sat am ride ends in deer ding, no coffee or pastry

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Jim Stinnett, May 23, 2006.

  1. Jim Stinnett

    AndyL Guest

    How much time you had to react?
    Could/did you jump out of the seat to avoid direct impact with that?

    Friend of mine crashed into fire truck (which blown the stop sign)
    without helmet. He is a pro athlete and was able to curl, relax and
    hide his head between arms. He was acting upon the upcoming crash
    however all was an instinct/learned sport behavior, not thinking. He had
    just broken arm while the bike was totaled.

    AndyL, May 28, 2006
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  2. Jim Stinnett

    Jim Stinnett Guest

    I thought my original post made it clear,
    I had ZERO time between when the deer leapt into my path and the moment
    of impact.
    I would've said "Oh Shit"
    But only got to "_ and bang.

    Let's put it this way:
    I have owned over 50 motorcycles since 1967, and have logged a millon or
    so miles of actual asstime on these things, and in all that time I have
    had only One Impact collision, ever (this one). There have been three
    other get offs one of them was totally my fault, a lack of humility and
    common sense lead to that crash. ( a slide), another involved being
    clotheslined off a bike by a fallen cable tv line, the last at Sears
    Point in turn two, which was in a competetive situation.All together
    that isn't too bad for a non professional rider.
    Since this is the first time I have ever had any injury of any type due
    to riding, I would say in all modesty that first, I'm a competent rider,
    second, I am lucky enough to have never been hit by some idiot in a car.
    Trust me on this particular issue, I know that no one could've avoided
    being hit by this deer, and secondly, once the impact has taken place,
    there is no telling what the **** will happen next.
    As for tumbling and ju jitsu -ing to mitigate crash injuries, I say, buy
    a cheap ass bike, find a place where you can be 100% SURPRISED, and
    wait for the impact to occur. Then post your findings.
    We are all anxious to hear your report.
    By the way, wear good protective gear before you do it.
    Jim Stinnett, May 28, 2006
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  3. Jim Stinnett

    AndyL Guest

    I had to miss that.

    I did not mean to be rude. Just speculating if there is a time to jump
    out. I read about other accidents (on Polish AMS-like usenet group)
    where actually jumping out/up helped a lot. I own 1 bike since 2006 and
    I have put into the seat only about 8K miles. This is a natural
    curiosity of a beginner how such things happen and hopefully I will
    never get into the routine.

    Regards, A.
    AndyL, May 28, 2006
  4. sorry...but that was weak....
    Joey Tribiani, May 28, 2006
  5. Jim Stinnett

    Jim Stinnett Guest

    I cannot recall ever having less than zero time to react in some way.
    This was like...
    ride , ride, ride ,, groan, complete cycle of
    emergency services.
    Jim Stinnett, May 28, 2006
  6. Like so many of our policies, our health care views are
    self-deceptive. In a civilized country people don't bleed to death on
    the ER steps. Other developed countries all see access to a certain
    level of health care as a 'right'. We think so too, but we won't
    admit it even to ourselves. To even suggest such a thing is
    'socialist'. It's Communistic! It's even worse--it's -LIBERAL-!
    Think of all the costs in this country that we would refuse to pay if
    presented a bill, so we pay them as hidden costs. Just for example,
    how much does it add to the cost of a gallon of gas to have a war in
    the Gulf every ten years?
    Not to mention profits! We already have a public insurance system in
    the US, Medicare. People grumble about it but they're glad to have
    it. It works pretty well with a small portion of the overhead of
    commercial insurance companies. If we just expanded it to include
    everyone in the US, we would immediately save tens of billions of
    dollars a year. In fact the only reason we have Medicare is that the
    insurance companies realized they couldn't make any money insuring old
    people so they fobbed them off on the public.

