Road tolls of up to 1.34 a mile in the UK

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Mick Whittingham, Jun 5, 2005.


    I wonder how they are going to charge motorbikes?
    Will they have the (hidden from the public until its operational)
    ability to monitor speed and automatically issue tickets. A change in
    the law would easily make the registered keeper liable for the fines.
    The increase in income would pay for the scheme and offer a future of
    further income.

    While you watch Big Brother on TV, Big Brother is watching you!
    Mick Whittingham, Jun 5, 2005
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  2. Mick Whittingham

    YTC#1 Guest

    Look on the bright side, it will mean oodles of new computers, lots of
    project teams (being government it will be run by EDS and split around the
    country). It will then be hoorendously late and overpriced (EDS have some
    weird pricing ideas) and scraped in around 2010 as the technology will not
    ve ready yet.
    YTC#1, Jun 5, 2005
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  3. Mick Whittingham

    Eiron Guest

    What a stupid idea.
    Why not encourage more fuel efficient vehicles and charge people
    according to how far and fast they drive, at the time they drive?
    How could this be done? How about a tax on fuel?
    Eiron, Jun 5, 2005
  4. Mick Whittingham

    Andy Hewitt Guest

    I agree, and have always believed this. Remove all other forms of
    taxing, and bung the lot on fuel. This automatically allows for how
    heavily you use the vehicle, its economy and congestion. Sorted in one
    go, no extra admin required. Indeed admin costs could be reduced, as
    you'd not need to collect RFL, and you wouldn't need to police it
    Andy Hewitt, Jun 5, 2005
  5. Mick Whittingham

    wessie Guest

    Andy Hewitt emerged from their own little world to say

    Added bonus that idiots with GPS pay extra for all those miles they do
    looking at their little arrows rather than reading road signs.
    wessie, Jun 5, 2005
  6. Mick Whittingham

    Muck Guest

    You're jokeing right? Tax on fuel? I thought we payed tax on fuel.

    People don't want to drive more fuel efficient vehicles, they want to
    reproduce ever more offspring and drive ever bigger vehicles. As I've
    said before, the problem is not what people want to drive or ride, it's
    the amount of people around these days.
    Muck, Jun 5, 2005
  7. What a stupid idea.
    Why not encourage more fuel efficient vehicles and charge people
    according to how far and fast they drive, at the time they drive?
    How could this be done? How about a tax on fuel?

    People will always get around moves like this. In Germany the trucks
    moved to the minor roads:

    The government put a stop to vehicles doing this *unless* they were
    making a delivery to a stop on that minor roads. A friend of mine over
    there says they are now "relaying" parcels. Truck one drops off an
    insignificant parcel at a house/shop. It's on his delivery manifest so
    he can use the minor, non toll roads. Truck two Picks it up. It's on his
    collection manifest so he can use the minor, non toll roads and so on.
    Mick Whittingham, Jun 5, 2005

  8. I agree. It is so much simpler and cost efficient with fewer civil
    servants and policing to do, so there must be an alternative agenda. Is
    it to know where we all are or perhaps just a UK wide speeding clamp
    Mick Whittingham, Jun 5, 2005
  9. In, Muck amazed us all with this pearl of wisdom:
    I can't find the article now but I read last year that for a family of
    four with two cars in London they'd save over £600 a year by taking
    taxis everywhere.

    I'm not really in favour of this £1.34 thing either. I don't use my car
    much but I'm sure I do more than the 120 odd miles in peak times it
    would take to break even on the RFL. Assuming fuel duty of 50% (which
    I'm sure is wrong) is a bit shit as well. What's that, 40 miles?

    Whinging Courier, Jun 5, 2005
  10. Mick Whittingham

    Black Mike Guest

    Good point - well made !
    Black Mike, Jun 5, 2005
  11. Mick Whittingham

    wessie Guest

    Muck emerged from their own little world to say

    I'm not taking a view on your thesis but your facts are inaccurate. In the
    UK, the "amount of people around these days" is affected more by the
    reduced mortality rate[1] rather than the reproduction rate[2].

    [1] 12.5 per 1000 of population in 1974, compared to 9.4 in 2004 [3][4]
    [2] pretty static at 660-700k for the last 5 years [3]
    wessie, Jun 5, 2005
  12. Mick Whittingham

    Andy Hewitt Guest

    Andy Hewitt, Jun 5, 2005
  13. Mick Whittingham

    Andy Hewitt Guest

    Could be. We know pretty well for sure that speeding cameras are only
    revenue earners, why should this be any different?

    Having said that, considering the technology that could be involved, it
    could also be a huge cash cow.
    Andy Hewitt, Jun 5, 2005
  14. Mick Whittingham

    Muck Guest

    Ok, so.... People don't want to go smaller, they want to reproduce, they
    don't want to die.
    Muck, Jun 5, 2005
  15. Mick Whittingham

    YTC#1 Guest

    Really ? Thats not like me at all :=)
    YTC#1, Jun 5, 2005
  16. It aint ever going to happen , how the **** will they make people pay for it
    when they cant even get people to buy road tax
    steve robinson, Jun 5, 2005
  17. Mick Whittingham

    raden Guest

    What a stupid idea.
    Why not encourage more fuel efficient vehicles and charge people
    according to how far and fast they drive, at the time they drive?
    How could this be done? How about a tax on fuel?
    Because it doesn't address their stated aim of it being a way to control
    raden, Jun 5, 2005
  18. Mick Whittingham

    Dr Zoidberg Guest

    Because it doesn't address their stated aim of it being a way to
    control congestion.[/QUOTE]

    Yes it does.
    You use more fuel stuck in traffic so it costs you more to drive at rush

    Hermes: "We can't afford that! Especially not Zoidberg!"
    Zoidberg: "They took away my credit cards!"
    Dr Zoidberg, Jun 5, 2005
  19. Mick Whittingham

    raden Guest

    Moot point, but not to the extent they're talking about

    I'm sure that you don't use up > £1 / mile averaged over the course of
    your journey
    raden, Jun 5, 2005
  20. All the charges will do is change peoples travel times so congestion will
    just start later

    You can really imagine the scenario though cant you ,car drivers held up due
    to an accident , breakdown or roadwork's all moved into the higher charge
    band will be screaming blue murder and refusing to pay them enter mr /mrs
    no win no fee
    steve robinson, Jun 6, 2005
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