secondhand values of imported bikes - paging TOG?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Alan, Jun 6, 2004.

  1. Alan

    Alan Guest

    Yes they are basically the same. Bike manufacturers build a standard
    product for world wide sales with as few regional variations as
    possible, thats why UK bikes get little extras like parking lights and
    catalytic converters, they build to the toughest regulations so you
    sometimes get these unnecessary "extras". All ZX9 E models have cats
    regardless of where they are destined to be sold 'cos it's cheaper to
    build to a common spec and any bikes that require restriction have it
    done afterwards.
    Any serious buyer would surely do some research before setting out, if
    you're that paranoid why believe the V5 or any paperwork at all? You
    have to trust some of it sometimes and the D&K dyno chart has the bikes
    details on it and is signed by the guy that did it with the dealer stamp
    on it - but of course you won't believe that.
    Well you are being over fussy IMHO and you just said you wouldn't trust
    my paperwork anyway, there are no differences or "flaws" - that's my
    The sales invoice from D&K clearly states that the bike is to full UK
    spec because they did it before I bought it - what more do you want FFS.
    I insisted they put in writing that the bike was full UK spec before I
    handed over my hard earned - I'm not totally stupid :) I suppose you
    wouldn't trust that either.
    Your choice of course but if you don't do at least some basic research
    before you buy you can get fleeced just as easily by the seller of an
    official import, they might have fake paperwork too you know.
    I know that - I have said repeatedly that I know that but no-one has yet
    made a case for why that should be so in this particular situation. Stop
    saying "well it's an import innit" and tell me why two IDENTICAL objects
    should have different values just because one was brought in by a
    different importer to the other.
    Alan, Jun 6, 2004
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  2. Alan

    Alan Guest

    D&K shift a lot of bikes, maybe they have a sympathiser at the vehicle
    registration office or maybe the rules have changed? It's all academic
    anyway as the bike isn't for sale - I like it too much to let it go yet
    Alan, Jun 6, 2004
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  3. Alan

    sweller Guest

    My Guzzi (imported used and registered with a dating certificate) has the

    1. Non -transferable registration mark.
    2. Imported Vehicle - Was registered/used overseas
    Declared manufactured 1979 [1]

    Perhaps they make the note as it was a used machine (my ex-ministry Land
    Rover had "Declared Manufactured 1970") but in the OPs case DVLA didn't
    give a toss who imported it as long as it was new.

    [1] Although the frame plate says 1982, the original castings and
    electrics are marked 1981 or 1982. All very odd.
    sweller, Jun 7, 2004
  4. Um, except for bikes they build for specific markets.....
    The Older Gentleman, Jun 7, 2004
  5. Alan

    Alan Guest

    Not many of those and they usually just convert the standard model off
    the production line - gets too expensive otherwise as it's no longer
    "mass" production. Someone on here had a query about why there was a
    parking light on his bike ignition switch, both my bikes have this and
    although it's not a UK requirement it's cheaper to use just one ignition
    switch rather than have several different ones which will only get mixed
    up anyway. There's probably loads of areas where a bike sold here
    exceeds certain UK specs in order to meet the more exacting spec for
    some other country.
    Alan, Jun 7, 2004
  6. Loads of them, actually. Think of all those cruisers they get in the US
    and nowhere else (except maybe Germany). Think of all those fast 400s
    the Japs used to get, which were sold virtually nowhere else.
    The Older Gentleman, Jun 7, 2004
  7. Alan

    Salad Dodger Guest

    Loads of them, actually. Think of all those cruisers they get in the US
    and nowhere else (except maybe Germany). Think of all those fast 400s
    the Japs used to get, which were sold virtually nowhere else.[/QUOTE]

    Like the *ten* tangerine and cream H1s Kawasaki made for the Afghan

    IIRC Rick Brett's got one. The git.

    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \
    _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/KH500A8/TS250C
    |_\_____/_| ..66073../..15556.../..3157./.19406
    (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 YTC#4 PM#5
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 two#11 WG*
    \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4
    \|^|/ ANORAK#17
    '^' RBR-Visited:35 Pts: 705 Miles:2429
    Salad Dodger, Jun 7, 2004
  8. Alan

    Verdigris Guest

    I just DID tell you why. Because most buyers will NOT do the research, so
    they'll play it safe and get an official one. Even someone who DOES do
    the research won't give you the full price because they know what a hassle
    they'll have when they come to sell it themselves.

    Didn't you anticipate this when you bought the bike originally?
    Verdigris, Jun 7, 2004
  9. Alan

    Alan Guest

    They don't have to do the research - as I said in the bit you snipped
    it's all either there or not necessary. There shouldn't be any hassle
    'cos the bike is now three years old, no warranty left and any problems
    sorted. Yes I anticipated this and I say again the bike isn't for
    ale - it was a hypothetical question. In the original post I asked if
    there was a point at which the two values converged and finally met, TOG
    says there isn't. I'm wondering why, even another five years down the
    line, someone should expect to pay less for the SAME thing. Everyones
    still saying "well it's an import innit".
    Alan, Jun 8, 2004
  10. Alan

    Ace Guest

    On Tue, 8 Jun 2004 12:04:28 +0000 (UTC), "Alan"

    What you're missing is a simple grasp of economics - the answer given
    is correct - an import is worth less simply because an import is worth

    Market forces are what gives something 'value', and in these cases the
    market shies away from imports, even when, as you say, the two bikes,
    plus any backup, warranty, etc. are exactly the same. Therefore, if
    the market doesn't think an import is worth as much, it isn't.
    Ace, Jun 8, 2004
  11. Alan

    Alan Guest

    I'm not missing the point - I have stated about 4 times that I know the
    accepted fact of life is that an import is worth less than an official.
    I'm just questioning the why of it - not the fact of it. I was asking if
    that is always the case for the whole life of the bike. If you saw two
    identical five or six year old bikes in a dealers would you expect to
    get a discount on one if it was an import? How much? Is it a sliding
    scale and if so at what point in time does that difference disappear? I
    reckon most dealers would price them both the same and argue that it
    doesn't matter about one being an import - until you try and trade one
    in of course.

    Most market forces have some reason behind them - there doesn't seem to
    be much behind this one and markets can be and have been manipulated. It
    seems to me that it's the dealers that devalue imports against officials
    in order to preserve or increase their cut and everyone else just
    accepts it as a fact. Why classify all parallel imports as "dodgy" or
    "hassle"? all I'm saying is why not judge an object for what it IS and
    value it accordingly. I would walk away from a bike with stickers on the
    speedo, an odo reading klicks and with tape on the headlights but I see
    no reason not to buy a properly converted import - as I did.

    I say again - I'm not trying to talk up the value of my bike or rip
    anyone off 'cos it's not for sale.
    Alan, Jun 8, 2004
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