There was no ride this Saturday. ....louie
I rode a Hurricane....from one end of the garage to the other. Granted, this only consisted of a whopping 8 inches, but it sure was fun! I've almost got this motorcycle back into the condition it was in before I took it over to Mike and he had it for several months to screw it up.
More like limited to the space....three full size (well, two full and one 3/4) motorcycles in a 1/4 car garage.... I had to move my lawn equipment in the computer room to make space for this Hurricane to come back home. I'm about to clean out the spare room and give it to the Hurricane.
Well, you read so much on Usenet, you just don't know what to believe. Maybe Ed doesn't even own a motorcycle. Maybe that is not his real name.
(louie) There was no ride this Saturday. ...louie Well hail, that explains it. Thats' why I didnt have a fun ass day. (sheeet.) B. Jay Kana-- NETexas 02 Valkyrie Cruiser-- ( happy trails to you all)
I was limited to the length of this old couch of mine.. The Mexican came up with all kinds of Honey-dos, the neighbors came up with all kinds of the cook out kinda carryin-ons.. Seemed like all of it was designed to get me off that couch, and I just ignored it all.. Watched the tube a little and of course, every time I stuck my head out, it commenced another rain shower.. But.. I managed to doze through it all and it turned into one of those lazy and pleasant days.. Bill Walker
BRian said what? ''I had to move my =lawn equipment= in the computer room to make space for this Hurricane to come back home. I'm about to clean out the spare room and give it to the Hurricane. IOW, ''in-----the--------house (area)-? --lawn 'quip-ment'--(/?) B. Jay Kana-- NETexas 02 Valkyrie Cruiser-- ( happy trails to you all)
BillWalker replies to a ''no Rider'' clause, cause:''I was limited to the length of this old couch of mine.. The Mexican came up with all kinds of Honey-dos, the neighbors came up with all kinds of the cook out kinda carryin-ons.. Seemed like all of it was designed to get me off that couch, and I just ignored it all.. Watched the tube a little and of course, every time I stuck my head out, it commenced another rain shower.. But.. I managed to doze through it all and it turned into one of those lazy and pleasant days.. Bill Walker) ''poor reasons'' not to have joined Louie on a day of not actually riding, in his ''best (yet) NoRide Today'' report. B. Jay Kana-- NETexas 02 Valkyrie Cruiser-- ( happy trails to you all)
I know it.. but, Louie and RedShad have both deeply offended me.. Their unwarranted attacks against you.. in these past few days, are unfair.. Considering that your nice wife and me are first cousins, twice removed.. I feel that both of those guys are trying to stir up trouble in the family.. I take full responsibility for chastising you about your failure to perform in your self appointed capacity as "Ratings Monitor" however.. I am deeply offended by some of the unseemly comments that those two charlatons made about you.. tsk .. tsk.. Just not acceptable.. Bill Walker
Hey Bike Mike is back.... and riding a Honda powered bike.... what's the matter u getting old?? I thought you'd monitor that race via ur own pedal power... ....louie