
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Kevin Johnston, Nov 6, 2006.

  1. Kevin Johnston

    Elder Guest

    Well, they have to dump it somewhere seeing as the local object to
    underground caverns, and the greens object to ocean dumping. Might as
    well be Iran. Doh! That has let the cat out of the bag.
    Elder, Nov 8, 2006
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  2. Kevin Johnston

    straggle Guest

    Trying to change the subject doesn't alter your lying hypocricy.
    straggle, Nov 8, 2006
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  3. Kevin Johnston

    Alex Buell Guest

    No, they don't. Only a few number of installations around the world have
    the capability to refine spent fuel into weapon-grade fuel (i.e.
    Aldermaston). And that's very very tightly controlled, believe me.
    There is no way a civilian nuclear power plant can generate
    weapon-grade fuel as a byproduct. The only byproducts are spent fuel
    rods and low level nuclear waste.
    Alex Buell, Nov 9, 2006
  4. Kevin Johnston

    kj Guest

    correcting Ken only leads to more abuse
    kj, Nov 9, 2006
  5. Kevin Johnston

    Alex Buell Guest

    If he does, others will jump in to cut him off at the knees.
    Alex Buell, Nov 9, 2006
  6. Kevin Johnston

    straggle Guest

    Just so. And anyway - how long is it since Sellafield (the power
    station) was known as Windscale?? Must be 25 years at least!
    straggle, Nov 9, 2006
  7. Kevin Johnston

    straggle Guest

    Like being savaged by a dead sheep though!
    straggle, Nov 9, 2006
  8. Kevin Johnston

    Elder Guest

    Christ, that long?
    Jesus now i know I'm getting old.
    Elder, Nov 10, 2006
  9. Kevin Johnston

    Mike_B Guest

    Not just so. One by product is extremely high level nuclear waste.
    Mike_B, Nov 10, 2006
  10. Windscale wasn't a civilian plant though and it's primary purpose wasn't
    to generate electricity. It was a fast breeder reactor designed to
    produce plutonium. Ok it will have still needed refining but not to the
    extent that the fuel from a normal plant would.
    James Grabowski, Nov 10, 2006
  11. Kevin Johnston

    Hog Guest

    Oh I really have to highlight this to UKRM for a gut laugh, there are
    some incredible fuckwits out there.

    "Most nuclear power plants uses non-enriched uranium fuel"
    The must run incredibly fucking cold then, I doubt you could boil a
    kettle if there is no U235 content in the U238

    "There is no way a civilian nuclear power plant can generate
    weapon-grade fuel as a byproduct"
    So thermal reactors don't bombard U238 with neutrons and produce no
    Plutonium and Tritium by products?

    Aldermaston is the home of U235 and Pu238 refinement/production rather
    than Sellafield. **** the residents have been subject to a Grand

    And the grand finale - Windscale has a Fast Breeder Reactor <snort>

    LOL do they all live in the IoW perhaps?
    Hog, Nov 10, 2006
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