security & insurance - scam or value?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Damien, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. Damien

    Damien Guest

    I was always under the impression that having more/better security
    reduced your premium since it also reduces the risk of theft - and
    premiums are ultimately (or supposedly) a measure of the relative risk
    involved in providing insurance in the first place.

    But now I stand corrected, it would seem.

    At the time of getting a quote (which I later accepted) I was unaware
    that my new ride was additionally 'protected' via a keyed immobiliser
    system as well as data-dots. When I passed this info on to my insurer,
    they happily informed me that my premium was unchanged.

    So from an insurance perspective, why should the manufacturer bother
    going to the expense and effort of installing additional security
    measures? The insurer clearly sees no difference whatsoever in having or
    not having it, and it would certainly make the bike cheaper in its
    absence (even if not by all that much).

    I'll just finish this off by pointing out that I'm well aware of the
    obvious points that certain idiots may raise in the mistaken belief that
    I'd overlooked them. The point of this query is strictly from the
    perspective of the level to which premiums are related to risk, and the
    oddness of a situation in which it is clearly possible to reduce risk
    whilst still paying the same premium either way.

    In the end I don't really care, as the premium is still $200 less than
    the next best offer. It just struck me as a bit odd, that's all. :)
    Damien, Apr 24, 2008
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  2. Damien

    Nev.. Guest

    Is the immobiliser a standard feature or an option? I wasn't aware that
    there were any bikes which had that option. I thought the manufacturers
    just rolled them out ot the entire model ranges.
    If the immobiliser is a standard feature on your bike, then you won't
    get any additional discount on your premium because the immobiliser
    would have already been taken into account when the insurer calculated
    the risk.

    '07 XB12X
    Nev.., Apr 24, 2008
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  3. Damien

    will_s Guest

    Insurance companies wont insure my bike because it is not garaged. It is
    chained to a steel fence out the back of a block of units . Actually it
    could be argued that its harder to steal there as many eyes are on it but if
    in a Garage they would have plenty of time to work on it once they are in
    the garage away from eyes .

    If I was an insurance company I would insure the bike because of its owner
    who is a total dipshit and wanker when riding ( and most would argue even
    when not riding ) and not because of the gorge situation
    will_s, Apr 25, 2008
  4. Damien

    justAL Guest'd justify just about anything wouldn't you?

    justAL, Apr 26, 2008
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