
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ben, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. That sounds like it was an interesting lecture.
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 10, 2005
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  2. Ben

    Ben Blaney Guest

    By the same people who think that a Mitsubishi Galant is in the same
    class as a BMW 5-series?
    Ben Blaney, Apr 10, 2005
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  3. Andy Bonwick wrote
    Spamming ****.
    steve auvache, Apr 10, 2005
  4. Ben

    Martin Guest

    No, it wasn't what I meant at all. You appear to fall into the mindset
    that higher cost = higher quality which it doesnt' it just means that
    the production process is inefficient. the point I was making was that
    the cost of our operations in the UK are higher than elsewhere for many
    different reasons and the customer will not be willing to part with more
    cash for the same product.

    "For a minute there, you bored me to death."
    VTR1000 Firestorm
    martin dot smith nine zero three at ntlworld dot com
    Martin, Apr 11, 2005
  5. Ben

    Martin Guest

    I'm not assuming anything about the engineers who made the machine
    however the majority of the workforce aren't skilled engineers they are
    fitters and handle turners. The global demand for skilled engineers and
    its ability to pull them away from the UK only serves to show how wrong
    the UK has got it when it comes to paying people.

    "For a minute there, you bored me to death."
    VTR1000 Firestorm
    martin dot smith nine zero three at ntlworld dot com
    Martin, Apr 11, 2005
  6. Ben

    Martin Guest

    There aren't any customers, only poor deluded "I must buy british" fools
    who put patriotism over quality. Rover got slagged off because it
    deserved to and for no other reason, everyone I have ever met who has
    owned a rover has complained about it, this is the reason that noone
    wants them.

    "For a minute there, you bored me to death."
    VTR1000 Firestorm
    martin dot smith nine zero three at ntlworld dot com
    Martin, Apr 11, 2005
  7. Ben

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Martin scribbled on the back of a napkin:
    Oi! I'm not complaining about mine!

    That said, even after thirty years you get the impression that the
    build quality is better than the new Rovers'.
    Timo Geusch, Apr 11, 2005
  8. Ben

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Those are all people who have low expectations from cars.
    Ben Blaney, Apr 12, 2005
  9. Ben

    dwb Guest

    I'm fairly sure the last WhatCar/JDPower survey I read didn't exactly have
    Rover leading from the front.

    As a matter of interest, how many actual owners did you speak to - and what
    were they comparing them to in terms of reliability,economy, comfort and
    dwb, Apr 12, 2005
  10. Ben

    Ace Guest

    My ex had two 214s back in the late 80s/early 90s and never had any
    problems with either of them...

    ....except for the first one that I spun into the front of an oncoming
    transit, that is.
    Ace, Apr 12, 2005
  11. Ben

    Supergrass Guest

    Rope wrote:

    Back when American management science ruled ...

    I was at Ford (Brentwood and Dagenham) in 1977/8 working on a
    production line QRS - Quality and Repair Surveillance system[1]. At
    that time Ford were starting to take quality very seriously. Ford
    invested heavily in quality in the firm belief it paid. Not to mention
    new products for that matter - the first Fiesta's came out later that
    year (or maybe the year after?).

    Their belief has been borne out in the intervening twenty-eight years.

    While I was there a very well-researched feature was printed in the
    Times, I think. It propounded the view that the European style of
    management produced more efficient and higher quality manufactured
    goods. It cited how electricians in Ford's German assembly plant
    patrolled the line all through the shift - looking for and fixing
    problems - sometimes pre-empting them. In the UK factory the
    electricians shut themselves in their crib throughout the shift. As a
    result the line had to be stopped and an electrician summoned if, say,
    the ends of a spot welder wore out (like they do). It was re-printed in
    Ford's in-house organ and widely discussed. I dunno if they did much
    more about it, I'd like to think so.

    How it worked then in Leyland/BL/Rover I've no idea, but I did get the
    impression they were much more assertive some decades later when they
    were messing their suppliers about something rotten.

    [1] PDP 11/23 runing Ford's own real-time executive and applications
    (sum of wot I rote) written in BCPL, the great-great-great grandmother
    of C#.
    Supergrass, Apr 12, 2005
  12. Ben

    Lozzo Guest

    Rope says...
    And fall apart with great rapidity. That's why a teenage girl like your
    Vicky can buy a fairly new Rover for peanuts, no fucker wants them.
    Ours went well and was comfortable, but was painfully unreliable and
    the worst car I've ever owned for urban fuel consumption. My ex-burd
    used the Rover and I had Subaru Impreza Sport company cars. My Imprezas
    were far better on fuel, with their 2 litre engine as opposed to the
    1.6 in my Rover.

    Rovers are shite and the one I bought new was a fucking shed within 3
    years despite our efforts to keep it good. I would quite happily see
    Rover die, and I'd lead people in a happy dance over the grave. FERITE.
    Lozzo, Apr 12, 2005
  13. Ben

    Ginge Guest

    Strange how most recent comparisons of Vauxhall and Ford's family
    hatchback sized cars are comparing the build quality with that of VW
    then, isn't it?

    One of my team owns a rover, a well kitted out V6 estate one, can't
    remember the exact model.. Anyway, he'd be rid of it in a shot if
    someone offered a swap for a Mondeo.
    Ginge, Apr 12, 2005
  14. Ben

    Tim Guest


    In the late 90s I was working in materials science at GM-Europe. I do
    hope some of the vehicles I saw were not going into production because
    they were a lemon. Mind you I suspect you have to make a few lemons to
    work out what a good one is.
    Tim, Apr 12, 2005
  15. Ben

    Lozzo Guest

    Ginge says...
    That'd be a 75, supposedly built to BMW standards and it even uses some
    BMW parts to like door trim holding clips. I've pulled 5 series BMWs
    and Rover 75s apart. The BMW is far better built.
    Lozzo, Apr 12, 2005
  16. Ben

    Salad Dodger Guest

    This assumes that this was not their intention from the outset. In
    which case, they've done rather well for their £10.
    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \
    _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/KH500A8/TS250C
    |_\_____/_| ..74309../..18302.../..3184./.19406
    (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 YTC#4 PM#5
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 two#11 WG*
    \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4
    \|^|/ ANORAK#17 IbB#4
    '^' RBR Landmarks: 12 Pts: 220 Miles: 914
    Salad Dodger, Apr 13, 2005
  17. One of my colleagues owns a number (3 iirc) SD1 variants and a 75. he
    thinks rover are wonderful, but then he does support Leeds.
    Boots Blakeley, Apr 13, 2005
  18. More or less what I was thinking.

    Nice to see someone geting something decent out of a Rover,
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 13, 2005
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