Road Tax Refund question

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Keith G, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. Keith G

    Keith G Guest

    Having recently swapped bikes, I surrendered a Road Tax disk for refund
    (using the appropriate form from the PO) and have just received a
    'standard letter' which says effectively: 'thank you for telling us, we
    have updated our records' - but no sign of a refund. (Yet??)

    I was kinda expecting a cheque - is this normal procedure nowadays...??
    Keith G, Apr 25, 2007
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  2. Keith G

    Keith G Guest

    Sure, they need it to pay the bloke who's sending the bloody letters
    out, I expect! I don't know why they don't scrap this tax malarky and
    just shove a few coppers on the petrol price - that way no-one (much)
    gets to dodge it!! Far better for vehicles to have to display some sort
    of Insurance/MOT linked 'combo' disk, surely?

    Anyway, thanks for that - it seems the refund will follow then.....
    Keith G, Apr 25, 2007
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  3. Keith G

    Vass Guest

    Vass, Apr 25, 2007
  4. Keith G

    Ace Guest

    Similar in France, whereas in Switzerland they just come round and
    take your plates and 'vehicle licence' away if you're not insured or
    tested as required.

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ GSX-R1000K3 (slightly broken, currently missing)
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2, IBB#10
    Ace, Apr 25, 2007
  5. Keith G

    Steve Parry Guest

    Good ol' swiss ... nazi's with chocolate ;)
    Steve Parry, Apr 25, 2007
  6. Keith G

    Keith G Guest

    Yes, my point also but of course that'd mean a few comfy Civil Servants
    would get pushed out of a job...
    Keith G, Apr 25, 2007
  7. Mais non. Here in Ireland there is no sign of a shortage of Civil
    Servants in spite of the presence of an insurance disc on every
    windscreen. So things are not as black as they seem - jobs for life
    still exist in some parts of the world.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Apr 25, 2007
  8. Keith G

    Keith G Guest

    OK, you learn summat new everyday - if they can do the (*obviously*
    sensible) insurance disk thing in Erin, how come we haven't got it...??
    Keith G, Apr 25, 2007
  9. Keith G

    Ivor Jones Guest

    They already do shove a few coppers on the petrol price..! Every bloody
    week it seems sometimes. Can't see this govt scrapping the cash cow that
    is the tax disc system.

    Ivor Jones, Apr 25, 2007
  10. Keith G

    ogden Guest

    Rip Off Britain!!!!!
    ogden, Apr 25, 2007
  11. Keith G

    HVB Guest

    They haven't got rid of the tax disc in Ireland, it's in addition to
    the insurance one.

    HVB, Apr 25, 2007
  12. Keith G

    Dan White Guest

    Why not? Eliminate all the admin costs, printing, postage, staffing and IT
    overhead involved in running a separate tax disc and you save several
    million a year. Put a few pence on the cost of petrol and there's no way to
    avoid paying it, unlike the hundreds of thousands of people who dodge car
    Dan White, Apr 25, 2007
  13. Keith G

    Hog Guest

    Stoopid boy, it provides work (1) for uncivil servants

    (1) term used loosely
    Hog, Apr 25, 2007
  14. Keith G

    Keith G Guest

    Ah, OK...

    Keith G, Apr 26, 2007
  15. Keith G

    Keith G Guest

    In a nutshell....
    Keith G, Apr 26, 2007
  16. Keith G

    antonye Guest

    But you end up paying "road tax" for things that run
    off petrol but would never touch a road, like your
    lawnmower, hedge trimmer, chainsaw, racing bikes,

    Oh, hang on...
    antonye, Apr 26, 2007
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