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Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Nov 29, 2006.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whoo Hoo... Sure was a flashback on channel 5 this morning.. Dang, can't
    remember when I've enjoyed something this much.. Now, we are talking
    nostagia, here..

    Jerry Lee Lewis did a spot, plugging his new (?) album.. One man left
    Standing, or something like that.. Whew.. that old dude is still making
    steam.. lol.. Give or take a few months, Jerry Lee is about my age and
    whether you are a fan or not, you just gotta hand it to him..

    Noticeably, he's not crawling all over that piano like he used to do, but..
    man, he can make that thing talk..

    I saw him in Austin a few years ago, at the ROT rally.. he did the concert,
    that year.. Had the opportunity to talk to him for a few minutes.. Talking
    blast from the past.. that was it..

    I first met Jerry Lee Lewis too many years ago, in Charleston, SC.. He was
    appearing in one of those chicken wire beer joints of that time.. Most of
    you won't remember those days, but the entertainers like Jerry Lee and
    Willie can recall when they played in one of those joints, there was a
    chicken wire enclosure around the stage, such as it was.. for protection
    from flying objects.. bottles and ashtrays, etc.

    He's old now.. been rode hard and put up wet, too many times.. His voice
    cracks and he don't do the long high notes like he used to do.. but, damn..
    he's still got that appeal ..

    Maybe, it's just me.. I'm partial to those old entertainers.. Many of them
    I've met over the years.. Many of them .. I just saw perform.. in places
    like Panther Hall, in
    Ft.Worth.. Rio Palm Isle in Longview and the Longhorn Ballroom in Dallas..
    Now, we are really talking memories, there..

    It sure did my old heart some good this morning when Jerry Lee commenced to
    play that piano and sing.. I hope everyone has the opportunity to enjoy
    their memories so much when they get my age..


    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 29, 2006
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yeah.. lol.. I think she was fourteen or something like that.. Jerry Lee
    was some kind of character .. He came from those hills in West Virginia or
    someplace like that.. There was a lot of that marrying young'uns and then
    raising them to suit yourself, at the time..

    He was also cousins to Jimmy Swaggert and Mickey Gilley.. who knows who
    else.. <chuckle> All threee of those guys were piano playing wizards.. if
    liked the kind of music they played..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 29, 2006
    1. Advertisements

  3. Bill Walker

    Gary Walker Guest

    Gary Walker, Nov 29, 2006
    1. Advertisements

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