Guess you just gotta be there, huh ? lol.. Ran the Green One by the nearest Citgo today.. On the way, couldn't help but notice that EXXON, Shell and Diamond Shamrock had prices posted .19 and higher.. whew.. That's steep prices to pay for a gallon of gas, huh ? Although I don't see a remarkable difference in the price, between the brands.. it seems to me that EXXON is actually a couple of cents cheaper than the discounters.. Not much.. and, noticeably the discounters all had red bags over the nozzles in a couple of their facilities.. Till they fall into line, those boys may not be around for much longer.. Most of the gasolene in this area is supplied by the EXXON distributor pumps.. Isn't that surprising.. Anyway.. I gritted my teeth, paid the tab on my gas and eased on back to La Casa.. The news came on shortly and I was amazed to find out that all the majors are expected to post record earnings and profits for the first quarter of 2006, with EXXON again leading the pack.. lol.. Looks like that half billion package to Lee Raymond didn't affect the bottom line, one damn dime, don't it ? Wonder why ? Well .. we might want to take another look.. in a slightly different area, right ? So far, the administration has been carefully guarding the details of the tax benefits packages that were so gracefully afforded to the oil corporations.. By golly, aside from the extravagant salary and fringe benefit packages which have been awarded to the oil corporation executives, and consistently reporting record profits by them, those poor old oil companies definitely are a needy bunch, aren't they.. Fair is fair and our government can certainly afford to be generous to these guys.. hmmm.. so long as the consumers, taxpayers and voters are footing the bill..right ? If Americans are stupid enough to buy into this nonsense, we deserve what we are getting.. Evidently, a little more than a third of Americans are more than contented to accept the idiocy that is being spoon fed to them.. That's the ones who are still supporting the president and policies of this administration.. Fewer and fewer Americans are expected to support this government, as those prices affect them during the heat of the summer.. The air conditioners which maintain a liveable temperature in homes across Texas will have to be paid for, when the Electric Utility companies sends those electric bills .. If we are paying attention, which many of us are not.. the Utility companies are promising to follow the oil companies lead ... Some of these electric bills will skyrocket this summer... Hell.. those people can't afford to drive to the Mall to stay cool during the day, anymore.. Some of the "patriots" are beginning to appeal to the National Pride thing ... They are certainly in an uproar about traitors to America buying a gasolene brand that originates in Venezuela.. ROTFL.. That's all well and good.. Citgo isn't a party to the conglomerate corporations which is bringing American citizens to their knees... Citgo isn't even a member of OPEC.. EXXON, MOBIL, SHELL, TEXACO and BNP.. (btw.. where the hell is British National Petroleum from ?) are the ones who've nailed American consumers.. Incidentally.. Venezuela and it's little Citgo company is the only one of the brands who stepped forward to provide heating oil to the consumers who couldn't afford to pay the big guys for heating their homes this past winter.. Yeah.. cut the patriotic crap and get real.. The government is screwing Americans to death, in support of corporations who are demanding payback for their support.. When you commence waving that flag, better make sure that it's not some old veteran that froze, bled and got his ass fried while he was on the line for his country.. Wave that flag in front of him, you'd best have some evidence of your own service to this country other than usenet bullshit.. Bill Walker Irving