Service Woe

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by David Thomas, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. David Thomas

    David Thomas Guest

    Just got my bike back from and service (new plugs, oil, oil filter etc) and
    it is running like a pig[1].

    He did say he has leaned it up a bit as it was a little on the rich and to
    let him know if it was ok.

    Anyway the weekend is here and the mechanic isn't, so is there anything I
    can do to put it right? should I stop using it till monday?

    [1] runs rough at idle and stalls on breaking

    David Thomas, Jun 19, 2004
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  2. David Thomas

    flashgorman Guest

    You need to thicken the petrol. Best way is to drain it off and microwave it
    for ten minutes.
    flashgorman, Jun 19, 2004
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  3. David Thomas

    Pip Luscher Guest

    Probably the idle mixture screw just needs a tweak. Depends on *how*
    he leaned it out though, could need needles lifting a notch (I assume
    carbs: dunno what bike you've got). It won't be main jets.
    Pip Luscher, Jun 19, 2004
  4. David Thomas

    David Thomas Guest

    Sorry bout that, did lack detail didn't it.

    96 Bandit 600 (pink) seems to be a mixture screw on each carb, don't know
    if there is another that does them all.

    David Thomas, Jun 19, 2004
  5. David Thomas

    David Thomas Guest

    Looks like they are a bugger to get to as well.

    David Thomas, Jun 19, 2004
  6. David Thomas

    Pip Luscher Guest

    Welcome to the wonderful world of Japanese inline fours.
    Pip Luscher, Jun 19, 2004
  7. David Thomas

    David Thomas Guest

    No need to complain as such, he will put it right no problems on Monday,
    just wanted to go out on it tomorrow and wondered if it would do any damage
    to the engine if it is too lean?

    David Thomas, Jun 19, 2004
  8. David Thomas

    David Thomas Guest

    David Thomas, Jun 19, 2004
  9. David Thomas

    Pip Luscher Guest

    If it's just the idle mixture then no.

    Oh, when I wrote "screw" in my previous post, I meant "screws".
    Pip Luscher, Jun 19, 2004
  10. David Thomas

    David Thomas Guest

    Hang on, there is an idle mixture and another type of mixture?

    Please enlighten me on this... mixture is air and fuel mix right? lean is to
    much air rich is too much fuel?

    Idle is the revs at tick over yes? so where does idle mixture come into

    Excuse my thick cuntyness on this.

    David Thomas, Jun 19, 2004
  11. David Thomas

    David Thomas Guest

    Right got it ta, yes he has got the idle mixture to lean by the sound of it,
    revs fluctuate by 2 to 3 hundred revs on idle and drop from 1200 to 500 (or
    stall) on braking, though why braking should make a difference I don't know.

    David Thomas, Jun 19, 2004
  12. It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
    Real careless paint job.



    GS 850 x2 / SE 6a
    FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19 COSOC#10
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jun 19, 2004
  13. David Thomas

    Lozzo Guest

    David Thomas says...
    Air screws are the ones at the bottom front of the carbs which pojnt
    upwards and require a very short, small headed slot screwdriver to
    adjust. The number 4 one is the worst to get to, all the others are
    fairly accessible. They should each be 1 and 7/8 turns out from fully
    in. Adie's bandit ran like a dog until they were all set correctly.
    Lozzo, Jun 19, 2004
  14. David Thomas

    David Thomas Guest

    Just bought a Haynes manual, also mentions about setting each carb in turn
    by adjusting each carb to the highest idle speed, then backing off idle
    adjuster, then moving on to next carb... that make sense?

    David Thomas, Jun 19, 2004
  15. David Thomas

    Lozzo Guest

    David Thomas says...
    No it doesn't, but it may to someone else.
    Lozzo, Jun 19, 2004
  16. David Thomas

    David Thomas Guest

    Also says this should be carried out by someone with expert knowledge.... so
    that's me out.

    David Thomas, Jun 19, 2004
  17. David Thomas

    David Thomas Guest

    Aaaah, so is this why the main jets are often substituted when someone fits
    a race can?

    David Thomas, Jun 19, 2004
  18. Cuntybollox wrote
    Probably by faffing about with it ion the first place. Unless, of
    course, modern technology has come on far enough that you now need to
    adjust the idle mixture setting more often than when it was first built.
    steve auvache, Jun 19, 2004
  19. David Thomas

    David Thomas Guest

    That's what I mean I think, learn something new everyday.

    I would get a lot more involved with the servicing and tuning myself, but
    when I do my back is so iffy that I end up suffering for days after and not
    able to ride... so sort of defeats the object really.

    David Thomas, Jun 19, 2004
  20. David Thomas

    David Thomas Guest

    Think it was something to do with the old spark plugs being sooted,
    indicating that it was running rich so he leaned it up slightly... that
    sound right?

    David Thomas, Jun 19, 2004
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