Saturday (Nov 17) Ride

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Brian Walker, Nov 16, 2007.

  1. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    We're plannin' on ridin' tomorrow. Who's in?

    Meet in Mesquite, Irving, Arlington or Ft Worth?
    Brian Walker, Nov 16, 2007
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  2. Brian Walker

    Bill Cattell Guest

    Where we meeting and what time? I promise - no dancing with the bike this
    time. ;-)
    Bill Cattell, Nov 17, 2007
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  3. Brian Walker

    redshad Guest

    Well how was Saturdays ride? No report??

    redshad, Nov 19, 2007
  4. Brian Walker

    bj_kana Guest

    Yeah.................I wanna hear about it. Maybe he is in the
    choreagraphic stage of putting a ride chronicle together...reckon? /
    bj_kana, Nov 19, 2007
  5. Brian Walker

    redshad Guest

    No...I recon they were pussys and stayed

    redshad, Nov 20, 2007
  6. Brian Walker

    Jerry Guest

    Usenet Pussys?
    Jerry, Nov 20, 2007
  7. Brian Walker

    redshad Guest

    Yep..No riding Usenet Pussys.

    redshad, Nov 20, 2007
  8. Brian Walker

    Ed Hart Guest


    Ed Hart
    Growing Old Is Mandatory
    Growing Up Is Optional
    Ed Hart, Nov 20, 2007
  9. Brian Walker

    redshad Guest

    Got your bike back yet Big Ed?

    redshad, Nov 20, 2007
  10. Brian Walker

    bj_kana Guest

    --Yep, either that or he is putting together one helluva Solo Ride
    bj_kana, Nov 20, 2007
  11. Brian Walker

    bj_kana Guest

    Other-wise....WTF. -bjay-
    bj_kana, Nov 20, 2007
  12. Brian Walker

    Bill Cattell Guest

    Well pussies or not I never did hear anything about a meeting time and
    place. BW and I spoke a bit about a 3 day ride south of the border for
    Friday but we haven't talked since then.

    I guess we all get to stay inside where it's warm and cozy instead of
    being manly men and riding through the cold and wind and rain. Now who
    wouldn't want to be included in that kind of fun, eh? ;-)
    Bill Cattell, Nov 21, 2007
  13. Brian Walker

    Ed Hart Guest

    I will try tomorrow.I might be in town for the holidays.Wife is havin' some
    problems.I will let ya know.
    Ed Hart, Nov 21, 2007
  14. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Okay, since you insist!!!

    I rode out on the Hurricane. Typical type ride. I was in search of
    some nice roads that I could ride the edge off the tires. I got on one
    highway that I'd been hearing about which had about 40 miles of
    twists, turns, straights and long curves. This road had it all...and
    then some. I was out there hot-doggin' and having a good time. Being
    on the Hurricane, I wasn't busting the barrier...just seeing what it'd
    do. I found one turn that got me down so low I had ended up grinding
    off the outside edge of my boot and about 1/8th of an inch of peg.
    Man, that was a turn! I figured it worked out good since I've had my
    eye on a new set of rears and having a lopsided set of pegs is a good
    excuse. Toward the end of the road I came up fast behind a pickup in a
    curve. The truck was typical republican redneck that was going WAY
    under the speed limit. I shot out around him and upshifted a couple
    gears. I came topping the hill and started down. As I popped the
    Hurricane back into the lane, I looked up to find a TDPS trooper
    sitting at the bottom of the hill. "SHIT!!!". I looked down and my
    speedometer was reading right around 70mph. I figured that I was safe
    on the highway since I wasn't going that fast. Yeah, right! Mr. State
    Trooper was flagging me over. I pulled over thinking he was just going
    to look at my bike and tell me how neat he thought I was by passing
    that pickup in wholesale fashion. I flipped up the visor and he said
    "I caught you going 70mph as you passed that truck, is there a medical
    reason why you're going that fast?". In a joking manner, I replied
    "does alzheimers count?". He looked at me and said "you have
    alzheimers?". I said "I don't know...I forgot". I then said "70? I
    don't believe I was going that fast...are you sure about that?". He
    said "yes, you were going 70". He then asked to see my DL and
    insurance. He went to his car and got his clipboard and I was sitting
    there thinking "shit, another ticket that I have to beat". He got done
    and told me he was giving me a warning for the speed. I said "shit, I
    didn't think you guys gave those things anymore". He said "well, we're
    out here looking for these sportbikes....but you're going about 50mph
    slower than the one's we're catching". WTF? First I get pulled over,
    then I get called a "usenet pussy" by a state trooper that's writing
    me a warning ticket and telling me I'm not going fast enough to get a
    ticket! I told him real quick that before he starts in on the "going
    too slow" shit, he should've seen my riding in the curves. I even
    showed him my boot and peg that I shaved off!!!


    I just went back home and went back to bed!!!
    Brian Walker, Nov 21, 2007
  15. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I would've invited you, but I herd your radio is busted and causing
    your bike to not run....
    Brian Walker, Nov 21, 2007
  16. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I'm going to give up on these rides. I believe Louie has the right
    idea...just sell out the bikes and move on.

    Between the riders taking a stroll through the tulips and barbed wire,
    and being called a usenet pussy by a state trooper for not going fast
    enough to get a ticket, I'm about done.

    I'm heading to Borneo!!!
    Brian Walker, Nov 21, 2007
  17. Brian Walker

    Jerry Guest

    That is really a sad story Brian. I guess you will have to get a cruiser.
    Jerry, Nov 21, 2007
  18. Brian Walker

    redshad Guest

    Damn dude,,,,For as much as you get pulled over, you are lucky they
    dont throw you under the

    redshad, Nov 21, 2007
  19. Brian Walker

    bj_kana Guest

    Now that is a nice, exciting Solo Ride Report, if I ever saw one.
    Thanks. <bjay>
    bj_kana, Nov 21, 2007
  20. Brian Walker

    bj_kana Guest

    To Borneo for Thanksgiving....hmmmmm...good idea. <bjay>
    bj_kana, Nov 21, 2007
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