
Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Tony, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. Tony

    jlittler Guest

    While an entirely correct observation you missed one key clue about
    this poster that indicates attempting *ANYTHING* resembling logic is
    more of a waste of time than arguing with Hammo.

    <points silently to Tony's ISP in his email address>

    Nuff said.

    jlittler, Feb 26, 2007
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  2. Tony

    jlittler Guest

    Struggling with English are we Smiley ? He stated that he would like
    him to **** off back to church. If there is any implication in that,
    it's that church goers are sanctimonious. I personally think that's
    pretty fair comment. We all know there's people with imaginary friends
    who also ride bikes, that's OK, bikers are an accepting bunch most of
    us will accept people with mental issues(1) and delusions without
    being *too* critical

    (1) I think the mental illness associated with hearing voices that
    aren't there and seeing things no one else can see is called
    Schizophrenia, I could be wrong though
    jlittler, Feb 26, 2007
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  3. Tony

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Ya goddamn beginner. I did that one one bike.
    Tell him what you really think. Save the rest of us some typing.

    Beer mate?

    Theo Bekkers, Feb 27, 2007
  4. Tony

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Theo Bekkers, Feb 27, 2007
  5. Tony

    Hammo Guest

    Except you argue with me, all the time, dear John.


    Does the aol thing still hold true, or are we getting back to the good old
    days when "research" bodies had this marvel of communication?

    ObMoto: I have a vest, and I wear it at times.
    Hammo, Feb 27, 2007
  6. Tony

    Hammo Guest

    Yes, yes, hook, line, sinker...

    To state that schizophrenia is akin to having imaginary friends is pretty
    offensive and a long way off the mark. Drop me an email, or we can have
    tete a tete here...

    Hammo, Feb 27, 2007
  7. Tony

    Hammo Guest

    A GB post that I can agree with!

    Hammo, Feb 27, 2007
  8. Tony

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Then stay off bikes. We'll all be safer.

    In Oz, to maintain the population, 262,000 people have to die every year.
    Last year 1600 people died on the roads, yet, as the average vehicle travels
    12,000 kms per year, each person must spend 15 minutes in a vehicle every
    day. Thus 2729 people should die each year whilst in a vehicle. Ergo, it's
    much safer to be in a vehicle than out of one.

    Ain't maths fun?
    Theo Bekkers, Feb 27, 2007
  9. In on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 11:59:16 +1100
    Where the differences are is mostly about the number of people who
    will be distracted or careless enough to not notice, but will notice
    if the exception - a light or a bright colour - is exceptional enough.

    Like what kit you wear, it is a personal preference issue.

    I found that the bike made a big difference, if it was unusual enough
    it was noticed. I find the same on the recumbent.

    I haven't tried the vest thing, no idea what difference it would make,
    but then I don't *get* the close calls.... I dunno if it's that my
    positioning and observation is better than average, or if it's the
    traffic I ride in and the times I ride.

    I tend to the idea that while a vest might catch the eye of the
    unknown number who are careless but can process well enough to catch
    the vest and then do the right thing, it has a bad effect on others
    who see it and thnk badly of the wearer for some reason. Either
    "wimp" or "lowlife" or whatever. I don't know how many of each there
    are, the number encountered probably depends on a hell of a lot of
    factors including one's own behaviour.

    Zebee Johnstone, Feb 27, 2007
  10. Tony

    jlittler Guest

    Well I *did* say MORE of a waste of time. Besides, have I ever said
    that arguing with you ISN'T a waste of time ? I just have this
    quixotic desire to actually have a sensible exchange of viewpoints
    with you, and inevitably end up in a (what was the phrase Clem coined)
    "Hamfuscation" ?
    Yeah, no tongue in cheek there - it really is my experience - I'm an
    admin on and a huge percentage of our problem
    subscribers are from AOL, and they really do behave in (choose one)
    cretinous, ill educated, gobsmackingly self serving, pig ignorant or
    like they are doing us a favour for utilising a service they get for
    free and hence we should spend tens of hours helping them fix
    something utterly unrelated to us. Sometimes all of the above.

    Like all generalisations it will fail in a particular instance, but as
    an heuristic, assuming an AOLer is an ignorant moron until otherwise
    proven is a fairly safe bet.
    I'm surprised to be honest. <Thinks> Hang on, this is Hammo.

    Yes but do you wear it while riding a motorcycle ? Is it a reflective
    safety vest as per earlier in the thread or are we talking about a
    wooly knitted one you wear under your jacket in winter or some other
    type of vest? If a flouro reflective safety vest that you are wearing
    on a motorcycle while riding it, are you doing so because you expect a
    safety benefit or merely because it's a convenient way of transporting
    it from "A" to "B" (being two physically distinct but unspecified
    geographic locationsas opposed to other definitions of "A" and "B").
    <pause> that's all the mis-directions and obfuscations I can think of
    - did I miss any ?

    jlittler, Feb 27, 2007
  11. Tony

    jlittler Guest

    OK, I sit corrected. I don't think I still have an email address for
    you so unless you'd like to update me with yours it'll be on here (1).

    BTW though, my layman's generalisation about the similarity between
    the religious and the symptoms of schizophrenia are echoed by the
    symptoms section of (which seems to claim some
    authority on the subject)

    Delusions are false personal beliefs held with extraordinary
    conviction in spite of what others believe and in spite of obvious
    proof or evidence to the contrary.

    Hallucinations can occur in any of the five senses but the most common
    are auditory.

    This is entirely consistent with my quote above:

    I could argue that the section on "disorganised behaviour" also
    describes many religious leaders in Australia, but that's probably a
    minefield I'm better off staying out of !

