Second hand parts from abroad

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Hairy Arse, Dec 12, 2004.

  1. Hairy Arse

    Hairy Arse Guest

    I've just won a set of forward controls on ebay germany, they are second
    hand, but looking at them on the photo, they don't look too old.

    I take it even second hand parts can get hit with customs duty and all that
    shite.. including the feking 8 quid charge the post office make to hold the
    package for the 2 hours between when i get the note to collecting them.

    What's the best way to avoid customs charges on second hand parts?? if they
    apply, and if they do how are they likely to work out what 2 lumps of bent
    chromed steel, a couple of levers and some rose jointed rods are worth,

    I've asked for an invoice not to be sent with the parts, so if the package
    gets opened there'll be nothing obvious saying they cost me around £130.

    What else can i do, i'm fucked if i'm paying this country money for doing
    naff all other than intercept a package and bung a sticker on it saying they
    want a cut of it's value.
    Hairy Arse, Dec 12, 2004
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  2. Hairy Arse

    Lozzo Guest

    Hairy Arse says...
    What customs duty? They're coming in from the EU so there shouldn't be
    Lozzo, Dec 12, 2004
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  3. Buy from within the EU. The Single Market. It means, generally, there
    are no customs duties between member states. That is the whole point
    of the damn thing.
    Hint. Germany is a member of the EU, so is the UK. The US is not.

    spouting bollocks on Usenet since 1997
    Usenet FAQ at
    Colonel Tupperware, Dec 12, 2004
  4. Hairy Arse

    Ovenpaa Guest

    Yup, but remember places like Switzerland and Norway are not in the EU(1)
    and intrestingly Germany has a size restriction on what can be sent using
    the local PO equivelant(2) Not a problem for you unless the poor seller
    fails to realise this.

    (1) DAMHIK-IJK
    (2) DAMHIK-IJK Luckily they do have UPS

    Despite these I routinely buy from Europe and have made huge savings.
    Ovenpaa, Dec 12, 2004
  5. Hairy Arse

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Colonel Tupperware was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    I haven't read today's papers. maybe the UK has left the EU overnight
    and joined NAFTA?

    Ah, I forgot - we're not governed by the Tories at the moment,
    although it's hard to believe...
    Timo Geusch, Dec 12, 2004
  6. Hairy Arse

    WavyDavy Guest

    Like wot Lozzo said.

    If its from the EU and 2nd hand then AFAIK there's no duty etc...

    And last time I looked Germany was part of the EU so yr OK.

    Buying parts from the US or Japan, however, *would* incur import duty and
    VAT etc on anything over £18 (in theory, but they can get a bit lax on this

    WavyDavy, Dec 12, 2004
  7. Hairy Arse

    Hairy Arse Guest

    Doh.. cheers for putting me right on that,

    i dug out the last invoice from something i ordered from abroad.. a new item
    at that (hence i was asking if second hand items get caught) and it came
    from switzerland.. which isn't part of the EU..
    and hence why i got charged 36 feckin quid for some twat in customs to think
    up a number, write it on a label and slap it on the package,

    Mind 8 quid of that was for the post office to let me know they had a parcel
    for me, and were keeping it untill i paid up.
    Hairy Arse, Dec 13, 2004
  8. Hairy Arse

    Higgins@work Guest

    Hairy Arse wrote:

    Bargain, especially compared to the brokerage fees that a carrier is
    likely to charge you.
    Higgins@work, Dec 13, 2004
  9. Hairy Arse

    Ovenpaa Guest

    I also got stiffed big time for VAT and charges after buying our wedding
    rings from CH, but worse still was the case of the chap who got a s/h GSA
    off fleabay Germany, had it picked up by a transport company, got as far
    as UK customs, and despite having all of the correct documentation was
    charged VAT, of cause the haulage company got pissy, the bike was
    impounded until the VAT was paid, it was then reimbursed a few weeks
    later. However the additional transport charges, hassle and pain were

    Ovenpaa, Dec 13, 2004
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