Send 'em a Check

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Apr 27, 2006.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Guess you just gotta be there, huh ? lol.. Ran the Green One by the nearest
    Citgo today.. On the way, couldn't help but notice that EXXON, Shell and
    Diamond Shamrock had prices posted $3.19 and higher.. whew.. That's steep
    prices to pay for a gallon of gas, huh ?

    Although I don't see a remarkable difference in the price, between the
    brands.. it seems to me that EXXON is actually a couple of cents cheaper
    than the discounters.. Not much.. and, noticeably the discounters all had
    red bags over the nozzles in a couple of their facilities.. Till they fall
    into line, those boys may not be around for much longer.. Most of the
    gasolene in this area is supplied by the EXXON distributor pumps.. Isn't
    that surprising..

    Anyway.. I gritted my teeth, paid the tab on my gas and eased on back to La
    Casa.. The news came on shortly and I was amazed to find out that all the
    majors are expected to post record earnings and profits for the first
    quarter of 2006, with EXXON again leading the pack.. lol.. Looks like that
    half billion package to Lee Raymond didn't affect the bottom line, one damn
    dime, don't it ? Wonder why ?

    Well .. we might want to take another look.. in a slightly different area,
    right ? So far, the administration has been carefully guarding the details
    of the tax benefits packages that were so gracefully afforded to the oil
    corporations.. By golly, aside from the extravagant salary and fringe
    benefit packages which have been awarded to the oil corporation executives,
    and consistently reporting record profits by them, those poor old oil
    companies definitely are a needy bunch, aren't they.. Fair is fair and our
    government can certainly afford to be generous to these guys.. hmmm.. so
    long as the consumers, taxpayers and voters are footing the bill..right ?

    If Americans are stupid enough to buy into this nonsense, we deserve what we
    are getting.. Evidently, a little more than a third of Americans are more
    than contented to accept the idiocy that is being spoon fed to them.. That's
    the ones who are still supporting the president and policies of this
    administration.. Fewer and fewer Americans are expected to support this
    government, as those prices affect them during the heat of the summer..

    The air conditioners which maintain a liveable temperature in homes across
    Texas will have to be paid for, when the Electric Utility companies sends
    those electric bills .. If we are paying attention, which many of us are
    not.. the Utility companies are promising to follow the oil companies lead
    ... Some of these electric bills will skyrocket this summer... Hell.. those
    people can't afford to drive to the Mall to stay cool during the day,

    Some of the "patriots" are beginning to appeal to the National Pride thing
    ... They are certainly in an uproar about traitors to America buying a
    gasolene brand that originates in Venezuela.. ROTFL.. That's all well and
    good.. Citgo isn't a party to the conglomerate corporations which is
    bringing American citizens to their knees... Citgo isn't even a member of
    OPEC.. EXXON, MOBIL, SHELL, TEXACO and BNP.. (btw.. where the hell is
    British National Petroleum from ?) are the ones who've nailed American

    Incidentally.. Venezuela and it's little Citgo company is the only one of
    the brands who stepped forward to provide heating oil to the consumers who
    couldn't afford to pay the big guys for heating their homes this past

    Yeah.. cut the patriotic crap and get real.. The government is screwing
    Americans to death, in support of corporations who are demanding payback for
    their support.. When you commence waving that flag, better make sure that
    it's not some old veteran that froze, bled and got his ass fried while he
    was on the line for his country.. Wave that flag in front of him, you'd best
    have some evidence of your own service to this country other than usenet

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 27, 2006
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  2. Bill Walker

    Gary Walker Guest

    Well, like you, I'm retired. So, I've also got the time to
    sit around and jawbone about this dilemma.

    However, unlike you, I disagree. I *believe* it to simply
    be a supply and demand issue. I won't say that supplies
    haven't been manipulated/dormant through the past 30
    years, when domestic(meaning US domestic companies, not drill sites)
    exploration/production was not rewarding.

    I think we are simply paying the price now with a demand
    increase, balanced against a static supply. Until those two
    forces begin to equalize, these conditions will remain.