    Let's just stick with:

    The assertion that there is an invisible supernatural being who loves
    me etc etc sounds like a delusion to me - " a belief held with
    extraordinary conviction" despite the lack of any supporting evidence
    - if it's not a delusion it's certainly a close cousin (if it looks
    like a rabbit, and hops like a rabbit it's a kangaroo ?)

    The statement made by some christians (particularly evangelical
    americans) that they "talk with god" and state that it's a two way
    conversation - sounds like an auditory hallucination to me.

    I dunno, maybe I'm being unfair but christians seem to be suffering a
    psychosis remarkably similar to schizophrenia, maybe it should be
    classified as being in the same genus but not the same species(2)
    (stretching a simile there but I think it communicates what I mean).


    (1) jlittler at strategic revolutions dott com - change the obvious
    punctation modifiers and close the gap between strat and rev
    (2) no I don't mean it literally but I'm not aware of a taxonomic
    grouping for illnesses although there probably is.
    jlittler, Feb 27, 2007
  12. Tony

    IK Guest

    Right... are there any vegetarians in the house?
    IK, Feb 27, 2007
  13. Tony

    Moike Guest

    I like Vegetarian food!

    (Cows are vegetarians, right?)
    Moike, Feb 27, 2007
  14. Tony

    da jam daddy Guest

    i'm 46. haven't got a car. i wanna go somewhere it's bus/train
    or my 805cc sweetpea.

    wet. dry. windy. stinkin' bloody hot. wintry. don't matter..
    still gotta get to work up james ruse drive, or wherever.

    my bike has the only wheels in my life.

    Tony, accidents happen, as do unfortunate circumstances.

    if you think about it, -it- will probably happen.

    you know and i know every time i step out my door to
    go anywhere could be my last time. not my bad, but i
    have no control on the dckwad fishtailing his rx7 up
    a wet and greasy pitt st. i swerve but ... and so the
    stories go. treat each ride like it's your last ride tony.
    you'll find you become stubborn because you are having
    too good a time ridin', to give it up.

    have belief in your ability, be prepared mentally for the
    worst, take nothing for granted, anticipate what the idjits
    in the cages will do (more.. what would u do in the suv),
    and remember, it goes, where your eyes go. pay attention.

    kinda liberating, and invigorating. (but yes, there have
    been times when a car would have been.. nice).

    ego. motorcycles. shirley you jest?

    da jam daddy, Feb 27, 2007
  15. Tony

    Dale Porter Guest

    I don't know much about schizophrenia myself, but I have a very good friend who is schizophrenic and has alot of issues with voices
    putting him down and harrasing him whenever he tries to make a go of something (he has tried numerous times to hold a job or go into
    tertiary studies). Another friend lives with him and acts as his carer.

    He refers to the voices jokingly as his imaginary friends. We make jokes about it quite often together. He doesn't find such
    references as offensive in the slightest.
    Dale Porter, Feb 27, 2007
  16. I reckon he's not far off the mark. I'm tending to hear about a lot of
    offs, and more than a fair share are fatalities.
    Nah. I kid myself that those who've come to grief just weren't riding to
    the conditions and their capabilities. I wont' get killed, 'cause I know
    better. (hey! it works for me) Oh - except for the times when I DON'T
    know better, of course.


    PeterC [aka MildThing]

    '01 Yamaha FJR1300
    # 37181
    Peter Cremasco, Feb 27, 2007
  17. But Zebee - everyone knows you're different. :)

    PeterC [aka MildThing]

    '01 Yamaha FJR1300
    # 37181
    Peter Cremasco, Feb 27, 2007
  18. Just think of the extra fuel you'd be wasting.
    What brand of air horn are you using? The electric ones on the FJR are
    piddling, compared to the stock ones on the K100. Was going to try and
    squeeze in a Fiamm (however it's spelt), but they look rather bulky.

    PeterC [aka MildThing]

    '01 Yamaha FJR1300
    # 37181
    Peter Cremasco, Feb 27, 2007
  19. Tony

    IK Guest

    Right... so, you swear by the vest even though, in your own experience,
    it doesn't work?
    Does that mean you've been taken out multiple times?

    That would only make your faith in the vest more irrational.
    But it looks like I can sleep in as late as I like and still manage to
    get a rise out of you...
    Ahuh. So, when you do get stopped, what's the reason behind it, usually?
    What's this "break" the cops "cut" you?

    I honestly couldn't give two shits

    This happened in Concord...
    The basically-decent, but inattentive types, right?

    If they're not looking when they pull out or start changing lanes, they
    either need to do a double-take, or their attention needs to be
    attracted by, say, your horns...

    Now, if you're close enough to them for them to constitute a threat when
    they start their manoeuvre, how can you really be any more visible in
    their mirrors (which'd already be full of your headlight, mind you) with
    your vest on, and how can you really be any more audible with a bank of
    air horns than a stock air horn?

    What's more, what are you doing hanging around in a position of
    vulnerability for long enough for them to be able to get near you?

    For example, in your last incident, you found yourself trapped in the
    kerbside lane between the kerb and a 4WD towing a boat turning left from
    the middle lane. What were you doing there long enough for him to be
    able to slow down and start the turn?

    My approach is to try not to spend any more than a few seconds alongside
    any single other vehicle in traffic. If they're quick enough to get me
    then, then they deserve the kill.
    Your faith in human nature is yours, then.
    IK, Feb 27, 2007
  20. IK needs to enroll in some serious anger management classes, because 90%
    of his latest crop of posts (of which thankfully there aren't many) have
    indicated a serious case of SOTL.

    PeterC [aka MildThing]

    '01 Yamaha FJR1300
    # 37181
    Peter Cremasco, Feb 27, 2007
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