Bownse, May 28, 2005
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  3. Total agreement. Fundmentally, N. Texas sucks eggs. Not only is there
    no scenery, except forPalo Duro Canyon south of Amarillo which is way
    out of the way and not much for touring on a bike, it's also nothing but
    dry counties from Whichita Falls to Amarillo and then again to the NM
    border. One of the worst road meals I've ever had was in Chillicothe

    East, West, Central and South Texas all have interesting and diverse
    qualities that make it worthwhile to travel there, but forget the
    Northern side, sorry for those folks who live there. Sell it to
    Oklahoma and be done with it.
    another viewer, May 29, 2005
  4. another viewer

    Bob Mann Guest

    And lose the one thing they do have going for them. :)
    Bob Mann

    Before you critisize someone,
    you should walk a mile in their shoes.
    That way, when you critisize them,
    you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
    Bob Mann, May 29, 2005
  5. Pantex, the H-bomb plant NE of Amarillo.
    Groundwater contamination included at no extra cost. ;^D
    another viewer, May 29, 2005

  6. It's that classic lonesome dusty desert look reminiscient of "Giant",
    "The Last Picture Show" and others of the ilk, true Americana.
    another viewer, May 29, 2005
  7. I love the giant arrow in Quanah.
    Been up and down 287 many many times.

    It was right there after driving some good hours nonstop, kids wanted to
    eat and it looked like any other decent small town cafe I'd eaten in
    hundreds of times. I didn't die becasue it was too bad to eat much, it
    was memorably bad food; even the kids said it too. It was like the
    people running the place didn't want to serve some out of towners
    passing thru and went out of their way to screw everything up. How can
    a country cafe mess up a chicken fried steaK? Pretty funny in
    retrospect, and wichita falls to amarillo is now a nonstop stretch.
    another viewer, May 29, 2005
  8. another viewer

    Bownse Guest

    been using the Archos 20 recorder for about 3 years now. 20gb of
    storage. hard wired power to the bike. randmozed my 200 cd collection.
    didn't repeat the entire collection more than 2 or 3 times during the
    2003 IBR (11 days).
    Bownse, May 29, 2005
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