    However, as with any business, conditions are often adj-
    usted/manipulated to suit that businesses favor. I *think*
    that is also happening here. I don't think any illegal activ-
    ities are at work, just taking advantage of a favorable

    But, this is free enterprise. You and I have the freedom
    to buy gas at the lowest price, or not buy it at all.

    Conversely, the supplier has the freedom to sell gas for
    the highest price that the buyer(s) will pay.

    I really don't see the equation any different from a tube
    of toothpaste, a Big Mac, or any other commodity that
    lives and dies by supply and demand.

    On a different, but somewhat related topic.... I am always
    amazed about how men from over a century ago designed
    and developed the basic engine in today's vehicles. Yeah,
    it's undergone significant refinements/enhancements, but
    it's still basically designed for gas/oil consumption.

    Yet,even today, after all the highly educated engineers,
    working for decades to replace that original design, they
    just can't seem to create a suitable substitute.


    BTW: British Petroleum(aka BP Plc(NYSE:BP)) can be
    reviewed at:

    An anti-BP narrative can be viewed at:


    Gary Walker, Apr 27, 2006
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  3. Bill Walker

    Gary Walker Guest

    I think that's a great point/(s). As long as this is always
    someone else's problem, nothing will change. It's a lot
    like the beef industry. Lots of people want it, but few
    are willing to recognize/acknowledge the preceding
    steps necessary to offer the neatly wrapped product
    in the local market..

    Gary Walker, Apr 27, 2006
  4. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Gary of twf@swbellnet responds:
    ''I really don't see the equation any different from a tube of
    toothpaste, a Big Mac, or any other commodity that lives and dies by
    supply and demand. GARY_

    I agree, with both you and Bills Point of views. But to comment on the
    above, there's a big difference.
    Gasolene is a Utility, like Power, Gas and water is, in our homes.
    We can cut down on other stuff, but driving to and from work, and
    running family errands, &some driving for a living, is something we are
    stuck with.
    I find myself trying to be thrifty, with the gas in my Truck, Once we
    would ride around for entertainment, and stuff. This is ''thing of
    thepast'', atleast for a while. When gas was 2.49, seemed not so bad,
    but wow, 3.00. all of a sudden seems very serious, when we fill up.
    $3.00 at the pumps will change most everybodys Life Styles,
    indefinately. And they say, it will keep rising. (Goodness help us)
    BJayKana, Apr 28, 2006
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Sheesh... you've bought into the fairy tale too, haven't you, Beemer.?.
    Well .. like I said before.. if you are contented, pay the price and smile..
    No need for you to complain, is there..?? Regards, Joe.. remember.. keep on

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 28, 2006
  6. Bill Walker

    Gary Walker Guest

    Yeah, I guess you're right.

    I still ride around on the bike needlessly, but the frequency has slowed,
    partly due to gas, partly due to kinda' just growin' out of it.

    But hell, even on a Valkyrie, I can putt-putt around all
    night on just a gallon or so.

    But, I don't have to re-fuel a low mileage vehicle weekly
    for a daily commute either.

    Another interesting observation.... I have begun using a
    credit card to buy all my gas. This was not really a volu-
    ntary choice. Because I'm out at night a lot, and the gas
    has gotten higher, more and more stations have begun
    to almost require several forms of identification before
    authorizing the pumping privilege.

    I hear that this is because the stations are experiencing
    a much larger "pump-and-run" clientele. So, without a
    credit card, I'm forced to either pre-pay, or risk denial
    of gas altogether. I usually visit the same station in my
    neighborhood, where I'm known. But, if I have to get
    gas away from the 'hood, getting authorization with only
    cash can be very tough.

    Gary Walker, Apr 28, 2006
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    hehehe... Reads like you are enjoying the heck out of that retirement
    thing.. Good for you..

    Something that hasn't been mentioned is the crude oil inventory that is also
    at record levels.. The U.S. has crude oil stocked from hell to breakfast in
    quantities that would sustain us for decades.. Yet, the oil corporations and
    officials in government would have us believe that any fluctuation in the
    market place or natural elements affects pump prices immediately..