    A friend of ours needed an emergency appendectomy. This is a woman
    who babysits and cleans houses for a living. I don't think she even
    had a bank account. They took her in with no problems, did the
    operation, and presented her with a bill for $25,000. She got on the
    phone and called the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, the hospital,
    etc.etc. and explained the situation, and all their bills immediately
    came down to 50-60%. They all said the same thing--that they were
    charging her the rate for an individual patient paying for his own
    care, but they would be happy to accept the much lower amount that her
    insurance company would have paid. She worked out a deal to pay
    $100/mo. for probably the rest of her life, no interest!
    What do you care? You're rich! 8^)

    My wife has a kidney transplant. She works as a technical writer and
    she could do better as a freelance but she has to have a job for a
    company because there's no way she could get individual health
    insurance. I am self employed, 56 years old and diabetic, and though
    I'm very healthy I couldn't get insurance for myself for less than
    $1500/mo. so I'm lucky to have my wife's insurance.
    blazing laser, May 28, 2006
  7. Jim Stinnett

    B. Peg Guest

    Cobra here was higher, more like $700 month.

    If one loses their job, most likely their chances are they cannot afford
    Cobra either - much less of a year of it. Should one find a new job with a
    "no-group medical policy," then they may be denied coverage for their
    pre-existing condition. So they lose in the end, or they may stipulate that
    their policy may not cover their pre-existing condition, i.e. "No thoracic
    or abdominal surgery covered."

    With more companies getting out of group medical (it costs more since they
    insure everyone, even pre-existing conditions) what is left other than some
    sort of socialized medicine?

    B. Peg, May 28, 2006
  8. Jim Stinnett

    barbz Guest

    Well, I prefer fresh to "sitting in a supermarket tray for 3 weeks."

    Did the term "grilled" confuse you? I was not referring to the front of
    my vehicle, but rather the thing that goes over the coals on a barbeque!

    Chaplain, ARSCC

    "Comparing Scientology to a motorcycle gang is a gross, unpardonable
    insult to bikers everywhere. Even at our worst, we are never as bad as
    -ex-member, Thunderclouds motorcycle "club"
    barbz, May 29, 2006
  9. Jim Stinnett

    barbz Guest

    The recipe starts out telling you to put the moose nose on a stick and
    hold it over the fire to burn all the hair off...I am not making this up!

    Chaplain, ARSCC

    "Comparing Scientology to a motorcycle gang is a gross, unpardonable
    insult to bikers everywhere. Even at our worst, we are never as bad as
    -ex-member, Thunderclouds motorcycle "club"
    barbz, May 29, 2006
  10. Jim Stinnett

    barbz Guest

    ..00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001. The other
    10 billion are on vacation. It's Memorial Day weekend, ya know.

    Chaplain, ARSCC

    "Comparing Scientology to a motorcycle gang is a gross, unpardonable
    insult to bikers everywhere. Even at our worst, we are never as bad as
    -ex-member, Thunderclouds motorcycle "club"
    barbz, May 29, 2006
  11. Jim Stinnett

    barbz Guest

    Pecos Bill would have jumped off the bike onto the buck, grabbed it by
    the antlers and ridden it to a stop. Then he would have made sausage.

    Chaplain, ARSCC

    "Comparing Scientology to a motorcycle gang is a gross, unpardonable
    insult to bikers everywhere. Even at our worst, we are never as bad as
    -ex-member, Thunderclouds motorcycle "club"
    barbz, May 29, 2006
  12. Jim Stinnett

    barbz Guest

    We could set that up, ya know. Get all these sooper karatee doods and
    run them around the obstacle track, complete with *surprises.*
    I wanna see some real Ninja action!

    Chaplain, ARSCC

    "Comparing Scientology to a motorcycle gang is a gross, unpardonable
    insult to bikers everywhere. Even at our worst, we are never as bad as
    -ex-member, Thunderclouds motorcycle "club"
    barbz, May 29, 2006
  13. Jim Stinnett

    barbz Guest

    1. ride on road
    2. deer jump out and hit you
    3. you fall over

    That about it, Jim?

