scooters safer than motorcycles ???

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by alx, Nov 27, 2005.

  1. alx

    alx Guest

    "Scooters with low centre of gravity are safer than other motorcycles..."

    WTF !!??

    last paragraph:-
    It was a serious matter, conceded Chris Smith, an IT businessman, but should
    not deter potential buyers. Scooters, with their low centres of gravity, are
    safer than other motorcycles, and riders must pass a stringent test. Most
    importantly, riders must realise safety is all about constant awareness of
    other road users. "You can only be in an accident if you are there."


    I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?
    alx, Nov 27, 2005
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  2. alx

    Nev.. Guest

    They are 'safer', but probably not for that reason. It's an article in
    a newspaper, not a technical journal and written with that audience in

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Nov 28, 2005
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  3. alx

    Will S Guest

    thank you

    The RSPCA thanks you as well
    Will S, Nov 28, 2005
  4. alx

    1013 Guest

    Why are they safer? Because they have tiny diameter wheels, underpowered
    engines, small disk brakes?

    The only reason motorcycles are more dangerous is due to the fact that they
    are faster and can bite you in the ass if you don't use common sense.
    1013, Nov 29, 2005
  5. alx

    smack Guest

    It's ARSE you idiot
    smack, Nov 29, 2005
  6. alx

    CrazyCam Guest

    Actually, 1013 (you don't mind if I call you that?), the difference is
    that scooters tend to be riden by scooter riders and motorcycles tend to
    be riden by motorcycle riders.

    I have been on _many_ group rides, for various reasons.

    Most of which have been motorcycle rides.

    I have been on one scooter ride, the organisers deemed the Z50 Honda an
    honorary scooter for the day, and it was a totally different experience. :)

    The participant were not out to extend their egos (or their dicks) by
    stupid or outrageous riding, but, rather to enjoy a cruise round various
    bits of Sydney. (It was the follow the blue line ride.)

    As a sweeping generalisation (well, it _is_!) scooterists are a
    much more laid back and relaxed bunch compared with the average bikie.

    CrazyCam, Nov 29, 2005
  7. Who's arse?
    Pisshead Pete, Nov 29, 2005
  8. alx

    smack Guest

    Arsed if I know.

    hey dad, Billy Connolly told me to **** off!
    smack, Nov 29, 2005

  9. Julie's?
    Hamish Alker-Jones, Nov 29, 2005
  10. alx

    Shane Guest

    Not bashing scooter riders or anything, but nah, I won't give up my
    Yammy FZ6 for a scooter, as I think small scooters are lethal. Even
    learning to ride on a 250 was tricky on the highways.
    I read somewhere about 50% of scooter riders go on to get proper
    motorbicycles, so it's all good!

    PS- I'm the long term lurker, who's been steadily learning and
    practicing on a new diamond black FZ6 fazer, and no, I'm not Hatz in
    disguise, I promise!

    SR250----->Fz6 Fazer....
    Shane, Nov 30, 2005
  11. alx

    Nev.. Guest

    CTP premium for your FZ6 in Melbourne $455.40
    CTP premium for a 50cc scooter in Melbourne $63.80.

    Obviously what you think and the basis for the TAC premium calculations
    are in different realities.

    Nev.., Nov 30, 2005
  12. alx

    alx Guest

    Yes, but, like shafties, everyone knows you cant wheelie a scooter....

    I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?
    alx, Nov 30, 2005
  13. alx

    Uncle Bully Guest

    I ridden a few scooters in my time. It only *looks* like you're are cruising
    because they are so slow. I'd ride mine full tilt 99.9% of the time and was
    lucky if I ever got over 60km/h :)
    Uncle Bully, Nov 30, 2005
  14. alx

    Rod Guest

    Maybe you can't wheelie a scooter but it doesn't mean that no one else can
    Rod, Nov 30, 2005
  15. alx

    CrazyCam Guest

    Mate, get fucked...... (It is still Harsh Week, isn't it?)

    As someone who rides a Z50 on the public roads in NSW, I _know_ about
    being flat out everywhere.....also a 1978 Yammie 125.

    I still maintain that the scooter mob are are much friendlier, less
    agro, less competative mob than bikies.

    CrazyCam, Nov 30, 2005
  16. alx

    Nev.. Guest

    Ahh look it's the bloke who used to give all us real motorcyclists a bad
    name with his scooter antics down Elizabeth St on Saturday mornings.
    Where do you lurk now... Northbridge?

    Nev.., Nov 30, 2005
  17. alx

    Rod Guest

    Chasing big bikes down the freeway. Hee hee!

    Rod, Nov 30, 2005
  18. alx

    nowater Guest

    CTP premiums are not based on injuries suffered by the riders. They
    are about injuries of third parties which, in the case of bikes, I
    assume is dominated by pillion injuries and associated claims. Not
    many pillions on 50cc scooters; and with a pillion I assume speed is
    about 30km/h!

    Nevertheless, in relation to the claim they are lethal, in SA there
    has not been a scooter fatality since, I think, 1998. That's a good
    nowater, Nov 30, 2005
  19. alx

    CrazyCam Guest

    and, FWIW, SA is one of the states that have a car licence being enough
    to ride a 50cc scoot.

    CrazyCam, Nov 30, 2005
  20. alx

    Nev.. Guest

    Because the premiums I quoted are for Victoria and the CTP scheme is a
    no-fault scheme and in the majority of claims by motorcyclists it is the
    motorcyclist who is injured rather than a third party the figured indeed
    to reflect the cost of injuries suffered by the riders.

    Nev.., Nov 30, 2005
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