    Coupled with the fact that our government is paying the oil companies to
    drill or explore our preserves in the Gulf.. Sheesh.. where's all that
    money coming from, when we are the most heavily indebted country on this
    earth.. Here's a clue.. taxpayers and consumers... Regards, Gary

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 28, 2006
  8. Bill Walker

    Gary Walker Guest

    You know.... The great thing about not knowing any-
    thing about this is that I don't have to understand what
    you're talking about. But, I'm sure your knowledge on
    the subject is accurate, I just really don't know.

    However, I did listen to a guy(guest) on the radio today
    that claims to have some breakthrough technologies with
    regard to electric/hybrid cars. Technologies that reduce/
    eliminate previous constraints/restrictions with this infant
    design. Of course, they're all breakthrough, aren't they?

    His site is:


    Gary Walker, Apr 28, 2006
  9. Bill Walker

    Gary Walker Guest

    Yes, I understand(read:have often heard) that the oil
    reserves are quite high. However, I've also heard that
    the ability(ies) to transfer that crude to diesel/gasoline
    is quite strained.

    Additionally, I think it's the speculators that are bidding
    up the oil prices on the futures market, every time Bush
    gets a hangnail.

    However, it's a complicated business, one that is ripe
    with sleight of hand, and the ability to falsely present
    any number of imaginary scenarios as conditions

    That.... Is pretty much the reason why I don't usually
    speculate on what's happening. I just don't know.

    Gary Walker, Apr 28, 2006
  10. Bill Walker

    Gary Walker Guest

    Well yeah, that's what I meant. I don't have any trouble
    with advance pay, but I've had some minor problems
    with some clerks when/if the joint gets busy.

    For example.... You pull in, discover a prepay is required.
    I shuffle into the office, fork over a $20, and return to get
    the gas. In the mean time, a boatload of people come into
    the place for cigarettes, candy, beef jerky, a comb, beer,
    and various nik-naks. I finish my $2.15 refuel, and again
    return to the office to retrieve my $17.85.

    The first red flag is when the clerk asks if he can help you.

    Then the dialog goes something this:

    clerk: can i help you?

    me: yeah, i prepaid earlier, pumped the gas, and i'm here
    to collect my change.

    clerk: oh, you want gas, you'll have to pay first...

    me: (arrrgh) no, I already prepaid, pumped $2.15 gas,
    and i'm returning to collect my $17.85 change.

    clerk: how much did you give me?

    me: (hmmm) well, i gave you $20, I pumped $2.15, and
    i'll get $17.85 change.

    clerk: I don't have any $20's in the drawer! do you want
    to pay with a credit card? we take credit cards....

    me: no, i don't want to pay with a credit card, i want my
    change from the prepay when i arrived 15 minutes ago.

    clerk: who did you give it to?

    And this guy is probably the manager. This is usually late
    at night, and this is the only dweeb at the whole place. I've
    never failed to get the change, but it has resulted in some
    rather spirited debates, let's say. <g>

    Gary Walker, Apr 28, 2006
  11. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Where the hell did you get *your* figure?

    Perhaps Bill wanted to highlight the oil that has yet to be pumped in
    many government and private oil fields.
    Wakko, Apr 28, 2006
  12. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Wakko, Apr 28, 2006
  13. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Sorry for giving two month old information. My bad.
    Wakko, Apr 28, 2006
  14. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Gary walker said: Bjay,''I still ride around on the bike needlessly,
    but the frequency has slowed, partly due to gas, partly due to kinda'
    just growin' out of it.
    But hell, even on a Valkyrie, I can putt-putt around all night on just a
    gallon or so.
    But, I don't have to re-fuel a low mileage vehicle weekly for a daily
    commute either.

    ''We Bikers are lucky that we can resort to riding even more, because of
    the 35-45 mpg. But even my Bikes, cost 12, when it use to be about 8
    dollars to top-it-off.
    But, I have to keep gas in two vehcles, my Honey still works, and I haul
    stuff in the truck, like Golf clubs, wood for my wood working hobby,
    pull trailers, and that kinda stuff. I never fill the truck, heck, an't
    aford to fill 'em up, both. she-wah-wah. (group grin)

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--
    BJayKana, Apr 28, 2006
  15. Bill Walker

    Gary Walker Guest

    Yes, there are many options, the "SpeedPass" thing is
    another. But, I've got the CC anyway, and don't want
    another thing to carry around. Not that I would probably
    use it, but I didn't know there were things like a prepaid
    debit card. I knew such things existed to be used like a
    phone card, but not for anything else.

