road rage dickheads

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by G, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. G

    atec Guest

    I got towed home , on the bike and rode directly to his place of
    employment complete with pictures taken by the wife as it happened , the
    cheque took a week and I then made a full written report to the local
    Sargent .
    atec, Feb 10, 2007
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  2. G

    Nev.. Guest

    On the contrary, all sides of the story were accurately reported. The
    people telling porkypies were almost certainly not the journalists,
    probably not the witnesses, but most likely, the participants.

    '04 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Feb 10, 2007
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  3. G

    Nev.. Guest

    So you'd prefer that the news media made a *subjective judgement* and
    only reported the version which they preferred ?

    '04 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Feb 10, 2007
  4. G

    MrBonk Guest

    RIP DNA :-(
    MrBonk, Feb 10, 2007
  5. G

    Marty H Guest

    what? just like they do now?

    Marty H, Feb 10, 2007
  6. G

    Nev.. Guest

    You're drawing a long bow if you're including TT, ACA, and
    in the definition of news and journalism. :)

    '04 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Feb 10, 2007
  7. G

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Like they did with the Gulf Wars?
    Knobdoodle, Feb 10, 2007
  8. G

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Miracle fat-kids who're having breast-jobs while ripping off the system and
    the average worker! (Did I mention that they are dole-bludging foreigners
    who have found a way to save more at the checkout?)
    Knobdoodle, Feb 10, 2007
  9. G

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Cheney has a heart-attack and lives. Douglas Adams has a heart-attack and
    Well that about wraps it up for God.
    Knobdoodle, Feb 10, 2007
  10. G

    Toosmoky Guest

    How else will they be able to test which moisturiser is best?
    Toosmoky, Feb 10, 2007
  11. G

    Nev.. Guest

    You're confusing 'reporting the news' with 'telling a story'. Refer to disclaimer in other thread.

    '04 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Feb 10, 2007
  12. English, perhaps?

    Completely ignoring for the moment any take on how much blame should be
    apportioned to whom, how can anyone know if something said in "other
    languages" is awful or otherwise?

    Bob Milutinovic
    Cognicom - "Australia's Web Presence Specialists"
    telephone (0417) 45-77-66
    facsimile (02) 4727-1898
    Bob Milutinovic, Feb 15, 2007
  13. G

    sharkey Guest

    Think Fred Gassit!

    sharkey, Feb 15, 2007
  14. G

    Yeebok Guest

    Perhaps, that was what they said.

    Bus driver : "outtadaway mofo!"
    Biker : "Awful things in other languages".

    It's more polite than swearing in company.
    Yeebok, Feb 15, 2007
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