scooter stack

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by DM, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. DM

    alx Guest

    It may have been his fourth scooter rider for the day and he's feeling
    a bit over it.
    alx, Sep 1, 2011
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  2. DM

    Addinall Guest

    "I had right of way" makes a good epitaph. I ACTUALLY BOUGHT a scooter a
    while back in SA. A bright yeller BUG thing. I rode it for 1 km, put it
    in the garage, and gave it away shortly afterwards. I have NEVER felt
    that unsafe on the road. Going flat stick through a busy intersection on
    one of the little things is a Darwin Award.

    Hope the leg is feeling better mate! Smile at the Physio-terrorists ;-)

    Addinall, Sep 2, 2011
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  3. DM

    Diogenes Guest

    Perhaps he thought it was a better tool for doing "trachies"? I dunno.

    We had another guy try to join who said he was a medical doctor. When
    we asked to sight his degree, he became quite evasive. So we looked a
    bit deeper into this guy's creds and activities and found he was
    cruising the corridors of a nearby large hospital, "examining"

    We informed the security people at the hospital and they checked him
    out a bit more, and based on what they were _not_ able to confirm
    about his bona fides, detained him whilst awaiting the arrival of
    police. Turns out, he was indeed an imposter.

    The armed forces, police, ambo's, firfighters, rescue and emergency
    services, and even veterans' organsiations all seem to attract loonies
    and imposters. They have to be very careful in their screening

    In here, however, you dare not ask suss people to provide any creds or
    Peter the civil rights advocate will get most upset. Wonder what
    _he's_ got to hide...

    Just sayin' ...


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Sep 2, 2011
  4. DM

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Addinall" wrote
    I have a very vivid memory of many years ago. I was going to work on
    my treadly and stopped for the traffic lights at Charles and Scarboro
    Bch. There were cars stopped in both lanes. A young bloke on a scooter
    was lane-splitting flat-tack and, as he entered the intersection with
    the lights still red, he yelled "YeeHaa". Some ten seconds later the
    light went green and nobody moved, they were still stunned.

    Can you be that far out of your head at 7:30am?

    Theo Bekkers, Sep 5, 2011
  5. Meth. He'd probably been awake for 2 days.

    Fraser Johnston, Sep 5, 2011
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