Sarko's Finest Having Fun ...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by des, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. des

    des Guest

    des, Jun 11, 2008
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  2. des

    Cane Guest

    heh, looks like a laugh.

    Did I hear correctly that Mrs Sarko has an album coming out?
    Cane, Jun 11, 2008
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  3. des

    des Guest

    Lucky bastards, eh? The state not only pays for their FJRs, but lets
    'em openly carry handguns.
    Tragically, yes. The strategy is apparently working: =~ 60% of the
    electorate likes her. As long as her face and body are on the tabloids'
    front pages, no one is stopping to ask why the repugnant little fascist
    she married has kept precisely zero of his election promises.

    des, Jun 11, 2008
  4. des

    Cane Guest

    Good grief. Can you imagine Mrs Brown [don't even know her name] in
    the charts!
    A kind of French Princess Diana
    Cane, Jun 11, 2008
  5. des

    CT Guest

    des wrote:
    [of Sarkozy]
    He's a politician.

    CT, Jun 11, 2008
  6. des

    des Guest

    Except better looking.

    The 'buzz word' right now is 'pouvoir d'achat', which is like 'buying
    power', i.e. how many packs of beer and tubes of Pringles your euro will
    stretch to. Inflation is 3% or so already this year.

    The government's favourite way of qualifying this is 'des Français',
    which means, 'the French's ...'

    No one seems to have noticed (or no one can be bothered pointing it out)
    that 'des Français' means (more or less) 'of the French'. i.e. _all_
    the French. But it's not affecting all the French; only those who
    aren't scummy, repugnant, worker-exploiting, capitalist pigshit. But
    the government uses 'des Français' so that the sheep can nod and say,
    'yeah, we're all in this together .. Nicolas feels for us, and he'll do
    everything he can ...'

    French society is, as they say, going to hell in a handbasket. I
    predicted this, and for once, I'd have preferred not to have been a
    visionary. The UK lived this from 1979 to 1990, and still hasn't
    recovered. But that was pre-9/11. Technology and its potential for
    mass surveillance have moved on since then, and the Republic is facing
    its most dangerous menace since June 1940.

    des, Jun 11, 2008
  7. des

    platypus Guest

    platypus, Jun 11, 2008
  8. des

    TOG@Toil Guest

    TOG@Toil, Jun 11, 2008
  9. I get the impression, if you asked him, he'd probably say something
    similar himself.

    Perhaps I'm just being pessimistic, but we do seem to be in something
    of a dark age with regard to world political leaders at the moment.
    More so than usual, I mean.
    Slower Than You, Jun 11, 2008
  10. des

    Lozzo Guest


    Lozzo the velologist
    Suzuki SV650S K5
    Honda CBR600 FW trackbike
    Yamaha SR250 Spazz-Trakka
    Suzuki GSXR750 L
    Suzuki TS50X
    Suzuki TS50X
    Lozzo, Jun 11, 2008
  11. des

    des Guest

    Yes, we're in an age of mediocrity. The age of statesmen is dead.
    People become celebrities not in spite of being classless, talentless
    thickos .. but _because_ of it. UKRM fetes its morons and vilifies its

    Just watched Anne Widdecombe being interviewed on Sky News, saying that
    the government needs emergency powers, 'just like we did in Northern
    Ireland'. The deferential wankstain interviewing her, didn't think to
    ask her why the existing terrorism-related laws aren't enough.

    It's not a good time to be bi-cultural. My friends and acquaintances
    who know I hail from the British Isles, ask me 'what went wrong in
    Britain?', and my British friends sort of look accusingly at me,
    wondering how France could have fallen into the hands of a fascist
    sixty-five years after defeating the last one.

    I don't really want to take the reins, but world events aren't leaving
    me much of a choice.

    des, Jun 11, 2008
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