
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Kevin Johnston, Nov 6, 2006.

  1. Kevin Johnston

    straggle Guest

    And so we move to unfounded allegations posted by the all too obviously
    disguised Chris Stevens. Remember that on August 23rd you said that on
    "good authority" you knew me to be a teeneage female. You never learn
    do you, you hopeless liar?
    straggle, Nov 7, 2006
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  2. Kevin Johnston

    Elder Guest

    You mean "The War on terror" wasn't so important, and "the war on
    drugs" and "the war on crime" didn't really work either, so now they are
    raising taxes for "The War on global warming", because this one might go
    on for some time.
    Elder, Nov 7, 2006
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  3. Elder wrote
    Not quite but close enough, so yeah.
    steve auvache, Nov 7, 2006
  4. Tell me why I should pay higher taxes in the UK to support the US
    Humble Scribe, Nov 7, 2006
  5. Kevin Johnston

    Paul Hyett Guest

    But at least Blair doesn't commit mass murder against his political
    Paul Hyett, Nov 7, 2006
  6. Kevin Johnston

    Elder Guest

    I didn't say you should.
    I was just wanting to make sure I had the right handle on, how getting
    an economist to write a report on the environment commisioned by the
    exchequer, worked.

    Seems I was right. "Save the planet, give money now" seems to be the
    message. Only it seems to be going to fight more wars rather than save
    the planet. What sort of emission do you reckon a tank produces?
    Elder, Nov 7, 2006
  7. Kevin Johnston

    Mike_B Guest

    Well, he hasn't introduced the legislation to allow it yet.
    Mike_B, Nov 7, 2006
  8. Kevin Johnston

    Hog Guest

    If he massacred the current crop of Tory MP's he would go up in my
    Hog, Nov 7, 2006
  9. Kevin Johnston

    Alex Buell Guest

    Indeed. They should have invented a nuclear powered tank...
    Alex Buell, Nov 7, 2006
  10. Kevin Johnston

    Elder Guest

    Well, they are dumping a lot of DU everywhere anyway, so what might be
    the problem with some "possible" extra nuclear material?
    Elder, Nov 7, 2006
  11. Kevin Johnston

    Ken Guest

    I dont tell lies, nor do I have any need to sock up and post
    anonymously.....................dont really think too many people are
    interested the identity of yet another gutless

    Ken, Nov 7, 2006
  12. Kevin Johnston

    Ken Guest

    None at all if the fucks dumped the waste nuclear material in the houses of

    Ken, Nov 7, 2006
  13. Kevin Johnston

    paulshancox Guest

    This **** will now be referred to in future NBS No !
    paulshancox, Nov 7, 2006
  14. Kevin Johnston

    straggle Guest

    Lie, after lie, after lie....
    straggle, Nov 7, 2006
  15. Kevin Johnston

    Alex Buell Guest

    There really isn't. Tanks are very expensive (costs millions), and
    they've invented a minature nuclear power plant that generates a few
    tens of kilowatts, that should be more than enough power if electric
    motors are used. They could adapt the technology currently used with
    electric trains.
    Alex Buell, Nov 7, 2006
  16. Kevin Johnston

    Elder Guest

    Do you reckon they want to take a miniature nuke plant that close to

    Didn't they "lose" quite a large consignment of fairly high explosive
    munitions from somewhere where it was supposed to be pretty well guarded
    under maximum security?
    Elder, Nov 8, 2006
  17. Kevin Johnston

    Alex Buell Guest

    Most nuclear power plants uses non-enriched uranium fuel. Not as
    #dangerous as weapon-grade nuclear fuel.
    Alex Buell, Nov 8, 2006
  18. Kevin Johnston

    Ken Guest

    And powerplants such as Windscale, actually produce weapons grade material
    as a by product of generating electicity....................useful that!

    Ken, Nov 8, 2006
  19. Kevin Johnston

    Ken Guest

    You are not a gutless sock then?...............I think you will have a fair
    number of people fooled!

    Ken, Nov 8, 2006
  20. Kevin Johnston

    Ken Guest

    So says the person that offered a grovelling public apology to the nasty
    little slimeball, who had been making his life a misery for nearly a year!

    Ken, Nov 8, 2006
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