Sad but true

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Elmer McKeegan, Sep 10, 2003.

  1. Elmer McKeegan, Sep 10, 2003
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  2. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Now is the time for all of us to mount these bikes and show up at the
    capitol.. Elmer..

    Yep .. these are the friends of many supporters who back them.. Hard to
    realize that this party is sending all these jobs off shore, isn't it..
    Getting close to home for many.. Oh well.. 2004 is around the corner..
    Bill Walker, Sep 10, 2003
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  3. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Telemarketing has been outsourced for quite some time.. The republican party
    has started using off shore telemarketing earlier this year.. AT&T has been
    using it for about 4 months now, far as I can learn..I just talked to
    someone at TXU and she wouldn't reveal, but, I am sure she was Indian.. Our
    jobs are being sold out from under us each week..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 10, 2003
  4. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    If you recall, the federal government gave tax breaks to companies who
    brought foreign workers over and gave them jobs. Most of them were
    from India.

    The t-shirt company that is one of my accounts, the owner goes to
    clothing shows across the county and has people coming up to him all
    the time and telling him he needs to offshore his production. The best
    selling feature for this company is that the clothes (not just
    t-shirts...although that's what they do most of) they make are made
    right here in Irving. The second feature is they build custom clothes
    to fit everything from small to 50x...but generally never get over
    10x...although there's one order recently for 20x...they didn't come
    through the door, but did place the order.

    What strikes me about the article is a notation to what Marc Racicot
    "Democrats and their allies will have more money to spend attacking
    the president during the nomination battle than we will have to defend
    him," Racicot wrote.

    If he's done such a wonderful job, why do they need to defend him at
    all? Offshoring the call centers isn't a good way to build our economy
    of having many people who can work phones out of work. Hmm.
    Interesting how this might play out. I wonder if India will be willing
    to give breaks to the many Americans who might go to India and
    work...I mean, since we did that when our work was going good here?
    (do you sense a slight "**** them" attitude?)
    Brian Walker, Sep 10, 2003
  5. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    No sooner did I send the other post, but I heard on the news just now
    that there's a bill in the Senate (U.S.) which allows employers to
    re-classify their employees and not pay overtime to those employees.

    As anyone might know, employees who are considered under Federal
    guidelines and work more than 40 hours a week are required to be paid
    an overtime rate. Many of the first one's who would be impacted
    include medical personnel and emergency personnel.

    I don't have a link right now, but I'm working on it. If anyone else
    knows of a link to more information on this, it would be appreciated.

    Bush has said he will veto anything less than one which allows
    employers to re-classify their employees.


    I wonder how many of these hourly employees will support Bush after
    Brian Walker, Sep 10, 2003
  6. Elmer McKeegan

    Charles Soto Guest

    I specifically do not buy products made in China. I check all labels.
    There's the occasional thing that must be bought (like there are no
    American made table saws, for example), but given the opportunity to buy
    products of American or European origin, I do so. Yes, I bought a
    package of $6 "onesies" for my baby instead of the $4 pack, simply
    because they were made in the USA.

    Charles Soto, Sep 11, 2003
  7. Elmer McKeegan

    IceMan Guest

    The telemarking thing has been outsourced for a long long time
    I called GM a while back with a question and spoked to some guy who was indian
    and he said that he was "unable to tranfer the call into the states from his
    location" but he did assure me that my question would be routed through the
    proper channels
    Ford basicly the same thing. I almost always talk to whoever I am trying to
    get to help me on the phone. it always seems to make them more willing to help
    and one of the things I have found to open the conversation is a comment about
    the weather or about allergies.
    talk about how hot it is here and ask them what the weather is like there next
    thing you know you are getting the answers that you need. and you find out a
    little about the person you are talking to.


    IceMan, Sep 11, 2003
  8. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    I was in Target the other day and a guy down the way from me made a
    comment about a label saying "Made in Kenya". I told him to get used
    to it.

    He looked at me like he had no idea what I was talking about.
    Brian Walker, Sep 11, 2003
  9. This bill will only effect non-union employees and employees who fit is a
    certain category. This was the same bill narrowly passed by the house
    213-210 because some 13 members were not there to vote against it. One of
    those that wasn't there for the vote was presidential hopeful Gephart. Here
    is a link to the news about it.
    Elmer McKeegan, Sep 11, 2003
  10. Elmer McKeegan

    Charles Soto Guest

    Don't you mean "Democratic Hopeless, Dick Gephardt?" I mean, with Dean
    in the race (thank God), he stands a snowball's chance. At this point,
    the only trouble I would have is picking between Howard Dean and Wesley
    Clark (if he threw his hat in). But between Dean and the rest, there's
    no question...

    Charles Soto, Sep 11, 2003
  11. Elmer McKeegan

    IceMan Guest

    At travis co. we are on a 28 day cycle also but they have not paid OT in about
    5 month that I can think of. Now it is always Flex Time. I have been there
    about 10 years now and I almost always take the time anyways (when I started
    I always took the money). But for the officers just coming on to the county
    who dont make the same pay I make they almost always have to have a
    suplemental income coming in or they can not meet thier financial obligations.
    When I started we could work as much OT as we wanted but when I started I was
    only making $18000.00 a year and now I make quite a bit more then that. so I
    learned early on to becarefull how to spend money. Now the new people come in
    starting at $30000.00 a year.

    IceMan, Sep 12, 2003
  12. Elmer McKeegan

    Brian Walker Guest

    I'm not part of a union. I never have been part of a union. Unless you
    work for SBC on permanent basis or GM or something, most people
    working on the private sector aren't part of a union. I'd hate to
    think that this jerk-off in DC took my protection away from working
    overtime without extra pay. Let's see, Bill Clinton took office and
    signed in a law which guaranteed employees leave for family needs
    without affecting their positions on the job. Now Bush is wanting to
    take away pay for overtime worked from people in the private work
    sector, which will in turn affect their positions for refusing to work
    over 40 hours?

    Something's wrong with this picture.
    Brian Walker, Sep 12, 2003
  13. Elmer McKeegan

    Mike Alvey Guest

    Actually Bill, there is an easier option coming up on October 18 in Ft.
    The D's are throwing a rally downtown and have expressly asked bikers to
    join them there. We are a recognized and respected part of Texas
    politics and particularily the Democratic Party. The subject of the
    rally is re-districting and all attending will march to the court house
    where Martin Frost and some others will stir things up. If you or anyone
    on this list in the DFW area want to help underline the numbers of
    bikers that are damned sure involved and give a shit about our nation,
    October 18 is a good opportunity. All the news programs are planning on
    covering the affair.

    Mike Alvey
    Texas Motorcycle Rights Assoc.
    Senate District 12 Advisor
    Mike Alvey, Sep 15, 2003
  14. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well ... Mike. Barring an act of God.. I will be there.. Are you sure, you
    can attend.. Sounds like it may be another disorderly mess, like we had in
    Dallas, remember..
    I have maintained for years, the motorcyclist's should be a very impressive
    and imposing political force in our state..

    The subject of the
    What list are you referring to ??

    All the news programs are planning on
    Bill Walker, Sep 15, 2003
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