Sharkskinz repair

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Racing' started by jcirner, Dec 16, 2004.

  1. jcirner

    jcirner Guest

    Anybody else out there done repair / refinishing work to their race
    bodywork? The inside fixed with an ABS plastic epoxy but the exterior
    finish is looking a little ragged. Thought about filling in, sanding
    smooth, and hitting the Krylon. Any advise and input would be appreciated.
    Got all Winter!

    03 ZX6R 636 (Track Bike)
    02 VFR Interceptor
    00 RC51

    "You see, Johnny, you're one of us now." -The Wild One
    jcirner, Dec 16, 2004
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  2. jcirner

    dante Guest

    at the hardware store they sell marine fiberglass repair for fixing
    boast and surfboards... Your shark skins are made out of the same
    stuff... Then buy some fiberglass cloth... Sand damaged area first,
    get rid of paint and leave it nice and rough... Basically you build up
    the area with the fiberglass cloth by cutting it in small tiny pieces
    and mixing it with the resign and catalist until the cloth is saturated
    with resign... You let it cure and sand it down to the desired
    shape... You might find that as you sand you might run into an air
    hole or something and will have to add some more glass and resign to
    it... you also might find that you build up the area too big and now
    have to spend allot of time samding it bacl down... Your sure to make
    a stickey mess so you could buy some asetone (I know I spelled that
    wrong) to help clean things up... Were a dust mask or better yet a
    resperator, or do it with the garage open... Also You only have to use
    a few drops of catalyst and mix it really really well and then slop it
    on with the glass cloth... the stuff goes off fast... You'll get
    better at it with some practice, after a couple crashes you'll be a pro
    at fixing your skins...
    dante, Jan 3, 2005
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