
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Paul Corfield, Sep 30, 2005.

  1. what a wonderful place ... some highlights from this week's visit

    - more monuments and history that can be believed - the Coliseum and the
    Sistine chapel (wow)
    - ice cream
    - two wheelers everywhere
    - the double white line in the middle of the road is the official two
    wheeled overtaking lane
    - the food
    - the people
    - the Italian language
    - when you cross the road you just march out and hope the traffic will
    slow down - after a couple of goes it becomes second nature.
    - the world's most stylish police forces and agents, posing around

    the lowlights

    - a rather poor hotel
    - getting caught in torrential rain last night and getting soaked to the
    skin. At least the locals on the bus thought I looked funny - which on
    reflection I did.
    - unbelievably crowded public transport but it does work very well all
    things considered.
    - an excessive amount of security everywhere. It's clear that the
    Italians believe they are next on Al Qaeda's list.

    Now when can I go back?
    Paul Corfield, Sep 30, 2005
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  2. Paul Corfield

    PDannyD Guest

    On Friday 30 September 2005 23:11, Paul Corfield() wrote
    The gap between the scooter on the centre line and your car is the official
    cyclist's overtaking lane.
    Don't remind me!
    PDannyD, Sep 30, 2005
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  3. Paul Corfield

    zymurgy Guest

    Heh. As (almost) pointed out by Ferger, the Carabinieri are controlled
    by the Military, not the Municipality.

    ITYF they can press their own trousers ...

    BTW, They also have the best cars and bikes (and the most flamboyant
    uniforms, natch) ;-)

    zymurgy, Oct 1, 2005
  4. This form of state promoted competition I could not quite understand.
    Still it was the Polizia that delayed the plane on the way home for "an
    extra security check".
    Well they were on BMW bikes so Lozzo may disagree. However they do seem
    to revel in driving round in what appear to be the best BMWs, Audis and
    what appeared to be the full national output of Lancias.
    Paul Corfield, Oct 1, 2005
  5. Paul Corfield

    Lady Nina Guest

    Excellent, really glad you went.
    snip highs and lows

    One of the local travel agents are doing 3 days, flights and hotel for
    £108 sort your own transfers out. I'm very tempted to take the kids
    out of school and go. I love Rome.
    Lady Nina, Oct 1, 2005
  6. Paul Corfield

    M J Carley Guest

    The Carabinieri have Guzzis. The reason they have two hard panniers is
    that they need one to keep their soft hat in when they're on the bike.

    As for the cars, the Polizia di Stato recently acquired a Lamborghini,
    for ``first aid (especially plasma and organ transport), so it has a
    M J Carley, Oct 1, 2005
  7. Paul Corfield

    M J Carley Guest

    When a friend visited me there, he was creaming himself at the sight
    of a bin-woman turning up in her little Piaggio rubbish collector,
    perfectly made up, with a nice pair of ear-rings.
    M J Carley, Oct 1, 2005
  8. Paul Corfield

    zymurgy Guest

    Yep, they look after local crime and traffic accidents (obviously not
    busy there then ;), one step up from traffic wardens really and drive
    Fiats so they're bound to have an inferiority complex !
    They have Land Rovers too. Not cheap over there.
    LOL. yes. They used to ride a lot of Guzzi's too.


    zymurgy, Oct 1, 2005
  9. Paul Corfield

    Eiron Guest

    It doesn't take long before Italian girls turn into their mothers.
    Eiron, Oct 1, 2005
  10. Paul Corfield

    zymurgy Guest

    Oo, yes, forgot about that.


    zymurgy, Oct 1, 2005
  11. Paul Corfield

    M J Carley Guest

    That's the Polizia Municipale, local police, not to be confused with
    the Polizia di Stato, state police, who are no joke (a few of them
    have been blown to bits working as bodyguards for judges). The local
    polis tend to be easy going types: in Genoa, while the Carabinieri et
    al. were beating the crap out of people, the local cops were pointing
    the back streets and escape routes.
    M J Carley, Oct 1, 2005
  12. Paul Corfield

    M J Carley Guest

    Sophia Loren's a grandmother.
    M J Carley, Oct 1, 2005
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