    So, I guess that your suggestion is just like a nationally
    recognized debit card with a cash balance?

    Gary Walker, Apr 28, 2006
  16. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Don't be so hard on yourself. You were wrong, but big deal.

    You are wrong about oil that hasn't been pumped aren't considered
    The U.S Naval Petroleum Strategic Reserve that is owned and maintaned
    by our government is contained in several unpumped oil fields.

    And, since you seem to be a petroleum engineer, can you tell me how
    much more effort it takes to pump from oil bearing sands than from a
    salt dome?

    So, you were wrong, but don't feel that this is the end of the world
    for you. Your reputation will recover someday.
    Wakko, Apr 29, 2006
  17. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    ''Perhaps Bill wanted to highlight the oil that has yet to be pumped in
    many government and private oil fields.''

    'He is good at that highlighting stuff, too''
    (group grin)
    BJayKana, Apr 29, 2006
  18. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Not much, apparently.

    The U.S.Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is quite different than the
    Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves. Strangely enough, the oil is
    contained in shale.
    This is also separate from the Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve.

    Nobody said anything about drilling.
    Wakko, Apr 29, 2006
  19. Bill Walker

    Calgary Guest

    You do have the choice of alternate fuels, albeit that choice may be
    more limited in Tx. than it is here. Propane and Natural Gas are
    available in Alberta, if you choose not to buy gasoline. I am sure you
    have the choice to use a diesel powered vehicle. Still refined from a
    barrel of oil but a little cheaper.

    You have the choice to lower your fuel consumption by opting for
    alternate means of transportation such as bicycle (as you do), public
    transit, using a hybrid vehicle, car pooling, dumping the SUV and
    driving a Smart Car or a dozen other alternatives that will result in
    a reduction of your fuel costs.

    Personally if I take out my motorcycle rides done strictly for
    pleasure, my gasoline consumption is down to maybe a gallon or two a
    week during the summer months.

    A few years back I traded in the Dodge half ton I was using for basic
    transportation, for a more fuel efficient mid size. Now I get near 40
    mpg instead of 15. More to the point it doesn't cost me $100.00 to
    fill the tank. The fact it is more comfortable has a better stereo
    system are just perks.

    I ride my bicycle to work and back two to three times per week and
    walk for all of my local errands. Other transportation is done on the
    Venture, which is not the most fuel efficient toy on the road, but it
    is fun.

    This summer I have engaged the Energuide for Homes folks to do an
    assessment on my house to identify it's energy efficiency. Once done I
    will qualify for a Government subsidy to make my place more energy
    efficient. That is the kind of Government subsidy I support, one that
    ultimately reduces the use of fuel. Yes I will have to throw a few
    thousand dollars at it, but I will realize the savings in heating
    costs, the value of the home will increase and I will have replaced
    the aging hardware that was soon going to crater anyway.

    Once folks are done ranting at Big Oil for price gouging, and the
    Government of the day for not protecting them from high fuel costs,
    they will realize the way to reduce energy costs is to explore
    alternatives to the oil based products we now use, or to reduce their
    personal consumption to the point the fluctuations in the price of oil
    will not have a major impact on their budgets.

    Want to say **** You to the oil companies, that is how to do it.

    Or you can continue parroting the Big Oil/Government conspiracy
    theories and watch your disposable income be pissed away.

    Right now the price of gas could double, even triple in cost and it
    would not alter my standard of living at all. During the summer I just
    do not use enough of it to make a difference.

    RCOS# 7
    Riding Again!

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millenium Edition
    Calgary, Apr 30, 2006
  20. Bill Walker

    Gary Walker Guest

    Well, I didn't read the page, as I listened to him on the
    radio and assumed the two information sources would
    be identical.

    But, he talked about an electric car that *could* go for
    300 miles, and *could* go 150 mph.(but not at the same
    time. <g>).

    If true.... I thought that pretty spectacular.

    I don't recall him discussing any scooters. Sorry, I'll check
    my references next time before quoting a site.


    Gary Walker, May 1, 2006
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