
Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Tony, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. Tony

    Tony Guest

    Tony, Feb 26, 2007
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  2. Tony

    IK Guest

    Could you please **** off back to your church organ or whatever it is
    you normally annoy people with, you sermonising ****-knuckle troll?
    IK, Feb 26, 2007
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  3. Tony

    James C Guest

    Last week I watched a jay-walking iPodder nearly get hit by a taxi
    driving down the wrong side of Elizabeth Street in Sydney CBD. Still
    not sure who I felt less sorry for.
    James C, Feb 26, 2007
  4. Tony

    Tony Guest

    Yep just what I was talking about can't be told or shown anything because
    they always know better . The one just killed knew he could pass a car on a
    corner easily....Maybe just maybe one day your kids will get it obviously
    you won't Einstein.
    Tony, Feb 26, 2007
  5. [an error occurred while processing this directive] [1]


    [1] Well, that's wot Firefox reports.
    Andrew McKenna, Feb 26, 2007
  6. Tony

    IK Guest

    **** it, I'll play.

    By your own admission, you're scared of bikes.

    I've now been riding for getting on for nine years, I'm closing in on
    180,000km ridden on over a dozen different bikes I've owned for a period
    of time, and in this crowd, that makes me a fledgling.

    How, exactly, do you reason that any opinion you might have to offer on
    anything bike-related in here would be seen as anything other than
    stupefyingly obvious, and how is it that you don't see that a person
    who, by their own admission, knows nothing about a topic on which
    they're trying to speak with authority, is going to come across as a
    self-important cockspank?

    Once you've answered that, the instruction stands... cram your ignorant
    sanctimony back up your arse and **** off back to church.
    IK, Feb 26, 2007
  7. Tony

    Tony Guest

    I am sorry for touching a raw truth nerve. I just hear nearly every week a
    bike goes down and kills a young or older person just when I am thinking of
    jumping on one. I try to figure out why this happens and it seems as though
    it is preventable to a big extent by the rider him/herself so it gives me
    hope that I can prevent that for myself at least.
    Tony, Feb 26, 2007
  8. Tony

    Bill_h Guest

    Nicely put, I'll second the motion.

    Bill_h, Feb 26, 2007
  9. Tony

    Biggus..... Guest

    Can you be a bit clearer on what your telling him pls.
    Biggus....., Feb 26, 2007
  10. Tony

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I would too but I'm not on-line for the next week 'cause I'm travelling.
    Knobdoodle, Feb 26, 2007
  11. Tony

    the big dog Guest

    It's pretty generic, but weighted toward lane changers. The biggest
    difference though is the total lack of contrition and in some cases,
    clear premeditation. Without the vest, I get fewer of all the types
    you mentioned and when it does happen the driver is typically
    apologetic in some way. With the vest I get people who:

    -Are offended that I took offense at nearly being killed
    -Ignore me so studiously (despite beeping horn) that they plainly knew
    I was there all along
    -Look straight at me then pull out in front of me expecting me to
    avoid them.

    I'm willing to accept scientifically collected statistics which
    indicate that I am incorrect, but until I come across statistics from
    a reliable source, I'm going to conclude on the basis of my
    observations that the vest makes me less safe. A quickie poll of two
    other couriers this morning reached the same verdict.

    I like Zebees suggestions, but buying a new bike isn't terribly
    practical and I'm a little skeptical about peoples ability to identify
    Police high visibility vests without other cues (which might amount to
    impersonating a police officer, something I'm not too keen on
    the big dog, Feb 26, 2007
  12. Tony

    the big dog Guest

    [Rolls eyes.]
    Everyone posting here has more than enough experience to know that
    accidents are preventable. The truth is, inexperienced as you are,
    you are considerably more likely to wind up dead from a perfectly
    avoidable accident than anyone that you are presuming to preach to.
    the big dog, Feb 26, 2007
  13. Tony

    Smiley Guest

    You seem to imply that church goers can't ride bikes. I've just clocked
    190,090 just on my current bike and go to church. You probably complain
    about the general public calling riders shit and scum. why do the same
    about church goers. yes some bike riders are fuckwits and some church
    goers are fuckwits. should we tar all with the same brush?

    Smiley, Feb 26, 2007
  14. Tony

    James Harvey Guest

    Welcome to harsh week.
    James Harvey, Feb 26, 2007
  15. Tony

    Boxer Guest

    Please stop thinking about jumping on a young or older person!

    Boxer, Feb 26, 2007
  16. Tony

    Boxer Guest

    Buy a sidecar, you never hear of anyone getting killed on one of those.

    Boxer, Feb 26, 2007
  17. Tony

    Boxer Guest

    Of course, no sense in dirtying 2 brushes is there.

    Boxer, Feb 26, 2007
  18. In on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 12:01:36 GMT
    Perception vs reality. Every week means 50 a year. Is that true?

    IF you are sure it is, then don't do it. You won't like it, you'll be
    terrified the whole time. Stay in a car (many more than 1 a week
    killed or crippled).

    On the other hand, if you want to do it then do it. It can't be made
    safe, it can be made safe enough. What "enough" means is up to you.

    If you want a guarantee you won't ever be hurt, it isn't available.
    Stop driving a car and stay off buses.

    If you want one that it's definitely dangerous and you will be hurt,
    well you won't get that either.

    Do it because it looks like fun. Don't do it because you think you are
    some kind of wimp or not man enough or if you don't do it before you
    are 40 you have lost.

    Do it because it looks like fun. No other reason need apply. Not even
    "scooters are cheap" because if you aren't in it for the fun or the
    money what are you in it for and the money saved ain't enough to make
    up for the mental distress if it's not fun[1].

    If it doesn't look like fun then do something that does and forget
    about bikes. If it does, then forget about the statistics, because
    in the end nothing worth doing is utterly risk free. Not even breathing.


    [1] Which is why I prefer to cycle uphill in the wet to taking the
    train to work! The 'bent is more fun.
    Zebee Johnstone, Feb 26, 2007
  19. In on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 20:36:34 GMT
    That's because of a sinister conspiracy of outfit pilots to look so
    harmless and elderly. THe journos never realise they've been
    hypnotised till it's too late.

    Zebee Johnstone, Feb 26, 2007
  20. Tony

    jlittler Guest

    Thought about it before hitting the above response - don't have time -
    uni starts next week so I'm already up to my eyeballs in readings (and
    I'm doing a full time load of subjects on top of a full time job).
    Also have just started a new project 4 weeks ago so along with a baby,
    spare time is zero.

    (have a carbon belly pan and CF hugger for the Raptor still sitting
    there unfitted maybe this weekend)
    jlittler, Feb 26, 2007
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