Service - what would you do ?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Vass, Sep 2, 2004.

  1. Vass

    Vass Guest

    Just had two quotes for a 'late' 12k service on my Blackbird (the 16k one is
    the big expensive one)
    Bike currently has 14k on the speedo

    Portsmouth Motorcycles quote £ 140
    Haslemere Motorcycles quote £ 250

    I queried the difference with them both and was told....

    Portsmouth = 2.5 hours labour, Oil and Oil filter change only
    Haselmere = unknown time, will go over whole bike, remove inspect brakes,
    plugs, air filter and will clean/replace as necessary, Oil + filer changed

    I'd like to keep the service history up to date as best I can, so what would
    you do ?
    Vass, Sep 2, 2004
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  2. Vass

    wessie Guest

    Vass wrote in
    Haslemere are cunts. Honda issues guidance times and a checklist for each
    service. If Honda say 2.5 hours that's all you should be invoiced for even
    if it takes the work experience teenager twice as long.

    If they spot something that needs further work then they should contact you
    for authorisation before proceeding.
    wessie, Sep 2, 2004
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  3. Vass

    Kraggash Guest

    Having left it 2000 miles too late, I'd have a 16K service early from
    Haselmere and wait for 18000 for another minor service.

    I'd still buy it, as long as you have receipts and a good excuse.

    Bridge at Exeter charge the best part of 500 ukp for your 16K service
    on a BB and then have the cheek to try and charge 25 ukp for a loan
    I took mine to mid devon motorcycles, which sadly is now closed down.
    Kraggash, Sep 2, 2004
  4. Vass

    Vass Guest

    Very pleased with myself

    Bought the Oil and Air Filters, New plugs and Oil
    Did the whole job myself, [1]

    Kept receipts + noted service book
    Well pleased :)

    [1] them sparg plugs are blimmin fiddly to get to
    Now: YZF-R1(For Sale), CBR1100xx-x (Serviced and ready for Wales this
    Then: A100, MBX80, XL125, CB400, FZR600, CBR600Fv
    Vass, Sep 6, 2004
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