Saturday lunch

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by SKooter Bum, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. SKooter Bum

    SKooter Bum Guest

    I seem to be developing a hunger for a Yankee's burger and some onion
    rings. It's likely I'll be there by 11:30 or so. Anyone else with the
    same idea come on up/over/down for a B/S session.
    The Wing hasn't been out of the garage in a month while I've been riding
    the Harley so I've got to get the Midnight Lady out and about before she
    gets pissed.
    Ride Safe
    SKooter Bum, Aug 29, 2008
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  2. SKooter Bum

    louie Guest

    Anybody from around cowtown going to see if Skooter is going to Yankee's?

    Just got my 2nd notice, for the 8th time, that my warranty is about to
    expire. That got me to thinking about the Suzuki dealer here that is giving
    away cars if he can't beat a deal. Now that is a good deal, especially if I
    can find a copycat dealer close by.
    Free is a fair price for a Suzuki M/C, and a little high for a Suzuki
    automobile. Although the S/automobiles don't have near the problems as those

    Lets try it.

    louie, Aug 30, 2008
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  3. SKooter Bum

    louie Guest

    Follow, as does Big Ed. 920am etd

    louie, Aug 30, 2008
  4. SKooter Bum

    louie Guest

    Well it ain't too far for that, huh?

    I can give u some shortcuts for the Valkyrie maintenance.

    louie, Aug 30, 2008
  5. SKooter Bum

    SKooter Bum Guest

    N30 36 01.5 or N 30 36.026
    W96 05 09.9 or N 96 05.167
    How can you miss it?
    SKooter Bum, Aug 30, 2008
  6. SKooter Bum

    BiffB Guest

    I am saddled with children this weekend, Wonder if they'ld notice if i
    disappeared for 4 hours or so. Maybe I can go get em a new game for the
    XBOX, then I know they wouldn't miss me.
    BiffB, Aug 30, 2008
  7. SKooter Bum

    SKooter Bum Guest

    Hate to hear that, always nice to B/S with you for a while.
    Depending on the track of Gustov perhaps you should be spending
    the weekend working on a bunker?
    SKooter Bum, Aug 30, 2008
  8. SKooter Bum

    louie Guest

    louie's...... Do u have that in your poi's on that 3bit apparatus


    louie, Aug 30, 2008
  9. SKooter Bum

    BiffB Guest

    I'll be barricading the windows with cases of Shiner, and fitting the
    Concours with pontoons on Sunday. Also, I'll be stocking up on ammo in
    case we get more refugees. Plus, proper armaments make it easier to
    acquire fuel and canned goods.
    BiffB, Aug 30, 2008
  10. SKooter Bum

    Mr. JayT Guest

    The LOUIE writes: Yawl..Free is a fair price for a Suzuki M/C, and a
    little high for a Suzuki automobile. Although the S/automobiles don't
    have <near the problems> as those Valkyries.
    Lets try it.
    ...louie ---

    =====LMA0 billwalker style) ''That's probably why you got rid of your
    old problematic big ass top heavy, gas staining, expensive 0-ringed F6 ,
    vibrating V-motorSikel.
    Mr. JayT, Aug 30, 2008
  11. SKooter Bum

    Mr. JayT Guest

    ~~~>Precision/Pender asks? ''I don't know where that is Mr Bum. Am I

    ----SkootBum answers:
    N30 36 01.5 or N 30 36.026
    W96 05 09.9 or N 96 05.167
    How can you miss it?

    =====shoot, with those crystal clear directions,<g>..anyone.could zip
    right down there...shoot I could find it with my doRag turned around
    backwards (covering my caddilac infected old-blue eyes) I think??--
    Mr. JayT, Aug 30, 2008
  12. SKooter Bum

    louie Guest

    Yes we did.

    Will you ride again?

    Valkyries, man O man

    louie, Aug 31, 2008
  13. SKooter Bum

    BiffB Guest

    See, this is why I need a Ural. So I can fit both kids on a bike and go
    to Yankees and have lunch with a bunch of miscreants and homosexuals.
    BiffB, Aug 31, 2008
  14. SKooter Bum

    bj_kana Guest

    =oooooooooooo, I would've told that.
    bj_kana, Aug 31, 2008
  15. SKooter Bum

    bj_kana Guest

    ==it sounds like 'you two got in some hugging time, last saturday''.
    If you think he's uh' drop dead handsome man, You must, have
    caddilacs on boff' eyes....hehe
    bj_kana, Sep 2, 2008
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