Shapelle guilty

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Birdman, May 27, 2005.

  1. Birdman

    Birdman Guest

    20 yrs....

    .... the only thing is at no point did she prove any form of evidence
    Birdman, May 27, 2005
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  2. Birdman

    Birdman Guest

    You shoulda put SPOILER in the header you twat. Now anyone who was gonna watch
    I humbly apologise.. I will buy you a beer one day.
    Oh, I agree, I see Ron Bakir has put out a reward for more evidence..
    I can see someone popping up saying IT WAS THEIRS> so they can get 20
    yrs in bali jail..

    From another forum
    Has anybody wondered why there has been bugger all
    coverage/quotes/interveiws from her father - Michael Corby???

    Well he was the leader of a rather large biker gang a few years ago &
    guess what he got caught for??? Trafficing Drugs

    I was informed of this only today by a retired police officer from the
    Toowoomba region.

    All is not as it seems.
    Birdman, May 27, 2005
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  3. Birdman

    Rob White Guest

    Bit hard to prove inocence when the indonesians didnt make any attempt to do
    thier jobs properly othen than dig up dirt on her as to why she was
    guilty... they didnt even fingerprint the evidence.. what sort of a circus
    are they trying to run?
    Rob White, May 27, 2005
  4. Birdman

    GB Guest

    Was too be expected. I'm just pleased to hear that they're not
    going to shoot her. Since Indonesia doesn't have a legal system
    as such (instead preferring the fucked up French system - you're
    guilty until you prove otherwise), it's hard to imagine anything
    other than a guilty finding.

    Still, not shooting her opens the door to a wide range of options
    for getting her home: diplomatic, bribery, forcible extraction
    and the like. For a country as hopelessly fucked up as Indonesia,
    this is a good result.

    GB, May 27, 2005
  5. Birdman

    Birdman Guest

    Just heard the PROSECUTION are appealing the sentence, as it was too

    12 mths more of appealing and shit, then 3 mths after that she will be
    Birdman, May 27, 2005
  6. Birdman

    Rex Guest

    And the bike she was riding was??

    Rex, May 27, 2005
  7. Birdman

    jlittler Guest

    Now that's not true GB, the Napoleonic court system may not be an
    adversarial (sp?) one as per the British method, but you are assumed
    not guilty under it, the key difference is the relationship between
    codified law and legal judgements. Napoleonic doesn't follow the common
    law principle of the courts creating law, if it's not in a statute it
    ain't a law, no judges making it up as they go along. Yes the judges
    and lawyers present their cases differently but that's because it's not
    about two teams beating each other up with a referee to determine a
    winner (English style prosecution, defence and a judge), it's a search
    for the truth with all parties working to bring the truth out - which
    gives the judge a more active role.

    Oh I agree, there was no chance in hell she was ever going to be found
    anything other than guilty, but that's to do with a combination of the
    fact she had bugger all defence evidence, what potential evidence there
    was, was cocked up (qantas tapes being wiped because they were
    requested in time), fingerprinting fiasco etc. But even then, she was
    screwed from the get go.
    Like many 3rd world countries, justice is served in a different way to
    Western society. Life is cheap and the Indonesians can't understand why
    we care.

    jlittler, May 27, 2005
  8. Birdman

    Moike Guest

    Like.. you'd never see anyone kept in detention here without being
    charged and/or convicted of something......

    Moike, May 27, 2005
  9. At least not a legal citizen or visitor.
    Pisshead Pete, May 27, 2005
  10. Birdman

    Smee R1100s Guest

    We have had 2 cases and up to another 200 cases of Australian citizens
    being kept in those detention centres.
    Some have even been deported.
    Smee R1100s, May 27, 2005
  11. Birdman

    John Guest

    me first!!!

    wooosh ;)

    beer mate?
    John, May 27, 2005
  12. Really? Nobody missed them? Where do they deport Australian citizens to?

    I feel more sorrow for the millions of dead, unjustly incarcerated and
    displaced Indonesians.
    Pisshead Pete, May 27, 2005
  13. Birdman

    G-S Guest

    Nah... there are many dope's in Canberra, just coz a particular one
    isn't on a shelf in Denpasar isn't evidence in and of itself :)

    G-S, May 27, 2005
  14. Birdman

    Boxer Guest

    Now if we could add a few more to that list that would be a great start.
    Boxer, May 27, 2005
  15. Birdman

    Eddie Guest

    If you listen to Derryn Hinch, SHE was the bike.......
    Eddie, May 27, 2005
  16. Ahh, but just think of the TV opportunities.

    Alan Pennykid, May 27, 2005
  17. Bargain!!
    Pisshead Pete, May 27, 2005
  18. Birdman

    Trevor_S Guest

    Which IMO is kinda like being charged for doing 65 in a 60 zone... sure
    it's against the law but it's still a fucking injustice.

    Trevor S

    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    -Albert Einstein
    Trevor_S, May 27, 2005
  19. Birdman

    GB Guest

    Yeah, I feel the same way. They really shouldn't be forced to
    stay in Indonesia.

    GB, May 27, 2005
  20. Birdman

    GB Guest

    After the last couple of well-publicised fuckups, I'm beginning
    to wonder if they aren't chosen at random from inbound, well,
    anybodies. It seems that even being an Australian citizen isn't
    a barrier to being banged up on an illegal immigration charge.

    I've had the conversation with She Who Must Be Obeyed many
    times: I was born here, grew up here, didn't set foot out of
    here until I was twenty-something. She was born OS, didn't set
    foot in here until she was twenty-something. She can prove that
    she has a right to be here with PR doco, citizenship papers,
    everything. And what have I got? An accent and a bad attitude.
    "G'Day moite, I'm an Aussie... djalikeabeahmoite?"

    GB, May 27, 2005
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