    Chaplain, ARSCC

    "Comparing Scientology to a motorcycle gang is a gross, unpardonable
    insult to bikers everywhere. Even at our worst, we are never as bad as
    -ex-member, Thunderclouds motorcycle "club"
    barbz, May 29, 2006
  14. Jim Stinnett

    Brian Guest

    .....*land mines* ?......

    Buy a Kawasaki!
    Brian, May 29, 2006
  15. Jim Stinnett

    Saddlebag Guest


    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect
    Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the
    common defense, promote the general *Welfare*, and secure the Blessings
    of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this
    Constitution for the United States of America.
    Saddlebag, May 29, 2006
  16. I've had a few low-sides that were slow motion affairs -- seeing them
    coming gave me time to repeat the mantra "relax, let go, enjoy the ride"

    High side get-offs are more like "Oh, this is interesting -- I'm tumbling on
    tarmac at 60mph. Uh, I'd like this to stop now... please?"

    And of course, the first question any biker asks is: "How is the bike?"
    Michael Sierchio, May 30, 2006
  17. Jim Stinnett

    barbz Guest

    LOL! It's true!

    Chaplain, ARSCC

    "Comparing Scientology to a motorcycle gang is a gross, unpardonable
    insult to bikers everywhere. Even at our worst, we are never as bad as
    -ex-member, Thunderclouds motorcycle "club"
    barbz, May 30, 2006
  18. Mercy Jim... I'm so happy you're still with us... I shall hold your thoughts the
    next time I'm up in deer country... because I think I'm way over due for my
    first deer strike...

    I ask myself what is the problem with deer??? are they stupid??? skitterish???
    death wish??? I don't think so... because a study of all living things shows an
    inherent will to live... so why do I fear hitting one and ending both of our
    lives??? well it seems we all wish to do the right thing but in a split second
    choose the wrong thing to do... is it related to the size of the brain??? well
    we do have the biggest brain but how many times have we witnessed a big brain
    racer fall on the inside of a track and then run clear across to the other side
    of the track for safety??? we clearly observe that this action is the wrong
    to do... but to the racer it's the right thing to do... well deer also make the
    wrong decision and may cross paths...

    A study of Prey and Predators tell us that to avoid danger an animal must employ
    the sense of sight... sound and smell... A Mountain Lion might must beat a
    Deer's defenses to eat... and they know that Deer are not easy prey... quite the
    contrary... they think they are down right hard to catch... what is working
    against the Mountain Lion and in the Deer's favor is a keen sense of smell...
    unfortunately that's the one sense a rider on a bike doesn't have... we don't
    smell dangerous enough for deer to steer clear and they end up doing the wrong
    thing... If we smelled like Mountain Lions... I doubt we ever run into them

    Larry L
    94 RC45 #2
    Have a wheelie NICE day...
    Lean & Mean it in every corner of your life...
    If it wasn't for us the fast lane would rust...
    V4'S are music to the seat of my pants...
    1952 De Havilland Chipmunk...
    Yank and bank your brains loose...
    Larry xlax Lovisone, May 31, 2006
  19. Jim Stinnett

    pablo Guest

    Personally, I think they're possessed. Satan's creatures. Forget bats or
    other animals associated with the dark side. Deer are it.

    Plus they're terminally stupid, of course.

    The scares I've had, where the deer jumps into the middle of the street,
    then beautifully faints a few times about what direction it's going to take
    so confuse you, while you're practising emergency braking skills and
    simultaneously wondering where you'll get toilet paper to wipe yourself if
    you make it through. There ought to be a discretely arranged dispenser
    somewhere on our bikes, I tell you, between SUV drivers, deer and road
    conditions in the Bay Area it's a miracle we don't all ride in Depends more

    pablo, May 31, 2006
  20. Jim Stinnett

    Jim Stinnett Guest

    Maybe they have animal magnetism, and are attracted to dumb ass
    decisions, like teenagers.
    Thanks for the reply, and stay inpervious to peril.
    Jim Stinnett, May 31, 2006
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