Watching the video of the Ligurische-Grenzkammstrasse trail ride, I got curious about the area. The north-western end is at the Col de Tende: [URL][/URL] or: [URL],+Limone+Piemonte+CN,+Italy&sll=44.156039,7.570009&sspn=0.02808,0.054502&ie=UTF8&hq=col+de+tende,&hnear=Limone+Piemonte+CN,+Italy&ll=44.15413,7.577305&spn=0.053083,0.109005&t=h&z=13[/URL] If you zoom in, you can see the E74 goes through a tunnel, but there is an old road that goes over the mountain. Looks more interesting than the tunnel.