route planner

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by MinuteMan, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. MinuteMan

    MinuteMan Guest

    Does anyone know of a software or site where you can plan a route based on
    the roads
    you want to use? For example if I try use SF as a starting point and LA as
    the destionation
    Google Maps and Microsoft Street&Maps will force me to use US-101.
    I'd like to be able to specify US-1.
    MinuteMan, Dec 19, 2005
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  2. MinuteMan

    jim s Guest

    Cool, I would like to Avoid Utah on my way to Sundance though...

    Jim Stinnett
    YZF R1
    jim s, Dec 19, 2005
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  3. in MS Streets & Trips:

    add your start, stop, and in between points, tell S&T to route the trip.
    When it is done, click once on the route, it should highlight it, keep the
    mouse button down, and drag towards the road you want.

    For instance, SF start, LA end, routes you on Hwy 101, you want to go Hwy 1.
    Click and hold on the route, near say, Salinas, and drag over to Hwy 1, and
    let go. It should re-route you that direction. I've never used the 'avoid
    this' trick.

    David Russell, Dec 19, 2005
  4. MinuteMan

    Gary D. Guest

    Did you mean SR-1? US-1 runs from Key West to Maine.
    Gary D., Dec 20, 2005
  5. MinuteMan

    Rich Guest

    The way around that is to set intermediate points (Microsoft's mapping
    software lets you do that). If you ask for SF-LA via Monterey and San
    Simeon, it's unlikely to route you back to the 101.

    FWIW, I just asked Google Maps for SF-LA, and they sent me on the 5 (I-5
    to you Norcal folk).

    Rich, Urban Biker
    Rich, Dec 20, 2005
  6. MinuteMan

    Mike Bradley Guest

    Another way to control routes on MS Streets & Trips:

    Create a route.
    Click Route > More Options, then click the Segments tab.
    On the tab, select a route segment and click Preferred Roads.
    Click Preferred Road Types and set your likes and dislikes.

    The best you can hope for is a route that selects secondary highways. MS doesn't
    provide a back roads option. And you can only set your preferences on individual
    routes; there's no overall setting for preferred road types.

    = Mike Bradley
    Mike Bradley, Jan 4, 2006
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