[QUOTE] [QUOTE] [QUOTE] On Mar 18, 2:18 pm, Champ <[email][/email]> wrote:[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [1]Seen on the PB forum. "He can't even pronounce his own name"[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Apparently it's of german origin, and they do say 'spees' there, not 'spys'. Or something.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] I've never heard it pronounced any *other* way than 'spees.'[/QUOTE] You've heard of the movies "Spies Like Us", no? How do you pronounce that?[/QUOTE] Yes, when spelled "spies" it is usually pronounced "spies." However, I was saying that every commentator in the US I have ever heard has pronounced his name "spees." Right or wrong, it's how I've always heard it pronounced. And when it comes to a person's name, I never consider the conventional pronunciation to be gospel. I've run across too may that were spelled one way and pronounced another to really care much about what's "right."[/QUOTE] Oh sure, and how you want your name pronounced is up to you, I guess. But, before *reading* about Ben, I'd never heard Spies as a surname before. I just don't think it exists in the UK. And, of course, reading it I expected it to be pronounced 'Spys', so was surprised to hear 'Spees'.